Complete event listing for
Hyatt Regency Austin
208 Barton Springs Rd
Saturday, March 10

Get together with other ePublishing experts for an hour of brainstorming, idea-building, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement, and learn more about this segment of the industry. As of May 19, 2011, eBooks wer...
Jesse Sublett
With easy access to new technologies, resources, and ideas, more and more startups outside the Valley and the Alley are finding early success in places like Kansas City, Missouri and Des Moines, Iowa.Having assisted or l...
Ben Milne, Bo Fishback, Jeff Slobotski

Every leader obsesses about building a star factory, but the sad truth is you'll never keep all your best talent. While they're working for you, worry less about losing them and instead influence their thinking. Turn t...
Allison Hemming
Kyra Edeker will discuss three concrete communication tools pulled from user research techniques, mindfulness practice and modern psychology that can improve your happiness, your team’s dynamic and your product. Wheth...
Kyra Edeker
Smiling is more than just the result of happiness – it can actually help create happiness. And creating happiness at work is essential to building a highly successful company. Ron Gutman, author of one of the most ...
Ron Gutman
In this talk, musician and web developer Joris Verbogt will tell you how his experiences in a traveling band influence the way he does his other job. How musicians deal with the endless hours on the road, uncertain of a ...
Joris Verbogt
After being sold a boom-era bill of goods that promised purpose through 9-to-9 editorial employment, my years of responsible labor gradually gave way to workahol abuse and, finally, workaholism. By the time I realized I ...
Jordan Burchette
The information contained within our smartphones has the potential to influence human memory trends. Extracting a personal, emotional and accurate story from this vast amount of data can provide us with an invaluable ins...
Jim Gemmell
You are turing computable. Yet the three pounds in your head is orders of magnitude more powerful than all the silicon based compute power on earth, draws between 20 and 40 watts, and we have almost no clue how it works....
George Hotz

Working as a freelancer is stressful. It can be unreliable, unpredictable…and downright unnerving. Your taxes are higher, your paychecks are sporadic, and your health insurance will double. So why would you dare walk d...
Matthew Schiffman
Get together with other gamers for an hour of brainstorming, idea-buidling, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Or, attend this Meet Up to learn more about this segment of the industry.......
Colin Sexton
We can't excuse ourselves from responsibility for the things we create simply because we work as part of a team, or because we have bosses and clients telling us what to do. Behind every web page, process, and product ar...
Dennis Kardys
The very essence of work is changing, as firms transform themselves from traditional hierarchies of product and customer to networks of relationships and capabilities, placing new burdens on accounting and valuation; ver...
JP Rangaswami
Conceived as a user’s manual for DIY organizational design, this talk explores good practices for structuring an organization for creativity and impact, and motivating smart and creative people.The importance of buildi...
Scott McDowell
Let's face it: life rarely happens exactly as planned. Unforeseen opportunities, setbacks, and other variables can (and often do) wreak havoc on even the best-laid plans. How do you adjust? Improvise! We'll extract the k...
Brad Temple
This session will talk about computer games than enable game players across the world to help solve scientific problems. Adrien co-created EteRNA and Foldit, computer games where users design and fold real biomolecules ...
Adrien Treuille

The old media company is dead. Fragmented audiences are consuming content across multiple devices from multiple sources. Barriers to entry have disappeared and options have exploded. The rise in use and complexity of th...
Ben Elowitz
"I think Victorian fantasies are going to be the next big thing, as long as we can come up with a fitting collective term for Powers, Blaylock and myself. Something based on the appropriate technology of the era; li...
Marsha Lebkowsky
The invention of the printing press transformed society by breaking up elite strangleholds on entertainment and information. But governments and corporations figured out how to tame the next wave of media—TV & radi...
Richard Eoin Nash
The new "Post PC" landscape is driving significant changes in the way content is being distributed and consumed. Online content experiences are diversifying across multiple platforms and increasingly being pack...
Michael Cerda
Whether it’s Bridget Jones in pursuit of Mark Darcy or Luke Skywalker on a quest to discover himself while overcoming evil, film protagonists are on a journey inspired by the promise of adventure and reward. Real peopl...
Carmen Hill
In a world where Google guards the gates of the Internet, the Panda update proved beyond reasonable doubt that every website is vulnerable to the search giant’s changes. While Google does a very good job, the vagaries ...
Paul Edmondson

