Complete event listing for
Sheraton Austin
701 East 11th St
Friday, March 9

This panel offers an insider’s guide into the process behind creating customized digital magazine content and configuring it for delivery across multiple mobile devices. Moderated by Next Issue Media CTO, Keith Barrac...
Chris Wilkes, Joe Simon, Keith Barraclough, Liz Schimel, Perry Solomon

Lifestyle media is big business. And in a down economy, DIY culture (sewing, canning, etc.) has seen a trendy resurgence. But the lifestyle industry is rapidly changing. How can you break in? Once in, how do you stay...
Andrew Wagner, Camille Styles, Grace Bonney, Tolly Moseley

At SXSW 2011, there were tweets where people were just coming to the realization that not everyone out there has a smart phone or tablet. This panel is designed to demonstrate how those who live and work in communities w...
Allison Aldridge-Saur, Dean Davis, Dee Davis, Eric Martin

How are public television stations positioning themselves for the future? Are they producers, curators of existing content or simply another model all together? The legacy model of public TV is changing -- quickly. Now,...
Angee Simmons, David Neff, Kevin Dando, Kliff Kuehl, Shane Guiter

A story can be told in a million different ways and constantly improving technology makes it even more fun for anyone to tell their story in their own unique way. Brands and individuals equally need to embrace that they...
Becky Johns, CC Chapman, Charlie Wollborg, Karl Gude

Entertainment is a natural need. Anticipation is a human hunger. What’s better than feeling completely catered to, without losing the excitement of surprise? We know what we like and what our interests are, but can’t...
Garrett Camp, Liz Gannes

Commerce and content have never been so intertwined. Fashion editors are jumping ship from magazines to join leading e-commerce platforms, while editorial destinations are introducing local deals and e-shops left and rig...
Alisa Gould-Simon, Allison Kellman, Claire Mazur, Erica Cerulo, Lauren Sherman

You built a product. It's amazing, brilliant, even earth-shattering. You know it, your team knows it, your mom knows it. So why doesn't anyone else seem to get it? The answer may be that you haven't told them the right s...
Jill Meyers

At a moment of mass media disruption, public radio is kicking ass. Its broadcast audience is growing while others shrink; it rules the podcast charts on iTunes and pushes out awesome mobile apps for shows like This Ameri...
Jake Shapiro

Saturday, March 10
Public Media, or at least the public media funding model, has been cited as the future of the journalism industry. As Public Media continues to face funding challenges, there is an ongoing face-off between digital native...
Adam Schweigert, Dee Kapila, Jonathan Coffman, Vivian Schiller

Brands today have more consumers at their fingertips than any TV show or magazine could ever offer thanks to an abundance of multi-connected digital platforms. But entertaining those consumers on multiple platforms is ...
Allen DeBevoise

In the 19th century, the “penny press” revolutionized journalism by covering news that appealed to the broadest possible public. Today, as media organizations struggle to monetize online coverage and chase tech trend...
Fiona Morgan, Jessamyn West, Norberto Santana Jr, Ryan Thornburg, Tom Stites

On 2010, the U.S. Copyright Group quietly targeted tens of thousands BitTorrent users for legal action in federal court in Washington DC. The defendants, who started off as unnamed "John Does", were accused of ...
Charles Mudd, Mitch Stoltz, Parker Higgins

How Much Do You Open Your Kimono? Does "Thought Leadership" Imperil Your Ability to Monetize What You Know? Does giving away info snacks enable you to sell knowledge meals, or does your blogging and content pr...
Jay Baer, Joe Pulizzi
While donations play a key role in community support and engagement, the writing is on the wall regarding how much government, private and foundation funding will continue to be available to public media. As media that e...
Janet Coats, Nicole Hollway

At, we've spent 2 years gathering examples of ideas that have achieved stand-out by hijacking the news or have created real-time content. For SXSWi we've searched the globe to find real-time topical geni...
Bronx Zoo Cobra, Esty Gorman, Grant Hunter, Michael Logan, Remco Marinus
It's been 30 years since Edward Tufte convinced designers that the visual display of quantitative information mattered. We illustrate evidence to promote understanding, but our choices to express science have changed. Th...
Laura Hermann

