Complete event listing for
Sheraton Austin
701 E 11th St
Friday, March 8
Health 2.0's SXSW Code-a-thon is a coding competition designed around building new applications and tools to foster health and wellness. Join fellow developers, designers, health care professionals, and entrepreneurs for…
Jessica Goldband
We all know there are vast amounts of data about our lives - our spending, our browsing, our activity - being collected daily. With the recent explosion in inexpensive sensors and self-tracking apps, we can capture new i…
Jeffrey Holove, Michael V Copeland, Steph Habif, Tim Chang

As our loved ones age, we find ourselves taking on caregiver responsibilities, sometimes way earlier than we expected. Last year I became the sole caregiver for my Aunt Ginny who has Alzheimer’s. Here’s what I learned: C…
Virginia Ingram

I'll bet you're sitting in a chair while reading this. In fact, the time spent sitting in chairs (office desks, cars, trains, planes, movie theaters, eating) has increased substantially over the past 30 years. And relat…
Clayton Aynesworth, Jason Levitt

Female orgasm is vital for every woman and man on the planet. In a world where technology and social networks have increasingly replaced in-person interaction, female orgasm nourishes our fundamental need for visceral, …
Nicole Daedone

For many years, Reddit -- a site that allows people to post, vote on, and comment on links from around the Web -- was an also-ran news aggregator, a place stuck in Digg's shadow. But suddenly Reddit has become the most e…
Adrian Chen, Farhad Manjoo, Rebecca Watson
365 days. Dozens of digital health devices, apps, blood draws and genetic testing. So why would anyone voluntarily commit to such a high-maintenance, tedious and occasionally painful lifestyle? To understand more about m…
Leslie Ziegler
Saturday, March 9

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …

I was tired of terrible first dates. When I decided to try online dating, I wasn’t going to let my profile mugshot and a few lines about me decide my fate. Instead, I did what any enterprising young woman in my position …
Amy Webb
From the beginning, the Internet has allowed patients and caregivers to create online communities that provide something offline communities cannot. In the case of rare genetic disorders, it is a chance to connect with o…
Brad Davidson, Rob Malouf
Political parties are analyzing the last election because its lessons are critical to future success. But what worked and didn’t is valuable not only to politicians, but to nonprofit organizations that lead very differen…
Patrick Ruffini

With more than 123 million fans/followers on Facebook and Twitter, WWE ranks among the sports world’s digital leaders. Wrestlemania XXVIII alone generated 110 worldwide trends over the show's five-hour period and the has…
John Cena, Khris Loux, Perkins Miller, Stephanie McMahon

Believe it or not, the US Government has been leading innovation efforts at the intersection of health and information technology. Bryan Sivak, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Chief Technology Off…
Bryan Sivak, Steven Randazzo

In his book 'The Peep Diaries' & doc 'Peep Culture,' Hal Niedzviecki notes our willingness to bare everything for entertainment, profit & reputation. Even if we don't aspire to fame, with every status update, video uploa…
Boyd Neil, Hal Niedzviecki, Meghan Warby

Future healthcare innovation success will be defined by the experience delivered to patients, caregivers, and physicians in hospitals, homes and at retail. New technologies such as mobile apps, wearable sensors, and soci…
, Scott Stropkay
The single life is crazy enough on it’s own, but what happens when you add something like cancer to the mix? Dating coach and single girl Charlie Nox is about to find out. On May 25, 2012, Charlie was diagnosed with papi…
Charlie Nox, Jonah Spear

You've seen the extravagant sponsorship deals with athletes in the NBA, NFL, and NASCAR. But how often how do you hear about US athletes—the best in the world in a given sport—struggling to get by without a second job as…
, Sara Meaney
Privacy regulations were created with consumer protection in mind, but today consumers often feel as though their own health data is on lockdown. While the healthcare system is in the midst of reform, what must we do to …
, Martha Wofford

Health today is everyone’s business. Industries, companies and individuals are shifting their perception of health from something to fix to something to encourage. Digital storytelling and content are uniquely positioned…
Christie Hefner, Jennifer Pfahler, Quincy Delight Jones III, Susie Ellis
Scientists are predicting that climate change will increase the severity and frequency of natural disasters occurring on our planet, making the need for quick, easy, and smart resources to aid in disaster recovery more c…
Dan Diamond

