Complete event listing for
Health and Business
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Kalli Meisler
Friday, March 7
Since that famous “Oreo Moment” that turned a Super Bowl blackout into a dubious marketing trend, more brands seem to have failed than succeeded at riding the real time zeitgeist. From Kenneth Cole to AT&T to Urban Outfi…
Bryan Jones, Natanya Anderson, Noha Abdalla, Rick Wion
Jeff will read an excerpt from his book, Lean UX: Applying lean methods to improve user experience. Specifically, Jeff will discuss how product design and user experience has to adapt to fit in an agile and lean world. …
Jeff Gothelf
Author Jeff Gothelf will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of his latest release “Lean UX: Applying Lean Principles to Improve User Experience”.…
Jeff Gothelf
“One of my tricks for generating startup ideas is to imagine the ways in which we'll seem backward to future generations. And I'm pretty sure that to people 50 or 100 years in the future, it will seem barbaric that peopl…
Dr Dennis Schmuland, Dr Gautam Gulati, Morgan Gress, Naimish Patel
Join Dave Asprey, Veronica Belmont & Maneesh Sethi as they discuss automating your life while running your business. Running a startup is an intense, all-consuming undertaking and new entrepreneurs have a hard time keepi…
Dave Asprey, Maneesh Sethi, Stephanie Burns, Veronica Belmont
Marketers are confronting an “omnichannel” world where consumers consult multiple sources and screens, sometimes making buying decisions in minutes. Brands need to be in customer pockets to capture those impulses at all …
Keith Nyhouse, Pamela Naumes, Rachel Pasqua, Scott Carlis
You've heard about rewards based crowdfunding (the Kickstarters, and Indigogos) of the world, but do you know about equities crowd funding? With the anticipated Title III new regulations of the J.O.B.S (Jumpstart Our Bu…
Chris Tyrrell, Jessica Randazza
Every startup raves about innovation, but how does it work within a large company? As technology changes and consumer demand shifts, it’s vital for companies big and small to question and re-evaluate their strategies. Ad…
Greg Tseng, Hetal Pandya, Mike Isaac, Ryan Magnussen
Michael Dell, founder and CEO of Dell, will host a panel of successful entrepreneurs for an insightful discussion about starting and scaling a business, innovating beyond the startup phase, corporate reinvention and lead…
Carley Roney, Jeff Housenbold, Michael Dell, Steve Kaufer
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Ho…
Andrew Sanderson, Eric Shelton, Quintin Henry, William Lowe
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Rena Tom
There has been a proliferation of accelerators across the globe, and now across various "verticals" like energy, finance, hardware, etc. But there is another emergent theme of mission-driven accelerators who marry a publ…
Corey Ford, Jake Shapiro
The mobile social media titans Facebook and Twitter have declared war over the branded video space. In this corner Instagram with 15 second spots that mirror TV, the medium agencies love. In the other corner vine, 6-seco…
Brad Walters, Dave Marsey, Katrina Craigwell, Mark W Smith
Sensors, apps, and social networks are converging with new expectations to create better care and an improved user experience. 3-D printing and robotics are moving into the mainstream and must be convenient and accessibl…
Andy Palmer, Scott Stropkay
In 2010, I took the stage at an entrepreneurship competition. While I stood up there, I didn’t notice that the other four finalists were male until the organizer gave us our awards. Along with a plaque, they gave me a ma…
Catherine Cook
Start-up executives must sell. You are your company's greatest advocate as well as the one best positioned to understand your company's capabilities and value proposition. In this Meet-up, we will gather start-up exec…
Jason Hochman
Like any powerful tool, the human brain needs a bit of a tune-up now and then. Take a break from the bustle of SXSW and give your mind and body a chance to assimilate all the new ideas and energy at the conference. This …
Ari Stiles
Adam Nash, CEO of Wealthfront – the largest online financial advisor – and Dr. Pat Basu, Chief Medical Officer of Doctor on Demand – a virtual medical practice that allow patients to access physicians 24/7 – will discuss…
Adam Nash, Pat Basu
Cloud Economics Inside the Firewall -for many CIOs, data privacy, data residency, and compliance requirements will ensure that certain enterprise applications remain on premise for some time. This doesn't mean the infras…
Adam Carter
Should women in business be funny? It’s proven (2011 psychology study) that men are funnier than women. Women shy away from humor in the work place, and (yet another study) men are not attracted to funny women. Till now,…
Amy Harrison
Coding is a skill that is traditionally held by a select group of individuals within a company. We know them as developers, computer science students, programmers, hackers… and in a few rare cases (perhaps too few), CEOs…
Lew Cirne
When Karen discovered she had a life threatening heart condition, the last thing she expected was to have to worry about software. Now, with a heart device implanted in her body, she has come to understand not only how v…
Karen Sandler
Digital Health is a burgeoning space, with relatively few prolific angel and venture investors, but entrepreneurs are getting creative about finding capital. This presentation will dissect the funding options for variou…
Andrew Farquharson, Breanna DiGiammarino, Halle Tecco, Sarah Kessler
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Rick Timmins
