Events matching tag "health it"
Sunday, March 9
Your health story has gone from a scatter of hand-written notes with a sketchy plot to a digital digest with volumes yet to come. And for the first time, you’re one of the authors. Your story is comprised of electronic h…
Jeffrey Benabio, Madhu Nutakki
Monday, March 10
This is a meetup for Health IT developers, investors, beginners and mere enthusiasts is hosted by Health IT rockstar Fred Trotter (heard of DocGraph?) Are you interested in meeting with other Health IT experts? Join this…
Fred Trotter
BBC's Peter Bowes will tell the story of his 2-year quest for a healthier, longer life. While walking at a modified treadmill podium, to make a not-so-subtle point about how sitting is killing us, Peter will relay his ex…
Peter Bowes