Designing Habits: From Big Data to Small Changes
We all know there are vast amounts of data about our lives - our spending, our browsing, our activity - being collected daily. With the recent explosion in inexpensive sensors and self-tracking apps, we can capture new insights in personal health and activity data. However, the data is only truly valuable if it can be turned into positive behavior change. A panel of leaders in venture capital, health technology and the research world, discuss the key enablers to tackling this challenge: the use of visualization to make volumes of data easily understandable to the average consumer, leveraging gamification and social mechanics to keep users engaged, and the science of habit design to actually create behavior change. The panel will be moderated by Michael Copeland, Senior Editor at Wired, who has a particular interest in Big Data and the implications for entrepreneurs and consumers.
Encore presentation: Monday, March 11 at 5PM -

Jef is the CEO behind Basis, a multi-sensor health tracker and online personal dashboard that helps people build healthy habits into their daily routines. Prior to Basis, Jef was CEO at wireless photo start-up Eye-Fi from before their 2007 launch to the international retail distribution of its device and cloud service. Jef was previously GM of audio and gaming at Logitech, where he also worked in U.S. and EMEA marketing. He graduated from Purdue University with a B.A. in communications.

Michael V. Copeland is a senior editor at WIRED, where he focuses on all things related to the business of technology, but especially making sense of data analytics, where mobile is going next, and the collision between computer science and biological science. Prior to WIRED he was a senior writer at Fortune Magazine covering everything from electric cars to genomics and the latest in jet-powered surfboards. Before joining FORTUNE, Copeland was a senior writer at Business 2.0. Copeland graduated from the University of Pennsylvania.

Dr. Steph Habif is a behavioral health expert focusing on ways to design persuasive technologies for health behavior change. At Stanford University, she is an affiliate of the Persuasive Tech Lab, co-founder of the Calming Tech Lab, and adjunct faculty at the When not wearing her academic hat, she consults with innovative healthcare companies such as Aetna, Inc., Whole Foods Market and Basis.

Tim is a proven investor who has been named to the Forbes Midas List of Top Tech Investors. He is a trilingual global technology executive who has lived in Japan and has a decade of investing experience. He invests in early-stage companies that leverage the drivers of mobile, social, and SaaS/adtech and is passionate about the quantified self movement and how gamification is being applied to business. He co- leads Mayfield’s China investments and some of his companies include AdChina, Lashou and PCH International. Some of his notable investments include ngMoco (acquired by DeNA), Playdom (acquired by Disney) and Iridigm (acquired by Qualcomm). His current investments include Badgeville, Basis, Branchout, Healthtap, Lumos Labs, MOAT and Zirtual. He holds an MBA from Stanford University, an MS and BS in Electrical Engineering from the University of Michigan and plays guitar in two bands.