Death of Digital Downloads: MP3s the New 8-track?
Over the past decade, we’ve seen consumers opt for digital downloads over the almost-extinct CD. In 2010, CD sales suffered a 20 percent decline for the fourth year in a row, with digital downloads garnering a 13 percent increase. With the proliferation of new cloud storage services and music streaming solutions (e.g., iCloud, Amazon, Pandora, etc.), we are now seeing another shift in the way music is consumed. With these new services that offer anytime, anywhere access to music content, will the once-revered digital download be the 8-track of the future?
This “Core Conversation,” led by PacketVideo’s content manager, Tom Perry, will offer a platform for attendees to discuss the future of music consumption. Participants will be prompted to offer opinions and insight into how this shift away from digital downloads will impact the music industry as a whole, and how new music services will foster the consumer need for anytime, anywhere access to music.