It is not just app ads and direct marketing come ons. Mobile has already generated some wildly creative uses of the small screen and mobile technology’s unique attributes. We ask senior mobile ad execs to show us campaig…
Drew Neisser, Rob Griffin, Webster Lewin
Quickly connect with an entire room of LGBT professionals in various fields and backgrounds from all over the country! Speed-networking is your opportunity to have multiple one-on-one brief introductions, talk about your…
Christopher Wood
Accelerator programs are here to stay. Or are they? As the startup ecosystem evolves and as mainstream industries incorporate technology in everyday systems and products, what is the best way to support early-stage busin…
Paul Smith, Tristan Watson
In the era of Kickstarter, we have become trained to believe being the first and fastest to market is better than patiently developing an idea. It seems the days of five years of toil in a garage are gone. This “early bi…
Austin Carr, Boris Sofman, Matt Rogers
Last year, we spent the equivalent of 1 million years watching cat videos online, uploaded ½ million different versions of Harlem Shake and took more pictures of what we ate for dinner last night than who we ate dinner w…
Abigail Posner
Created in 1935 on a kitchen table, Monopoly has been played more than 1B times, available in 111 countries in 43 languages and sold more than 275M games. The goal was to reinvigorate the fan base, utilize a medium to c…
Victor Lee
The theory of the traditional purchase funnel has been debunked. And consumers now believe each other more than advertising. As such, a new breed of marketer is emerging. One with the competence to leverage new tools and…
Chris Kneeland
Saturday, March 8
Join Dr. Leslie Saxon in a compelling discussion of body computing and the future of wearable and embedded technology. Find out what happens when networked humans dynamically connect to better control and manage their h…
Leslie Saxon
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Th…
Blake Robinson, Israel Mirsky, Margaret Francis, Marshall Kirkpatrick
Staying healthy while traveling can be tough, especially while you're partaking in all of the festival fun. Face it: it's hard to turn down breakfast tacos. Thankfully, Austin is home to amazing running trails and studi…
David Garza, Jeff Mckinney
Evidence-based medicine and patient-centered outcomes research share an assumption: Give patients and providers the information in plain language and you’ll improve their capacity for making good decisions. Not so. Resea…
Aimee Roundtree
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
William Hulsey
Until recently, collaborative consumption primarily revolved around peer-to-peer transactions. In the past year, smart companies have taken notice of the possibilities for their businesses to take part as consumers in th…
Andrew Reid, Mark Gilbreath
A startup is born everyday. With the growing trends in technology, the key is finding innovative ways to fund these companies for longevity. Typical startups go through several rounds of funding. During each round, compa…
Dennis Campbell, Edria Fleming, James Martin, Wayne Sutton
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Melodie Tao
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Jonathan Nielsen, Mike Lowe, Richard Ting, Scott Kveton
When we look at Silicon Valley, it’s clear that new technology receives continuous support from many different directions to push it forward. Speed to market, significant funding sources and the public markets all contri…
Amy Millman, Joan Fallon
Companies that are led by women or have diverse teams are shown to outperform those without women on the team, and yet private investments in these companies is far below what would be expected. Investors maintain that …
Adam Quinton, Joshua Henderson, Lauren Flanagan, Trish Costello
Just as we took our cues from MBAs and the military in casting the ideal CEO of the 20th century, we can look to design - in its broadest form - to model our future leader, the DEO. DEOs look at every business challenge …
Christopher Ireland, Maria Giudice
Nancy Duarte will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences".……
Nancy Duarte
Maria Giudice and Christopher Ireland will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Rise of the DEO: Leadership by Design".……
Christopher Ireland, Maria Giudice
Aimee Roundtree will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Computer Simulation, Rhetoric, and the Scientific Imagination: How Virtual Evidence Shapes Science in the Making".……
Aimee Roundtree
It all starts with the hacker. You’ve got the coding chops, passion, great hair, instinct, and an idea that’ll set the world on fire. Pounding code from day to night, you bring your idea to reality and demonstrate its ga…
Dries Buytaert, Tom Erickson
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Dave Fowler
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related counsel from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Sabrina Parsons
There have been persistent discussions in the entrepreneurship and technology spaces in the past several years about the need to increase funding for women-led startups. However, an increase in the actual numbers and dol…
Christine Osekoski, Jesse Draper, Kate Brodock, Megan Quinn
Barriers between corporates and startups are coming down. Relationships defined by competition and distrust are being transformed through new collaborations; no more guess work for entrepreneurs on how to build products …
Abigail Comber, Duncan Logan, Gina Bianchini, Gregg Alpert