Digital is recasting the landscape of maps, a metamorphosis that’s not yet complete. It has rewritten the rules by which maps behave and what they can do. This makes it not just an inflection point in the map catego...
Guy Gould-Davies

In the early days of owned and earned media (i.e., content) brands believed that communicating their messages via social and traditional media were the keys to success. And content is working; 61 percent of brands are do...
Tara-Nicholle Nelson
Whether practitioner, vendor, or fan of the convergence of Social, Location, and Mobile (Commerce!), come join us at the SoLoMo Meet Up for an hour of an hour of brainstorming, idea-buidling, networking, friend-making an...
Tamsen McMahon
Forget apps, .mobi sites, and smoke signals. Here’s a little secret: you can make one website to cater to different devices and contexts. Designing responsive sites is gaining mainstream acceptance—but how do these s...
Hans Sprecher
For 18 months, I *poured* myself into my blog Man Vs. Debt. I had thousands of subscribers, a passionate community, dozens of comments on my posts, and recognition from many other people I looked up to. But I was lacking...
Adam Baker
User-generated content (UGC) has changed the face of the entertainment world forever. Nearly every form of media has enjoyed a "break-out" moment when consumer content began to present a serious alternative to ...
Stephen Bradley
There's an adage in journalism that three of anything makes a trend. But, you and your two pals 'liking' something doesn't make it the next big thing. Internet trends are surprising, whimsical, and fast. The best trendin...
Jessica Hilberman
Sunday, March 11
The rise of smartphones, tablets, and a diversity of casual and hardcore gaming platforms now means that there are a variety of places where an interested gamer can consume a game brand. It is increasingly likely that a ...
Nick Fortugno

Big. Complicated. Often dirty. Sexy? Interactive data visualizations (charts and graphs) have helped make data consumable, accessible, and yes, sexy. It’s that sex appeal that has us clamoring to see our twitter, AdWo...
Giedre Aleknonyte

The blogosphere is abuzz with bubble talk and predictions of a spectacular collapse just over the horizon. Is the Internet finally coming home to roost? Or have investors and entrepreneurs thrown caution to the wind an...
Alexia Tsotsis, Ethan Kurzweil, Peter Pham, Sharam Fouladgar-Mercer

The mission of Women 2.0 is to increase the number of female founders of technology startups. Women 2.0 is a emerging global media company for aspiring and current female entrepreneurs to launch successful scalable, inno...
Sepideh Nasiri
APIs are becoming ubiquitous, but they are really hard to design well. In this talk, we'll discuss how to design and implement an API that isn't just functional, but makes people stand up and cheer. We'll also cover tips...
Jonathan Dahl

Imagine a world where cloud connectivity is a non-issue. A world where going online in an airport or a cab is as easy as powering on your laptop. Think back to the day when radio ruled the world. The day you got that shi...
Richard Schwartz

Computing interfaces are evolving rapidly. The mouse and keyboard are becoming passe. Voice recognition is getting much better, enabling new possibilities. Motion interfaces (think XBox Kinect) allow us to use our bodies...
Lee Shupp
Traffickers use technology every day to outsmart law enforcement, non-profit organizations, government agencies and concerned citizens around the world. Human trafficking is a highly lucrative business - the third larges...
Christina Arnold

Building great online and mobile products is hard enough with a small team and limited resources, so why add to the difficulty by embracing “privacy by design” principles? With so many free, easy web tools available ...
Tarik Kurspahic

