Social Role-Playing: Brands and Publishers
If the advent of social media platforms causes brands to become publishers then what do publishers become? Whether the ultimate role reversal or just a momentary identity crisis, brands and publishers know that they don’t want to be the last to the party, struggling to keep up with the current conversation and void of “Likes.” Brands and publishers alike are now storytellers -- curators -- and seek the expertise of those who understand that social media platforms are an extension of their branding and serve the same purpose -- retaining consumers, attracting new ones and encouraging a deeper relationship. Both groups seek to create and optimize content, and better yet, deliver a seamless consumer experience with consistent, integrated advertising.
While the conversation about ROI and future of social media is just beginning, most brands and publishers are looking to experts that offer a holistic and tailored solution for capitalizing on the social marketing opportunity with Facebook and Twitter. Both groups know that quality publishing and the right dialogue are important and translate into word of mouth support that scales.
Come spend an hour listening to a small and engaging group of international social media and digital marketing experts, a leading publisher and a renowned brand, all who have seen the light of social media and know it shines brightly when executed well.