The US and UK governments have put open data at the heart of current health reforms. In both countries, transparency has become a focal point for improvements in clinical quality and the cost effectiveness of services. T…
Beverley Bryant, Gregory Downing
Part 1 - Join DELL, XO Group, IEEE and Women Innovate Mobile (WIM) as we celebrate the innovation and contribution of women in business and technology. We’re combining two individual women’s meetups into a single, integ…
Carley Roney, Jennifer "JJ" Davis
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Elizabeth Robillard, Peter Roybal, Scott Goldberg, Scott Michaels
Like any powerful tool, the human brain needs a bit of a tune-up now and then. Take a break from the bustle of SXSW and give your mind and body a chance to assimilate all the new ideas and energy at the conference. This …
Bea Love
Why do some products and ideas catch on while others fail? What drives word of mouth? How does the audience people communicate with (e.g., small versus large), and the channel they communicate through (e.g. online versu…
Jonah Berger
High hopes are building for Bitcoins, and those are only buoyed by the endless speculations by the entrepreneurs, investors, regulators and others about its potential. From 2009 to 2013 the market cap of Bitcoin went fro…
Constance Choi, Jeremy Liew, Tony Gallippi
Jonah Berger will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Contagious: Why Things Catch On".……
Jonah Berger
There are so many talented roboticists in the world, but so few of them are conveying their breakthrough robotic technologies where they can really make a difference; out of the research labs and into our homes! What is …
Dmitry Grishin
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Asif Khan, Ben West, Chris Marley, Jason Burby
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Marta Voda
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
We tend to think of creativity in terms reminiscent of the ancient muses: divinely-inspired, unpredictable, and bestowed upon a lucky few. But when our jobs challenge us to be creative on demand, we must develop novel, u…
David Burkus
Several top Internet and technology seed investors come together for the first time on one stage to tell their stories and answer your questions about best and worst practices in raising venture capital for start-up comp…
Aileen Lee, David Tisch, Kevin Colleran, Matt Mazzeo
Can drinking wine help you live longer? Imagine an entire community voluntarily adopting healthy behaviors to improve the quality of life for everyone. Isobar and Healthways found a way to create a digital experience th…
Colt Whittall, Greg Stielstra
Behavior change is hard. Doctors, trainers and clinicians have struggled for years to get people to take their medication, track what they eat, and increase their physical activity. And it's failed. While behavior chang…
Andrew Rosenthal, Elliot Cohen, Ryan Panchadsaram, Yifan Zhang
David Burkus will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "The Myths of Creativity: The Truth About How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas".……
David Burkus
Neal Cabage and Sonya Zhang will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "The Smarter Startup: A Better Approach to Online Business for Entrepreneurs".……
Neal Cabage
B Corporations (or B Corps for short) are a new type of company that have a triple bottom line of people, planet and prosperity. Gather with staff from other B Corporations or get some information on how your company can…
Sarah Best-Wilson
With the pace of globalization today, international expansion is not something that can be put off until later in a startup’s life. Join John Lunn, Global Director of the PayPal Developer Network to learn how to take you…
John Lunn
Have you or anyone you know been feeling over-medicated lately? Under pressure from the pharmaceutical industry and related entities that capitalize on human fears and emotions, more than 45% of U.S. adults are taking mu…
Elizabeth Gibson, Linda Hunt
Did you want to be a scientist when you grew up? Think you'll never get a chance to be a part of exciting discoveries in science? Citizen science allows all of us -- even those who are not "official" scientists -- to b…
Jessica Richman
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Joy Banner
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Rohit Bhargava
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Scott Porad
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Alyssa Meritt, Chris Marley, George Mudie, Michael Griffith
Steve Case has worn several hats over the years: as an entrepreneur he co-founded America Online and brought the Internet to the masses; as a venture capitalist, he invests in people and ideas that are changing the world…
Emily Chang, Steve Case
Get together with other folks in the search marketing industry for an hour of brainstorming, idea-building, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Paid Search, SEO, Content Marketing, Search + Social, even Bin…
William Leake
With the explosion of wearable devices, the quantified self is not just for data junkies anymore. Connected fitness starts with tracking activity and collecting data. It raises our awareness and helps us get off the couc…
Arthur Markman, Christopher Glode, Martha Wofford, Tim Roberts
David Allan, Managing Editor at the, would interview David Allen, the author of the international bestseller Getting Things Done and the guru of personal productivity. Allan would also experiment implementing All…
David Allen, David G Allan
"In order to succeed into today's competitive digital landscape, companies must leverage mobile enterprise technologies while engaging in social media cross-channel in agile content marketing blah blah blah." Sorry, mark…