Events have changed. The challenges involved with marketing them, sponsoring them, or simply figuring out which to attend, have been transformed. New technologies are rewriting the rules and we are all playing catch up. …
Brian Duggan, Loic Le Meur
Of all media companies, consumers use The Weather Channel the most across all platforms - television, online and mobile. Most content producers and advertisers are begging for customer information, but TWC users automat…
David Kenny
Social networks rise and fall as people try to find a site that satisfies their social needs, and the “one-size fits all” networks may no longer hold the value that they did when you first signed up. Are hourly updates f…
Colleen Taylor, Francesca Levy, Nate Johnson, Sarah Leary
Studies have already proven the link between the body and mind. What is surprising is how powerful that link is. Embodied cognition, or how the body affects our brain, has gained more recognition in science in the last f…
Christie Nicholson

A 2011 Healthline study uncovered compelling information on internet health searches. Desktop searches covered popular health topics: cancer, weight loss, or sleep. Mobile searches were more private, often related to sex…
Fred Muench, Jeremy Vanderlan
Enough of the pontificating panel! In a rapid and fast paced (gameshow-like) session, we put the audience (that means YOU) in the hot seat as the expert on the future of social. How will social integrate into functional …
Sam Decker, Sean McDonald
Customer service has become one of the most dynamic areas in social media. The social revolution has completely transformed a back-office function and put it square in the limelight, allowing both large and small compani…
Bianca Buckridee, Brooks Thomas, Carla Saavedra Kochalski, Marsha Collier
Dell and American Red Cross will present a case study about their collaboration to create a social engagement center dedicated to humanitarian relief. Panelists from both Red Cross and Dell will share the strategies, bes…
Gloria Huang, Maribel Sierra
Sunday, March 10

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …
Illness is complicated. The tsunami of digital information currently available to most patients and caregivers doesn’t always simplify decision making, but can often make it worse. Further, the new role of patients as h…
John Nosta, Joseph Gattuso

The future of medicine is in your pocket. Show up for an hour and find out just how big this mHealth revolution is going to be! We'll talk about apps that transform heart beats into music, turn boring breathing exercises…
Daniel Kraft, Priya Agrawal, Sandeep Sood
Imagine if you could know all about someone just by looking at them. You could remember people's names, sense when friends were nearby, and see hidden connections around you wherever you went. Soon, the mobile phones we …
Paul Davison

How much of what you are using on a day-to-day basis actually comes from your school years? How much comes from the people you meet, the workshops you attend, the work you do? According to the New Approaches to Lifelong …
Christine Renaud, Emily Goligoski
Think pink is the way to market to girls? Think again. Women and the teen girls they were know the power of their affections when it comes to entertainment, the internet, and the attention economy -- and yet they're prim…
Ann Glenn, Jenna Wortham, Megan Westerby, Rae Votta

This will be a discussion and discovery of the methodology used by entrepreneurs in dealing with some of the challenges and emotions in a non-traditional work environment. As self employed individuals or entrepreneurs, o…
Gabriel Shepherd

In the 70s porn theaters were a social space; in the 80s VCRs made viewing private; the 90s saw the rise of internet porn and online forums, allowing a still private but more social anonymous space; in the 2000s we are o…
Carol Queen, Julie Gillis, Lisa Vandever, Michael Stabile
Traditionally, marketing has been about defining a brand’s key messages and finding clever and interesting ways to broadcast them. But it's no longer enough to connect eyeballs to ads; today's marketers must connect peop…
, Clara Shih

Special needs kids range from children with cerebral palsy, autism, the name a few. The iPad and special needs apps allow kids to verbally communicate their basic needs and replaces expensive, bulky old device…
Kevin Sitek
The future of telepresence sits at a hybrid intersection of robotics, consumer electronics, medical devices, and even aerospace and housewares -- and the primary driver behind this explosion is design. Unexamined individ…
Michael Meyer

In 2009, Bob Garfield published The Chaos Scenario and the world of media and marketing shit themselves. The book presented an apocalyptic vision of the steady collapse of mass media and mass marketing, which was scary e…
Bob Garfield, Doug Levy

Can the small stuff scale in health? When many of our largest health care issues are systemic or policy driven, what’s needed to truly transform our ecosystem and drive lasting change? Do health start-ups have what it ta…
, Aman Bhandari, Charles Saunders, Sue Siegel

Libraries have grown far beyond the nostalgic scent of books on shelves (though we still have that too). There is an explosive realm of content-wrangling that occurs on the library frontier making life-changing impacts i…
Andrea Davis, Carson Block
Best known for uncovering the importance of unstructured play, Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget once said "play is the answer to how anything new comes about". We know now from decades of research that having the time and …
Byrne Reese, Dennis Bjoern Petersen, Jayne Vidheecharoen, Patricia Chang