Customers are part of your culture. By inviting them to participate in your campaigns and community, you can speed progress, gain candid market insight, and have some fun. This conversation will share tips about wranglin...
Dave Olson
Lights, Camera, Log-on. The evolution of social media has provided personalities the opportunity to manage & build their brand online. Celebrities create & share original content with followers & often intera...
Kevin Winston, Meghan McCain, Miles Beckett, Nathan Coyle

The rapid proliferation of choices at the readers' fingertips for accessing content has made the editor's job more complicated than ever. Behavioral analytics will uncover when readers want what content, where they are w...
Chris Reynolds, Jacob Young

It's official: "content strategy" has become a trendy buzzword phrase that everyone is using to describe everything remotely related to content. SEO content strategy! Social media content strategy! Content mark...
Erin Kissane, Joe Gollner, Karen McGrane, Kristina Halvorson, Mark McCormick

At the heart of our conversation: the relationship between publishers of original content and the web’s most influential curators. Seems simple, right? Content creators get eyeballs and curators get work to share. But ...
David Carr, Maria Popova, Max Linsky, Mia Quagliarello, Noah Brier

Data are the building blocks of information, fueling our algorithmic digital world. But with so much data being produced, how can we process it? Visualization techniques allow users to understand vast amounts of data tha...
Johan Bollen, Joshua Greenberg, Lee Dirks, Marguerite Avery

10 years ago nearly everyone at SXSW Interactive was known by their own personal site or blog.What happened?Over time we shifted our creative energies to the emergent "social web", sharecropped our content like...
Tantek Çelik
Within hours of learning that Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan, Twitter users realized that a man had unknowingly live-tweeted the raid. Sohaib Athar (@reallyvirtual) showed what happens when ordinary people, ...
Sohaib Athar, Steve Myers

When it comes to space-constrained interface content (from the web down to the smallest smartphone app), every word has to communicate something important and create value. The problem? Typical content strategy techniqu...
Amy Thibodeau, Andy Chung, Dan Zambonini, Tiffani Jones Brown
It’s no secret that the blogosphere sees mommy blogs as synonymous with spit up and sippy cups. As a result, most assume that the cash that does trickle in for mom bloggers surely must match their decidedly low profile...
Catherine Connors, Erin Chase
How much does ideology matter for online journalists and news sites? People talk about a fractured web of ideological bubbles where liberals go to Daily Kos and conservatives to The Daily Caller. But do more traditional ...
Andrew Gruen, Mary O'Hara, Prajwal Ciryam, Shira Toeplitz

While TechCrunch, GigaOM, ReadWriteWeb and other major tech blogs inform tech enthusiasts of the more exciting and press-savvy startups, tech blogs such as Silicon Florist, Silicon Prairie News, TECHdotMN and Technically...
Danielle Morrill, Danny Schreiber, Mike Bollinger, Rick Turoczy, Sean Blanda

Sunday, March 11
By the end of 2011 it is projected that E-books will account for a quarter of frontlist book sales. Bricks and mortar stores are fighting for a fraction of the retail business. Publishers are being more selective about...
Brian Altounian, Jefferson Rabb, Molly Barton, Rachel Deahl, Swanna MacNair

We are in the midst of a digital revolution, and yet journalistic storytelling remains trapped in the Stone Age. We have all sorts of digital tools at our disposal -- video, social media, interactive graphics, etc. -- an...
Aron Pilhofer, Bill Adair, Jim Brady, Stephen Buckley

In the age of shortened attention spans and journalism that exists in 140 characters or less, how does long-form journalism not only compete but prevail in the digital space? Slate editor David Plotz, creator of Slate’...
David Plotz, Evan Ratliff

Shelf space isn't what it used to be. A search on "leadership books" on Amazon returns more than 60,000 results. The same search on Google returns more than 130 million results. With retail bookstores increasin...
Barbara Cave Henricks, Calvin Reid, Hollis Heimbouch, Rusty Shelton