Kristina Halvorson
Reviews proliferate across the web - from purchase-based hubs, to collected aggregations of millions of products, to marketers' own websites. Consumers are talking about brands, about products, about what they love, and …
Aydin Acar, Elizabeth Scherle
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Caroline Bruderer
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Arlie Sisson, Brent Hieggelke, Kevin Hurst, Ted Schadler
Internet pioneer, billionaire, angel investor, NBA team owner assesses the current state of technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship in a no BS session with Silicon Valley veteran Guy Kawasaki. The fun and in-depth c…
Guy Kawasaki, Mark Cuban
One of the hardest questions for anyone selling a product is 'how much should I charge?' This question becomes even harder when you're selling highly unique items: rare collectables, time, tasks, journeys, space. For dis…
Daniel Hill
Art Markman will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Smart Change: Five Tools to Create New and Sustainable Habits in Yourself and Others"……
Arthur Markman
Kristina Halvorson will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Content Strategy for the Web, 2nd Edition".……
Kristina Halvorson
Sunday, March 9
We are at the beginning of a historic era for innovation in health care delivery in the US due to the convergence of proliferation of mobile technology and changing health care delivery models toward value rather than vo…
Andrey Ostrovsky, James Merlino, Jennifer Joe, Krishna Yeshwant
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Deborah Estrin, Doreen Lorenzo
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Bea Love
For the first time in 50 years, the health care industry is facing a major disruption and is moving toward an at-risk/ACO model where opportunities are driven by transition. With the growing aging population and increase…
Jack Young, Jenna Rose, Malay Gandhi, Ted Maidenberg
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: …
Stephen Fraga
From health trackers, like the Basis band and Nike Fuelband, to communications devices including Google Glass and the widely-anticipated iWatch, the wearables market is poised to top $12 billion by 2018. This growth prom…
Bonnie Cha, Jef Holove, Rodrigo Martinez, Yijing Brentano
The potential for Crowdfunding lies outside the USA. Emerging markets that have been cut off from the capital markets stand at a point in time to access billions of dollars of capital that will fundamentally challenge t…
Jason Best, Sherwood Neiss
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Ma…
Connie Zheng
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Brian Lemond
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Natalie Currie
Our cell phones are literally an extension of us. We rely on them to keep us connected to friends, colleagues and the online community we've never even met. They tell us where to shop, where to eat, where to drive, when …
Asif Khan, Damien Patton
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
James Anstey, Karen Untereker, Kip Havel, Paull Young
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Ev…
Mike Pacchione, Nancy Duarte, Paul Brown, Ryan Orcutt
Like any powerful tool, the human brain needs a bit of a tune-up now and then. Take a break from the bustle of SXSW and give your mind and body a chance to assimilate all the new ideas and energy at the conference. This …
Melodie Tao
SXSW V2V is back in Las Vegas this July for its second year, uniting startups, innovators and creatives for four days of inspirational speakers, great networking, a pitch competition, workshops, mentoring, and more. We h…
Christine Auten, Gabriel Shepherd
From tablets to 3D printers to smartphones, Star Trek has given life to some of today’s hottest technologies. 40 years after the show’s launch, technology has finally advanced to where we are able to live in the future, …
Rod Roddenberry, Sam De Brouwer
If you want to understand the human mind and behavior, look at another animal. People, for example, aren't the only animals to lose their minds. Plenty of other creatures do too--from compulsive dolphins to depressed dog…
Laurel Braitman
Adolescents with congenital heart disease are known to have reduced exercise activity. Despite this, regular exercise has multiple health benefits for this population. Exercise can be prescribed in the same way as medici…
Ally Stuart, Craig Williams, Graham Stuart
On August 20th, 2012 a product called “Instacube” was nothing more than a rendering. By the evening of August 21st, Instacube had raised over $100,000 in it's first day on Kickstarter and earned over 3,000 media hits. S…
Savannah Peterson, Tom Miale
Elite athletes must focus on more than physical training to win. Startup CEOs also have an inner game to master on the way to success. Yet many hidden challenges to being a startup CEO aren't talked about enough. Among o…
Dale Larson, Marcy Swenson
While the first wave of e-commerce was focused on getting access to products, and the second wave e-commerce was centered around recommendations, a third wave has begun to emerge. Taking the best elements of brick and mo…
Ethan Song, Hicham Ratnani
With the advancement of wearable and soon, implantable technologies, patients’ health will be monitored by computers 24/7. What will this mean for the doctors of 2025 and how will patients interact with their personal he…
Delian Asparouhov
Approached correctly, science is a systematic and objective inquiry into the nature and working of things. But sometimes, science merely produces trends-- which are disproved by a more comprehensive inquiry. We'll disc…
