Out with the Old: Disrupting the Home Care Market
The aging population is rapidly increasing and they are the highest consumers of healthcare in the US. The elderly face many obstacles to healthy aging including unacceptably high readmission rates; uncontrolled costs of healthcare; and loss of independence. For these reasons and many more, there is an increasing shift away from acute care to home care. Many factors impact the efficacy of home care in ensuring healthy aging including the changing healthcare regulatory environment, emerging technologies, and an increasingly tech savvy elderly population. We have put together a panel that operates at the intersections of entrepreneurship, technology, policy, and clinical practice surrounding elderly home care. Our goal is to explore the opportunities available to innovate in home care so we can improve the lives of the vulnerable elderly population.

Physician and social entrepreneur. Creating disruptive technology to better health for vulnerable populations. Specialize in applying lean methodology to discovering social and commercial value of innovations in healthcare.
Previously worked in health policy, global health, and clinical research.
Specialties: Customer and Product Development, Post-discharge care, Readmission reduction, Care coordination, Mobile technology, Geriatrics, Pediatrics, Lean startups, Agile Development, Public health informatics, Health system strengthening

Francine Hardaway, Ph.D is a serial entrepreneur and seasoned communications strategist. She co-founded Stealthmode Partners, an accelerator and advocate for entrepreneurs in technology and health care, in 1998. Prior to Stealthmode, she owned two marketing companies, and served as Director of Worldwide Press Relations for Intel and the CMO of Innovative Environmental Products.
Francine was an Entrepreneurial Fellow of the Eller Entrepreneurship Center at University of Arizona, and was a founder of Social Media Club Arizona and the Arizona Software Association.
She is co-founder of the blog USHealthCrisis, and blogs for Fast Company, Huffington Post, and the Stealthmode Blog.

Katy Fike is a PhD gerontologist, CEO of Innovate50, an innovation consulting firm focused on the 50+ market, and co-founder of Aging2.0. Innovate50 works across a broad spectrum of industries including consumer products, healthcare, retail, technology, travel and fashion. Innovate50 clients include Fortune 500 companies as well as select start-ups and venture capital firms. Katy received her doctorate from University of Southern California’s Davis School of Gerontology, where she was a National Institute on Aging Fellow. She has taught gerontology at the university level and her research has been published in peer- reviewed journals and presented at several national conferences. Earlier in her career, Katy worked as an investment banker and corporate strategist for Lehman Brothers. She received her undergraduate degree in Systems Engineering from University of Virginia.

Tim Rowan, M.A., is a recognized technology authority for home health care and hospice. He has been the editor and principal writer of "Home Care Technology Report," the industry's only weekly technology-oriented publication, since 1999. Tim also serves the industry by providing IT consulting services to home care and hospice providers and is frequently invited to speak at association conferences and software vendor user group meetings. His Masters Degree in Education is from Loyola University, Chicago.