Has your brain melted yet? Are you stressed out and need a hug? Then swing by this Meet Up to gel with other folks who are feeling the burn and need to vent. It's a place for newbies and vets to come, hang out and have a...
Todd Hansen
What comes after just reading on iPad? A new form of creation that's much closer to consumption than what we saw on desktops and laptops. Mixel co-founder and CEO Khoi Vinh takes a look at the journey that led him to cre...
Khoi Vinh

or How I learned to stop worrying and love the economic collapse. Based on my research on the Future of Alternate Currencies and Transactions I will share technology usage trends, visions of future payment systems, how ...
Heather Schlegel

NFC is not a new or particularly sexy technology. For years it has failed to gain traction amongst consumers and businesses as a mobile payment solution. Yet recently, NFC has been a major focus of tech giant uber-disrup...
Paul Gelb

Throughout history, technology has been responsible for artistic movements often influencing entire genres. Typically, these movements impacted styles, composition, or more subtle, conceptual meaning implied by the work....
Jeff Wilson

Everyone's heard of I Am T-Pain, Pandora, and but app developers on the next bleeding edge are pushing the envelope with features from the stunningly practical to the wildly "out-there" that many w...

With ICANN's rollout of new vanity TLD's this year, marketers, IT, and legal professionals have many questions the implications and impact on their respective areas of business. While conceivably anything past the "...
Rob Garner

Data has been freely available on the web since its inception, but it has always been difficult to access and even harder to digest. Recently, a small but growing group of intrepid data geeks have been scrounging the web...
Ross Perez

Get together with other technology writers/journalists for an hour of brainstorming, idea-buidling, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Or, attend this Meet Up to learn more about this segment of the indust...
Christine Lagorio
Open APIs are hot. Developers can now choose from thousands of open APIs, with hundreds more released every month. Some of these APIs serve billions of calls per day. But the API universe is changing rapidly with new opp...
John Musser

Design groups the world over are littered with the remains of design process initiatives gone horribly useless. But, unless you are a one man band — and, let’s face it, few of us are — getting a group of designers,...
Sarah B Nelson

With Dribbble, Forrst and other curated sites, the designer's attention has shifted focus to impressing his fellow peers and mimicking influences rather than who we should be focusing on: our audience. We're beginning to...
Tom Censani

Why do some of the most high quality designs have trouble finding an audience while poor design is celebrated? How can aspiring designers make things that they're proud of but also make a real impact in the marketplace? ...
Jon Bell

Even in today's experience-obsessed world, Design is often perceived as a tactic to simply “make things pretty.” To combat that oversimplification, designers often shroud their work in a mysterious cloud of specializ...
Jeff Gothelf

A time and place to bring together folks involved in startups on any level. From bootstrapped 18-year-olds to Union Square funded rockstars. Hosted by Forbes Magazine staffers Meghan Casserly Jeff Bercovici and Tomio Ger...
Meghan Casserly
The Occupy Wall Street Movement began in September, 2011 with the goal of holding a 24/7 public protest at the nerve center of American finance. Uniquely among American mass protest movements, the "occupation" ...
Boyd Carter, Charles Wyble, Colin Delany, Kira Annika, Priscilla Grim

The art of the no-decision decision: getting people to change without thinking. How do you change behavior? We are at mental capacity, and most external attempts to change our behavior fail because they require too much ...
Peter Sheahan

This segment gives you a psychological dashboard for creating compelling and engaging interaction experiences. Learn to manage the trigger points for critical psychological processes that determine the mental states of ...
Pamela Rutledge

Mobile apps are on a clear trajectory for failure. It’s just not possible to have an app for every device in my house, every product I own and every store I enter. Much like Yahoos original hierarchy gave way to Google...
Scott Jenson

Location, Location, Location!!! These days people are excited to find and share web content using location data. Flickr has helped lead this with innovative concepts such as reverse geolocation, and more recently with th...
Eric Gelinas
Monday, March 12
The Whole World is Watching: From Tahrir Square to Homs to Zuccotti Park, citizen journalists and ordinary people are using social media, video and cell phones to document their stories and revolutions. New York Times re...
Eric Carvin, Jennifer Preston, Jigar Mehta, Tim Pool