Riley Drake
Imagine every cancer patient's genome being sequenced to design proteins that bind to the mutations of that patient in order to destroy their tumor. This idea is not impossible. And soon these paradigms will become the…
Riley Ennis
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Althea Erickson, Anthony Marino, Natalie Foster, Noah Karesh
Laurel Braitman will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign galley copies of "Animal Madness: How Anxious Dogs, Compulsive Parrots, and Elephants in Recovery Help Us Understand Ourselves".……
Laurel Braitman
For decades, government has been the primary funder of robotics and AI initiatives – from NASA projects to DARPA challenges and autonomous driving research. But recently, large companies such as John Deere and Amazon hav…
Dror Oren, Hanns Tappeiner, Liz Gannes, Tony Stentz
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: A …
Jessica Lawrence, Rasanath Das, Vipin Goyal
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: “G…
Stephanie Staidle
The hard thing isn’t dreaming big. The hard thing is sweating through the night when the dream turns into a nightmare. Minimizing politics. Firing friends. Sustaining a CEO mentality. Surviving the Struggle. While m…
Ben Horowitz, Nas
How did a team of two scientists make more progress on an exciting category of drug candidates in 11 months than the top 20 pharmaceutical companies have in 23 years? It all started with Tumor Paint. Join Jim Olson, inve…
Jim Olson
The emergence of cheap genome sequencing and commercialized testing (23andMe) has pushed many important legal and ethical questions to the forefront. Should parents be allowed to check for serious genomic defects in thei…
Samuel Volchenboum
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Jason Shah
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Stacy Spikes
Libraries as the epicenter of innovation, technology and economic recovery? You bet your assets they are! By finding creative ways to bring together techies, entrepreneurs, makers, and sometimes even angel investors, tod…
Janie Hermann, Venu Moola
Your health story has gone from a scatter of hand-written notes with a sketchy plot to a digital digest with volumes yet to come. And for the first time, you’re one of the authors. Your story is comprised of electronic h…
Jeffrey Benabio, Madhu Nutakki
The Paris startup ecosystem has been silently churning out $1 Billion companies since the 1970s; however, its anti-Anglophone history, anti-business government, and the language barrier has influenced international opini…
Cedric Giorgi, Frederic Montagnon, Liam Boogar, Pierre-Simon Ntiruhungwa
Artificial hearts, bionic eyes and audio implants are all very real and medically relevant. What about the questionable fringe? Welcome to biohacking. Fascinating examples of the merger of man and machine keep popping u…
Jason Levy
When our daughter was born she lost too much of her birth weight too quickly. So we started keeping a log of everything she consumed and, inevitably, expelled. It started with a simple spreadsheet to track the exact amou…
Amy Webb
Current figures from the American Diabetes Association show that 8% of the U.S. population, or 25.8 million people, have diabetes. This is a large percentage of the populace that needs to manage a chronic health issue. …
Brian Sherwell
Amy Webb will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Data, A Love Story: How I Gamed Online Dating to Meet My Match".……
Amy Webb
Ben Horowitz will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "The Hard Thing About Hard Things: Building a Business When There Are No Easy Answers".……
Ben Horowitz
I've just returned from a 5 month nationwide bus tour for my book on internet entrepreneurship, Without Their Permission, and I've met founders as well as college students (77 universities!), all fired up about creating …
Alexis Ohanian
It’s an uncomfortable and often avoided subject, but at some point in our lives we will all have to deal with one thing: death. The emotionally complex experience of End of Life (EoL) planning can be confusing and legal …
Navit Keren
Every healthcare organization must evolve its commercial strategy within a transformed health system that rewards prevention and punishes waste, and patient engagement is critical to this shift. Additionally, with more p…
Charles Saunders, Fred Trotter, James Mault, Michele Polz
Healthcare technology is rarely designed with the patient in mind and designing a better experience is a daunting task. To make an impact, designers need to arm themselves with a mission, passion, and a patient mindset. …
Abbe Don
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Ligaya Tichy
What if the world's best software entrepreneurs used all their resources to take on big projects beyond the Web like schools, hospitals and factories? Software engineers are already making real-world goods and services, …
Glenn Kelman
Transition is an inevitable part of every startup and successful business – at some (or several) points in time it becomes necessary to evolve in order to be competitive and maintain relevance. But, identifying the right…
Ilya Fushman , Nathan Olivarez-Giles
Mobile apps and health devices on the market today claim to help you adopt healthy lifestyle behaviors fast — but just because the technology is available, that doesn’t guarantee you a success story. Fixing bad health h…
John de Souza
Healthcare is extremely fragmented. There are over 30 medical disciplines, and dozens of job classes. Each person knows their domain area of expertise, but these days, it's rare that any one person can diagnose and treat…
