BBC Presents: What If We Could Stay Young Forever?
BBC's Peter Bowes will tell the story of his 2-year quest for a healthier, longer life. While walking at a modified treadmill podium, to make a not-so-subtle point about how sitting is killing us, Peter will relay his experiences as the subject of a clinical trial, testing an extreme diet intervention.
Intrigued by the growing business of life extension and bombarded with adverts promising a longer, healthier life, Peter set out to sort facts from fiction in the world of human longevity. He met the 74 year old Las Vegas doctor, appropriately named Dr Life, who injects himself with testosterone to maintain the physique of a man half his age. He discovered the extreme dieters, who practice caloric restriction as a way to slow down the body clock. He tried intense exercise and even enrolled in a university clinical trial as human guinea pig. The study is testing a theory that may help people grow old without ever suffering from the debilitating diseases that plague the elderly.

Peter Bowes
Peter is a correspondent for the BBC based in Los Angeles. A reporter for the past 30 years he covers news and current affairs for TV, radio and the BBC's website. He has interviewed prime ministers and Hollywood celebrities but Peter's primary interest is in health journalism. As a self-experimenter into healthy aging recent projects have focussed on the science behind human longevity. He is an athlete, regularly competing in endurance events such as triathlons.