Public media—especially radio—has emerged as a seedbed for inventive producers driving a new culture of experimentation across traditional and digital platforms. Its unique legacy blends technical ingenuity, a vision...
Ellen Horne, Kara Oehler, Sue Schardt
Much like live action directors, the interactive director has evolved into a role in which the technologist is directing the experience and creative. From interactive music videos and social entertainment to leveraging H...
Dustin Callif, Grant Skinner
Why do certain videos capture your attention, while others fall flat? Whether you realize it or not, visual effects touch over 80% of the minutes you see on television or in a movie theater today. These effects are often...
Katherine Hays
The publishing industry has always embraced new technology as a primary driver of success. Syndication was once the solution for an industry challenged by economics, technology, and globalism, allowing content to reach t...
Christel van der Boom, Jesse Levine, John Pettitt, Todd Martin

Society spends increasingly more time online, watching & reading about strangers. Is peep culture creating more narcissists or simply helping us connect through the sharing of our intimacies? Do users share content t...
Casie Stewart, Jacob Small, Lucia Mancuso, Michael Dolan

There is a clear path to success with online video, but it's counter to conventional wisdom and everything you've learned about traditional media. Learn from the best in the business how producers are creating sustainabl...
Barry Blumberg, Burnie Burns, Dina Kaplan, Sean Plott
While traditional journalism struggles to find its footing, comics journalism is inherently stylish, uniquely suited to sharing via social media, and popular as hell. During this panel, we'll share findings gleaned from ...
Erin Polgreen, Matt Bors, Ronald Wimberly, Sarah Jaffe, Susie Cagle
As a New Yorker cartoonist, Matthew Diffee comes up with ten ideas every week to pitch to the magazine. For every one idea that makes it into print, nine are rejected. The creative life is a numbers game. The more ideas ...
Matthew Diffee
We're experiencing the birth of a new era: Legacy news organizations are beginning the process of moving beyond their print and broadcast past, while new, all-web reporting outfits begin to chart a path into a new future...
Andrew Leimdorfer, Dan Sinker, Emily Bell, Mohamed Nanabhay
All around the web we're seeing trending content. From Twitter's trending topics to Mashable's Trending list, from CNN's NewsPulse to the NYT's most emailed articles, trending topics are swarming the web. This trending...
Jody Turner, Ryan Geyer
Geeks see code as art and content as stuff. Journalists see code as stuff and content as the art. Geeks may say "provide me content" while journalists are like "build this site." With that kind of at...
Andrei Scheinkman, Benjamin Balter, Benjamin Balter, Jennifer Lee, Jennifer Lee, Raju Narisetti, Raju Narisetti

For content developers struggling to generate engagement, personalization is a type of salvation. Centenarian news organizations are looking to revive their relevance in an era of unlimited free content. For them, mass-p...
Mark Peters, Mat Harris
As former Representative Anthony Weiner discovered the hard way, remaining anonymous in this hyper-social world is becoming nearlyimpossible. But what sucks for Anthony Wiener has been great for conversations on the Web ...
Heather Champ, Jessica Zollman, Michael Sippey, Rick Webb, Ted Rheingold
More and more journalists are either facing layoffs or zero-job market around the world. Some of them take their passion online and start their own publications. Research project "Sustainable Business Models for Jou...
Pekka Pekkala

Monday, March 12
Brand journalism is often defined by what it isn’t. It’s not just blogging, it’s not PR, but it isn’t traditional reporting either. This session will focus not only on defining brand journalism, but also will go ...
Ann Handley, Erica Swallow, Jesse Noyes, Karen Wickre

Over the last decade, so called "Hyperlocal" websites, apps and services have been "the next big thing." Now quick: Name one super-successful company in that space. Now name ten in the graveyard.This ...
Cory Bergman, Lisa Williams, Mark Briggs, Mike Orren, Shawn Williams

Digitization is transforming the media and entertainment industry full stop. But is the industry evolving quickly enough to meet consumer demands—demands that differ greatly from one generation to the next? In this dis...
Phil Asmundson, Robert Underwood