Kyle Samani
Humans’ increased focus on personal fitness has been met with consumer electronics and apparel companies producing wearable devices that track every step, sit-up, sleep pattern and more. The era of tracking your personal…
Rafael Mena
Alexis Ohanian will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Without Their Permission: How the 21st Century Will Be Made, Not Managed".……
Alexis Ohanian
Monday, March 10
In the future, virtual health care won’t be a luxury for the wealthy, but a necessity as the demand for quality and timely care rises and health organizations go under more pressure to deliver better patient outcomes and…
Daphne Kis, Dr Timothy Bickmore PHD, Mitch Lawrence, Stacey Higginbotham
Aaron Levie launched the online file sharing company BOX from his college dormroom in 2005. Nine years later, the company is valued at $2 billion and counts over 25 million users. Nearly every Fortune 500 company is a cu…
Aaron Levie, Jessi Hempel
Internal tools aren't known for their beautiful consumer UI, or extreme ease of use, but they are what keeps any company humming. But this is changing. Airbnb and Etsy are among a handful of companies leading the way in…
Daniel Schauenberg, Harrison Shoff
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Ec…
David Sherwin, Diego Depetris, Patrick Kalaher, Steve Selzer
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: 61…
Allison Yost, Andrea Ippolito, Zen Chu
The internet needs a justice system, just like the face-to-face world. But the courts are too tied to geography and physical enforcement to provide fair redress online. The most effective approach to building this new …
Beth Trent, Colin Rule, Jin Ho Verdonschot, Joseph Markowitz
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Aristides Ioannides
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Mary Juetten
Scanadu Founder Walter de Brouwer is an academic and scientist who sees the future of healthcare in smartphones. With advances in sensors, imaging and mobile technology allowing us to examine, and see, the human body lik…
Walter De Brouwer
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Chris Gebhardt, Lori McMahon, Tom Scott
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Neal Pollack
In the tradition of Naked Economics and The Undercover Economist, Stanford economist Paul Oyer offers a provocative, informative, and entertaining view of modern microeconomics-- using the lens of online dating. Oyer arg…
Paul Oyer
Paul Oyer will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Everything I Ever Needed to Know about Economics I Learned from Online Dating".……
Paul Oyer
Sometimes we all hit a wall in our careers, in our startups, or even just in life. It happens to everyone. Increasingly, people who have felt burned out with life have turned to alternative ways to connecting, centering,…
Allie Phillips, Julie Germany
Lost amidst today's swell of content marketing, mobile app development, and social media mayhem is a simple fact: there's more competition for consumer attention than ever before. As a result, "build it and they will co…
Jeffrey Rohrs
With its unflinching, uncensored approach to the kind of health problems that people just don’t talk about, Channel 4’s Embarrassing Bodies is the most provocative medical series on British TV. Beyond broadcast, the sho…
Nick Lockey
This is a meetup for Health IT developers, investors, beginners and mere enthusiasts is hosted by Health IT rockstar Fred Trotter (heard of DocGraph?) Are you interested in meeting with other Health IT experts? Join this…
Fred Trotter
The Constitution calls for a patent system to “promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries.” …
Julie Hopkins, Lee Dunn, Reihan Salam, Russ Merbeth
Sound is the second most memorable sense, after smell. Is your company/brand/video taking advantage of this, or focusing solely on the visuals? Using sound in your media, whether it's a 2-second logo, a jingle or a film …
Cheryl Engelhardt
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Cassie Lancellotti-Young
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Kevin Planovsky
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Mariano Suarez Battan
In 2013, the ban on general solicitation of accredited investors was lifted, causing the largest change to securities laws in decades. While everyone from startups to hedge funds will enjoy new liberties in investor mark…
Douglas Ellenoff, Joy Schoffler, Judd Hollas, Judy Robinett
Like any powerful tool, the human brain needs a bit of a tune-up now and then. Take a break from the bustle of SXSW and give your mind and body a chance to assimilate all the new ideas and energy at the conference. This …
Jenni Bevill
Social media has changed the game for salespeople, who can no longer survive without adopting new technologies. Today’s buyer is more informed and more connected than ever before, and this change has forced salespeople t…
Jason Suen, Patrizio Spagnoletto
New technologies are transforming the orchestral industry, empowering entrepreneurial musicians and giving strong advantages to minimally staffed upstarts. Learn how it is increasingly possible for a single person, with …
Richard McKay
Jeffrey K. Rohrs will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "AUDIENCE: Marketing in the Age of Subscribers, Fans and Followers".……
Jeffrey Rohrs
Over the past few years, Venture Capitalists have become micro-celebrities, with public profiles that often exponentially eclipse the entrepreneurs they back. Many struggling entrepreneurs religiously read certain VCs bl…
Geoff Lewis