DIY Diets are all the rage in the online space…tips once shared between friends are now broadcast to complete strangers online. From the Cabbage soup diet, to the Grapefruit diet, to Juicing and more, it seems anyone can…
Jazmin Correa
Technology is radically changing our ability to understand food preferences and how what we eat impacts our health. Traditionally, companies have relied on market and clinical research to develop products and come up wit…
Andrew Rosenthal, Danielle Gould
Founded in New York City in 2008 by Sam Lessin, Y+30 was designed as an authentic forum for discussing what the world might look like in +30 years for a given subject. For instance: Food+30, Healthcare+30, Money+30, Spac…
Sam Lessin

We all know the sad truth: the majority of working Americans are chained to their desks – namely, their computer screens – for eight hours per day and the “massive” obesity epidemic persists. Recent research suggests tha…
Fran Melmed, Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, Peter Katzmarzyk, Sharon Mandler

This panel will look at how people socialize online and offline – and how these interactions affect each other. Just as they do in real life, people on social networks and social media form social circles – in a way that…
Austin Carr, Brian Schechter, Dylan Casey, Jared Hecht
Our culture is becoming more and more obsessed with data each day. Why? It's fun. Many people argue that measurement has killed social media– it’s let the marketers take over! But, the same data marketers use can be used…
Adam Schoenfeld, Matt Thomson
Monday, March 11

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …
Food may be the new rock and roll, but there's a lot to hate about current food culture. The conversational territory is carved up into ridiculous feats of gluttony, Rube Goldberg cooking processes, mean-spirited reality…
Addie Broyles, Hilah Johnson, Mary Helen Leonard, Will Burdette
Social Media—Facebook, Twitter, blogs—have united the world like never before, enabling connectivity across time and place. Yet despite these assumed benefits of increased communication, research suggests that we have ne…
Bekah Lockner, Courtney Miller

Digital technology is transforming how we connect and self-soothe our body in amazing ways starting first with the core of our system, the brain. The emergence of brainwave-enabled products that share feedback on your br…
Ariel Garten

How does a farmer-owned cheese co-op in Oregon make new friends in the great state of Texas? By using the digital space to say “howdy”! We put together an integrated digital launch plan that: - reached deep into the mark…
Gillian Kennedy
Storytelling is probably one of the most overused words in marketing today. The bigger problem is that many people who are using it wouldn't know a real story if it bit them in the posterior. Amidst the clarion calls for…
Cathy Brooks
You’ve heard this, “A woman walks into a bar…” In our version, it’s five years from now and goes: “A woman walks into a bar. She sees someone in a great pair of boots. What does she do?” BlogHer CEO and co-founder Lisa…
Lisa Stone
In a world where we are constantly glued to our mobile devices, when is 24/7 connectedness all too much? Who better than to help answer this question than YOU – the most digitally savvy voices in the country? Together we…
Gemma Craven, Jeff Simmermon, an online boutique specializing in vintage-inspired apparel and decor, was launched out of the college dorm room of its founder Susan Gregg Koger in 2002. It was her love for thrifting and keen eye for retr…
Kerry Cooper

The rise of social media and mobile technology has forever altered the social landscape teenagers navigate. It hasn’t necessarily made kids meaner, or bullying more prevalent, but it has changed how they learn skills lik…
Bill Keller, Danah Boyd, Emily Bazelon, Jason Rzepka
The majority of births in many parts of the world occur at home without access to skilled attendants, lifesaving medicines or emergency obstetric care, increasing preventable neonatal and maternal deaths. Nevertheless, m…
Peter Klatsky

From content marketing to community management, B2B organizations are expanding their focus beyond traditional forms of communications to increase direct engagement with audiences. B2B customers are active users of socia…
Jamie Grenney, Jason Bartlett, Jeanette Gibson, Melissa Chanslor
In an old fable, a nightingale issues a challenge to an inchworm to measure her song- to prevent being eaten. Fearful, the worm tricks the bird into singing while he inches away. Sound familiar? When marketers ask for wh…
Kate Niederhoffer, Sam Gosling

Come hear from Army Recruiting’s social media marketing lead on the U.S. Army’s strategy for creating compelling content and engaging with a community of more than 1 million across multiple company divisions. Whether it’…
Greg Swan
, David Van Sickle, Lama Nachman, Mark Winter
Hating on Facebook advertising is easy- especially when the media, leading advertisers & analysts come out each day saying 'Facebook advertising just doesn't work'. The complaints are familiar: you targeted your fans’ f…
Brandon Rhoten, Kurt Abrahamson
Back by popular demand, we bring you Community Confessions. Double agent. First Responder. Cheerleader. They’re all fair descriptors of the now prevalent role of Community Manager. Whether you are one yourself or just mo…
Chris Gokiert, Kim Matlock, Kristin Rupert, Lizz Kannenberg