Eyebeam Art & Technology Center provides a context for creative collaboration and the cross-pollination of ideas & practice. In our lab at any given time, there are up to 20 resident artists onsite at our 15,000 ...
Jon Cohrs, Kaho Abe, Nova Jiang

An NFL star live tweets his own traffic stop. An accidental DM reveals a shocking trade rumor. Instead of press releases, Tiger Woods breaks news about Tiger Woods by having @TigerWoods share a link to Th...
Bruce Feldman, Dashiell Bennett, Richard Deitsch

Africa is more than AIDS, poverty, civil strife and safaris. With the ever-increasing access to digital tools Africans on the continent and all over the world are using the web to farm a new vision of Africa in the 21st...
Jepchumba Thomas
Grammar is like K-Y Jelly — when used correctly, everyone benefits. But copywriters and art directors find equal pleasure wreaking grammatical havoc, the results of which Strunk and White deemed “the mutilation of la...
Gail Marie

3-2-1 Publish: Fine-tuning Your CMS, Digital Staff & Social Feedback Loops for D-Day: You can’t predict an earthquake, flood, or tornado, or revolution, but you can plan for major news events – like the World Ser...
Eleanor Hong, Joel Abrams, Meredith Artley, Sheigh Crabtree, Tim Ruder

Surveys regularly show 80% of Americans consider themselves religious or spiritual. How do religion and faith play out online, and how are organizations trying to engage diverse faith audiences? In this panel, 3 highly s...
Adrienne Baker, Daniel Pawlus, Mathew Tombers, Patton Dodd, Paul Drohan

Lets skip over the bluster and the bragging of social media storytelling. Instead, lets talk about the kinds of stories that get people’s respect and attention. When you think of the leading voices who are crushing it ...
Kahlil Ashanti, Michael Margolis
If the advent of social media platforms causes brands to become publishers then what do publishers become? Whether the ultimate role reversal or just a momentary identity crisis, brands and publishers know that they don...
EB Boyd, Halle Hutchison, Justin Merickel, Kevin Barenblat, Sarah Smith
Brands want a piece of the social media pie. Content creators want to make money without compromising their voice and audience. The Rolling Stones once said you can’t always get what you want. But they were wrong. Big ...
Alejandra Carvallo, Craig Benzine
Journalism's future hinges on one thing, and it's not content, readers or devices. It's money. Producing stories, no matter what the form, takes money, and now journalists and media entrepreneurs alike must figure out ho...
Ann Friedman, Colin Raney, Justin Ferrell, Justin Ellis

Larger publishers and distributors are often unwilling to take a chance on what they consider "niche." Yet consumers want specialization and more advanced content rather than lowest common denominator material....
Shannon Okey

Jo and Blair on Facts of Life; Cagney & Lacey; Marlene Dietrich and any woman she shared the screen with. Before lesbians were allowed to be part of mainstream pop culture, gay women lived for subtext. As visibility ...
Elisa Kreisinger, Trish Bendix

Self-publishing's moment has arrived. Authors both famous and obscure are releasing their own ebooks,cutting out the middleman, bypassing the gatekeepers of a notoriously hard-to-break-into industry, and sometimes making...
Carolyn Kellogg, Joni Rodgers, Kathleen Meyer, Marty Beckerman, Neal Pollack
The future is in Snackable Content, but is that a good or bad thing, and how can it be linked to existing paradigms of content distribution and goals? The Snackable Content panel will cover aspects of the changes that ha...
Brad Cohen, Cassondra Schindler, Dean McBeth, Marshall Kirkpatrick, Todd Ames

Despite its reputation as a kitten video landfill, the Internet has been responsible for more reading than most high schools. Every day of the week, publishes at least one 2,000 – 3,000 word article, most o...
Chris Monks, Jack O'Brien, Joe Randazzo, Oren Katzeff

Consumers are increasingly looking for dynamic, personalized content and services that will help them engage and exchange with others, and share common experiences while on the go. Such applications are the mobile holy g...
Dan Heaf, Matt Goldberg
Tuesday, March 13
2011 was a big year for news—from the Arab Spring uprisings to the debt-ceiling meltdown, to quakes, floods hurricanes and the Republican presidential smackdown. Fortunately, the year also saw the emergence of a new ap...
Clara Jeffery, Nick Baumann