American Express is a 163 year-old organization known for trust, security and delivering world-class customer service. Three years ago, Amex created a new division to operate like a startup inside the company to broaden…
Dan Schulman
“The problem is not that most towns kill startups. It's that death is the default for startups, and most towns don't save them. Instead of thinking of most places as being sprayed with startupicide, it's more accurate to…
Donna Harris, Josh Baer, Maria Adamian, Steve Collens
Years of discussion and debate have come to a close and a historic expansion of the Internet is underway. The domains we've become accustomed to since the Internet’s birth – extensions like .com, .net and .org – are no l…
Jeremiah Johnston
Returning from a decade of war, emerging military leaders had been required to innovate their way through countless cross-cultural interactions while deployed overseas. Stateside life has proved otherwise, as bureaucrat…
Ben Kohlmann, Lindsay Rodman, Nate Fick, Victor Glover
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Shari Foldes
Presented by Philips - Antonio Hidalgo, Chief Innovation, Marketing and Strategy Officer, Philips Consumer Lifestyle With innovations like the Philips Hue, Smart Air Purifier and Connected Kitchen devices, Philips is t…
Antonio Hidalgo, Ben Jones, Paul Rand
The average consumer’s online identity is segmented across the web on platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and WordPress. co-founder and CEO Tony Conrad and his team recognized the need for…
Evelyn Rusli, Tony Conrad
As it stands today, we have a massive chronic health crisis affecting our country from the inside out. There is plenty of support for the coming revolution of the health care system but how do we get people to act upon t…
Michael Olaya, Taylor Pechacek
In the SXSW 2013 opening keynote, Bre Pettis said, "When you combine friendship plus tools, you can make anything." He did that in his NYC loft. By the time this year’s event begins, Lowe Campbell Ewald will have moved 5…
Iain Lanivich
As humans live longer and the global population ages and expands to 10 billion people, the world will face an unprecedented healthcare crisis. In this session, you’ll discover how robot and augmented reality assisted the…
Allison Okamura, Catherine Mohr, Katherine Kuchenbecker
Fact: There are over 20 million small businesses in the United States. Collectively, these small businesses represent a multi-billion dollar market opportunity. However, in the last five years alone, over 100 companies h…
Benjamin Rubenstein
To celebrate its 30th anniversary, Inc Magazine created a list of 30 strategy books that all managers should own. This short list, drawn from 70 years of management thinking, included the global bestseller Green to Gold,…
Andrew Winston
It’s a fine line that marketers can cross in the new era of big data analytics. You can go from “cool” to “creepy” in a blink of an eye if you don’t truly know who you are targeting. And, if they don’t know they are bein…
Graeme Noseworthy
There’s a ton of data out there, but what does data really mean? People don’t consume data. We consume knowledge. But how do we get from data to knowledge? How do we navigate a galaxy-wide playing field of information an…
Stan Humphries
Andrew Winston will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "The Big Pivot: Radically Practical Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer, and More Open World".……
Andrew Winston
ATTENTION: Priority Seating is available for this session. To take advantage of this opportunity, you will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To get your priority seating, please go here:…
Anushka Ratnayake, Meighan Stone, Meryl Stone, Rose Beaumont
BBC's Peter Bowes will tell the story of his 2-year quest for a healthier, longer life. While walking at a modified treadmill podium, to make a not-so-subtle point about how sitting is killing us, Peter will relay his ex…
Peter Bowes
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Ev…
Natalie Rodic Marsan, Nick Cicero, Tim McDonald
A fireside chat with Internet / IP Communication (The FCC's Pulver Order) and startup investor, Jeff Pulver, on his very public journey on losing 100+ pounds, transforming his body, and rebooting his life. Without surg…
Alan Weinkrantz, Jeff Pulver
On Independence Day 2011, the first-ever #BCSM tweetchat for those affected by breast cancer took place. Less than two years later, the group had attracted thousands of participants, spawned a website and a YouTube chann…
Alicia Staley, Deanna Attai, Jody Schoger, Xeni Jardin
As a global society we are currently facing crises across every imaginable sector including economic, climate and humanitarian issues. What is the one common thread in all these crises? The solution lies in the power o…
Chase Jarvis
Historically the global economy is assembled with corporations as primitive units. Their foundational building blocks are monolithic structures that contain a full stack of internally facing services to produce their end…
Khris Loux, Werner Vogels
This is the SXSW meet-up for tireless Houston area entrepreneurs, investors, start-up community leaders, and badass party starters. If you’re looking to swap night before stories, chat about new ideas, or complain about…
Brian Lang
Every minute, millions are voluntarily sharing their hopes, wants, needs, dislikes and disappointments too. But who is listening? Chevrolet is. And we want to take this customer relationship to the next level. In m…
Andrew Dinsdale, Rebeca Harris, Richard Choi
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
John Arrow
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Th…