Today's breakthroughs in “Bodytech” include a host of incredible innovations that will transform our bodies, communication, society -- even the human psyche. This provocative duo presentation, sponsored by IEEE, will ad…
Andy Goodman, Ji-Hye Park
Last year there were more than 36,000 suicides in the U.S., and 90% of them had a diagnosable and treatable psychiatric disorder at the time of their death. The proposed ObamaCare health plan supports increased mental i…
Dharol Tankersley, Sarah Worthy

Location is enormously important to the future of mobile; it creates a new layer of relevance for social, adds context to our posts and photos, and helps us discover the world around us. The success of the LBS industry r…
Damien Patton

You are bad at Facebook. We are less bad at it than you. Also, the vast majority of your audience is probably on Facebook. (Unless you are Pinterest, but they are on Facebook too. Just sayin'.) You are probably not good …
, Adam Mordecai
Tuesday, March 12

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …

Medicine and healthcare are becoming more personalized, shifting away from population-oriented, mass-market approaches that are reactive to tailored strategies and opportunities that are proactive. Linda Avey discusses …
, Linda Avey
It's well-known that publishing and/or broadcasting news has gone from a one-way lecture to a multi-directional conversation. This core conversation will discuss the many ways that journalists and news companies are usin…
Mandy Jenkins, Mark Briggs

The proliferation of location-aware devices and geo-tagged data raises important questions: what will happen as more and more of the content we create online is automatically tagged with locational data? What can we lear…
Catherine D'ignazio, Devin Gaffney, Mark Graham, Monica Stephens
Everyone wants to get healthier. New solutions arrive daily. Yet the challenge isn’t getting people to try new things and start new habits but getting them to stick with them. A new generation of hardware and software s…
, Nadeem Kassam

You’re a big, well-known entertainment brand with tons of Facebook fans and Twitter followers. Great—now what? Success for entertainment brands can be driven heavily by social media. However, social media networks are dr…
Jon Peters, Mike Vorhaus
Human beings are no longer the only entities posting photos, tweets, checkins and blog posts online. There are other entities moving around us: social bots, emotive shadows of real people, and specifically designed spam…
Jeff Kramer

All those latte portraits and shoe snapshots that fill up your feed? They're major game changers—in the cultural narrative realm. And as the recent acquisition of Instagram by Facebook proves, images have become the main…
Amy Odell, Amy Wicks, Elizabeth Spiridakis, Valentine Uhovski
The year is 2030 and we, the patients of the future, speak to you as parents, children, friends, professionals, and experts in our own care. We have unprecedented access, knowledge, and resources. We will tell you what i…
Dana Ragouzeos, Meredith Dezutter

"I think if I can make a bundle of cash before I'm thirty and get out of this racket, I'll be able to ride my motorcycle across China." - Bud Fox, in Oliver Stone's movie Wall Street Do you dream of traveling around the…
Andy Stoll
So many industries have been turned upside-down and inside-out with new technological innovation. From e-commerce to social media, technology has completely changed the way we live our daily lives. Innovation has changed…
, Steve Krein

STOP THE MADNESS! The Patient Experience is overwhelmed with websites, commercials, brochures, support groups, mobile apps, chachkas, and other information sources - and all with no other point than often just saying... …
Jerilyn MacLaren-Hall
‘If you like this, you’ll like this’ is part of everyone’s shopping vocabulary. But those kinds of algorithmic recommendations only account for a single dimension of consumer interest: similarities among products. Other …
Vipul Sharma

The aging population is rapidly increasing and they are the highest consumers of healthcare in the US. The elderly face many obstacles to healthy aging including unacceptably high readmission rates; uncontrolled costs of…
Andrey Ostrovsky MD, Francine Hardaway, Katy Fike, Timothy Rowan
My presentation is all about the feeling of being overwhelmed from managing profiles on social networking sites. This is a positive presentation about social networking, but the emphasis is about building relationships o…
Dave Delaney, Jessica Murray

Today, everyone is a “Creative.” With the boom of visually-based social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest, technology has leveled the playing field. Does this really change how we define art and creativity? Artistic…
, Christiaan Welzel, Laurie Frick, Mitch Goodwin