In the past, an editor, a professional trained to vet content for a publication decided what you consumed. Today, content is vetted by our friends, celebrities, and strangers we've 'liked', followed, or circled. Influe...
Alicia Stewart, Michael Pranikoff, Shelli Whitehurst, Tom Miale, Tony Uphoff
The Internet today consists of a morass of partial and redundant content: the ~17m businesses and POI in the US, for example, are duplicated over 1.2 billion website across over 5 million domains. This tangle of duplica...
Drew Vogel, George Oates, Pete Warden, Tyler Bell

In the beginning, there was Slate's beloved news roundup, “Today’s Papers.” Then, in 2001, The Week magazine landed in the States with great success and pioneered the art of news and opinion curation in print. But ...
Bill Falk, Felix Salmon, Julia Turner, Simon Dumenco

Will ________ save journalism? It’s a typical, and tired, question with everything from paywalls, iPads, programmers or hyperlocal, microlocal, over-aggregation filling in the blank. But the subject of design is often ...
David Wright, Miranda Mulligan
Writing is never going to die. Crafting thoughts into clear and useful communication is always going to be important online. But aspiring writers these days would be smart to enhance their skill set to include online vid...
Chris Albrecht, Emily Calderone, Kyle Ryan, Meredith Arthur

The Internet has made everyone a publisher. Even brands are now doing what used to solely be the domain of media companies: creating compelling content. Great content is being used to gain fans, inform customers and incr...
Amy Vernon, Audrey Gray, Emily Miethner, Lindsey Weber, Shane Snow
For magazine editors today, the delivery of digital content is an undeniable reality, and a terrific opportunity. Digital platforms–the web, tablets, and mobile–allow editors to take their magazines to places they’...
Brandon Holley, Pam McCarthy
On Thursday, June 2, 2011, registered for CloudFlare — a service designed to make any website faster and more secure. One hour after they registered, they published 3.5 million usernames and passwords ...
Matthew Prince

The scientific method revolutionized the world of truth-seeking. Yet journalism - which, like science, seeks truth - is far less rigorous. We’ll walk through why this gap has led to record levels of distrust in journal...
Gideon Lichfield, Matt Thompson

The big dilemma for digital news publishing platforms is how to balance what people “want” to know with what people “need” to know. Most algorithms learn readers’ news consuming habits but have no ability to pr...
Adrian Klein, Cristina Cordova, Gabriel Sama, Mandy Jenkins, Staci Baird

Some ebooks are print edition replicas, some are overstuffed mediafests. Neither fulfill one of screen publishing’s biggest promises: adapting content to meet readers’ needs. The digital page can do much more than it...
Peter Meyers
Online culture, unlike any other medium, was mostly created by people dicking around. Fake Twitter accounts, single-topic blogs, microsites, image macros, even 4chan trolls are building a rich, constantly evolving creati...
Christopher Price, Cole Stryker, Jon Hendren, Katie Notopoulos, Nick Douglas

J-Lab counts more than 1,200 entrepreneurial news start-ups around the country. Placeblogger counts 4,000-plus placeblogs. These sites often get bad raps from traditional media for being the equivalent of unlicensed dri...
Jan Schaffer, Susan Mernit

Reviews are so Web 2.0 – the next generation of crowdsourcing goes well beyond a simple user-generated review. But, how can companies utilize the power of the crowd to build content and, ultimately, their business? Doe...
Brad Gerstner, Jason Karas, Rich Barton
Over the past decade, we’ve seen consumers opt for digital downloads over the almost-extinct CD. In 2010, CD sales suffered a 20 percent decline for the fourth year in a row, with digital downloads garnering a 13 perce...
Rick Schwartz, Tom Perry
Placing the letters "NSFW" on an article is supposed to tell people to keep away unless they're browsing from home, but seasoned web producers know those four letters usually bring in more readers than they'll ...
Keith Plocek