Alisa Hughley, Damon Davis, Ivor Horn, Kimberly Bryant
Everyone has a great idea but do you have a story? Sign up your start up for a Speed Branding Session with the BETC Start Up Lab. Entrepreneurs gets access to the expertise of the Lab during 20 minute crash courses in …
At the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, Cody Wilson talked about the possibilities of 3D gun printing. A year later, this controversial Texan gives more of his insights on the collision between technology, government and …
Cody Wilson
Every business must manage a fundamental conflict between individuals who control the means of production and individuals who operate those means to a profit. Roger Martin outlined this struggle in the classic HBR articl…
Peter Kim
The Internet of Things is not coming, it's already here. On January 13th, Google acquired Nest for a whopping $3.2b -- making it clear that Intel's estimate of 31bn connected devices by 2020 may be too conservative. Bef…
Ayah Bdeir
Quantified Self has become all the buzz at the intersection of technology and the health and fitness worlds, but are consumers really benefiting from the huge amount of data they are now tracking? Sarah Robb O’Hagan, Pre…
James B Maas, John "Ivo" Stivoric, Sarah Robb O'Hagan, Sasha Digiulian
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Paolo Privitera
Move over Silicon Valley - let's let the real pirates and gangsters play. In this panel, we'll hear stories about innovation from economic outlaws. What can we learn as entrepreneurs from pirates? From street hustlers an…
Alexa Clay, Catherine Hoke, Jean-Philippe Vergne, Jose Vasquez
Peter Kim will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Social Business By Design: Transformative Social Media Strategies for the Connected Company".……
Peter Kim
Tuesday, March 11
Perhaps you already have a Meet Up, searching for ways to grow the member base; perhaps you are planning on founding a Meet Up group. Let's get together and discuss what makes a Meet Up successful and drives members. We…
Johan Borge, Stefan Brunner
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Christie Dames
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Michele Stewart
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Nelson "Rudy" Garza
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Tom Lasorda
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Jennilyn Carson
"The Promise of a Pencil" is the memoir of Adam Braun, Founder & CEO of Pencils of Promise ("PoP"). Adam traded a lucrative career in finance to found Pencils of Promise, the groundbreaking organization founded in 2008 t…
Adam Braun
Adam Braun will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "The Promise of a Pencil: How an Ordinary Person Can Create Extraordinary Change".…
Adam Braun
Bitcoin has skyrocketed in price (up more than 6000 percent), popularity and controversy in the past year. Join us for the first-ever Bitcoin meetup at SXSW, where BitAngels ( co-founder Michael Terpin …
Michael Terpin
On Super Bowl Sunday, the insurance company Esurance purchased the first commercial after the game. In this ad, actor John Krasinski announced that Esurance saved $1.5 million by purchasing this first spot and was going …
Jesse Dillow, John Ploumitsakos, Josh Raper, Nancy Abraham
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Ra…
Jeff Hammerbacher, Joel Dudley, Konrad Karczewski
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Gregory Green
Join Twitter co-founder, Jelly co-founder and author of 'Things A Little Bird Told Me,' Biz Stone, with Steven Johnson, celebrated author and now host of PBS' How We Got To Now', in conversation about our connected socie…
Biz Stone, Steven Johnson
Ideas are cheap. Execution is everything. Christina has spent her career attacking impossible tasks: at Yahoo, taking on the giant Google at search; at Linkedin, bringing people to participate daily at a site about resum…
Christina Wodtke
Pam Grossman, Director of Visual Trends at Getty Images, joined forces with Sheryl Sandberg's nonprofit,, to launch a library of powerful female imagery in February this year. The Lean In Collection immediatel…
Pam Grossman
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Bryan Menell
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Rosa L McCormick
Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL t…
Tina Cannon
Christina Wodtke will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign galley copies of "Executioner's Tale".…
Christina Wodtke
Steven Johnson will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Future Perfect: The Case For Progress In A Networked Age".…
Steven Johnson
Co-Authors, Joel T. Dudley and Konrad J. Karczewsk will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Exploring Personal Genomics".…
Joel Dudley, Konrad Karczewski
ATTENTION: You must signup in advance to attend this workshop. You will need to have a valid SXSW badge, and an activated SXsocial account. To reserve your seat, please go here: Wh…
Erik Wolf
Founder of TOMS, Blake Mycoskie, believes that “doing it different” is as important to success as “doing good.” This belief has caught on across the business sector and continues to make a huge impact on the world. At SX…
Blake Mycoskie
Blake Mycoskie will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of "Start Something That Matters."…
Blake Mycoskie
Wednesday, March 12
As an artist, healthcare may be one of the last things on your mind, or something that seems nearly impossible to understand or afford. During this hour session, speak with ambassadors from the Health Alliance for Aust…
Alex Maiolo, Christopher Alberts, Harold Owens, Heather Alden