There were 5 Exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days.” -Eric Schmidt- As the amount of data in the world explodes, the abil...
Chris Kantrowitz, Frank Gillett, Jade Mcqueen, Jon Healey
People have certain fundamental wants and desires that drive them to take actions every minute of every day. Businesses, to be successful, must understand their consumers’ wants and desires, and must be able to subtly ...
Jack Jokinen

In Washington, there is no such thing as a sure thing. Still at one point, passing the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and PROTECT-IP (PIPA) seemed like a cakewalk. Both bills were aimed at curbing access to so-called “r...
Brands have been diving head first into Facebook over the past few years but their social reality has failed to live up to their lofty expectations. Guided by a sea of experts who can say "social" but can't do ...
Niki Weber
Social sharing about all topics is now commonplace, and the trend of increasingly open sharing about historically “private” aspects of our lives reflect changing standards about what’s appropriately public informat...
Michael Nichols
When the Web unites millions of users into large networks around creative and free new media practices, how does this "open source culture" challenge assumptions about the production of content and the use of o...
Alex Leavitt
Asia cultivates a very lively and active gaming community. Known for their strengths in MMO and RPG style games, they have made large strides in mobile gaming as well. As US companies look to the East to integrate best p...
Charles Park
CrowdTV is steaming ahead with the next iteration of crowd-sourcing, and is asking viewers to collaborate in deciding the direction and content of the documentary. For our pilot we gave the online community bare bones to...
Kylee Ingram

The Electronic Frontier Foundation has been defending your rights in the digital world for 22 years! Meet up with EFF and others who are dedicated to cyber liberties advocacy for an hour of networking, brainstorming, an...
Jon Lebkowsky
The rise of smartphones, tablets and social gaming has led to an explosion of mobile gamers. Just as Angry Birds and Farmville took mainstream gaming away from the console, the rise of mixed and augmented reality – whe...
Paul Berberian
Ten years ago, we had this idea to make a product that'd keep our coffee and chips fresher. We researched, designed, and manufactured it all with sweat equity and many late nights on the Internets. Today people call that...
DL Byron
People have always been the primary vehicle by which music spread around the world – from the days of the wandering minstrels to the heyday of radio DJs and then on to tight-knit circles of fans rallying together aroun...
Michael Papish
Too bland, too bored, too busy? Why women fail to rule social networks. Women see themselves as "social" by nature, they claim to have better communication skills than men do - and mostly they are right. They ...
Tanja Gabler
Thanks to digital and social media, Marketers and Ad Agency folks have gone from having a one-way conversation with customers into a million-way conversation. We’ve added capabilities to create digital work. But that m...
Tim Leake

Yes there are real people behind those screen names. Get off your laptop and meet your fellow redditors and other social news addicts attending SXSW. Open to all redditors, not just the ones following /r/SXSW. Bring your...
Logan Youree
The term “social graph” was coined originally to describe the network of connections we already knew we had such as friends on Facebook or professional contacts on LinkedIn.More recently, graphs that are inferred as ...
Eric Friedman, Mark Coatney, Ro Gupta
We work so hard to get people to like us. Buy this! Click here! Love me! So why is it that so many people—and most brands—suck at keeping things lively once they have us on the hook? Customer service generally stink...
Noel Franus
Loyalty used to be simple, drink a soda and get rewarded for it. As brands expand their “social currencies” into a virtual Federal Reserve, based around larger partnerships, what will the future look like? Consumer l...
Cameron Friedlander
Trends rise and fall in a matter of minutes across the social web as consumers flock from one hot topic to another. Pair that with the savvy and skepticism of today’s consumer, and brands have a huge problem on their h...
Amit Avner
Are you a social spammer? Is the social sphere simply supplying brands with new and interesting channels in which to spam people? Brands want to be relevant to their audience, but many marketers believe personalization ...
Scott Briggs
All the major game consoles now have movement sensors, as do most smart phones, and cameras capable of motion detection are everywhere in our daily lives. Taking full advantage of this radical change in input possibiliti...
Diane Tucker, Katherine Isbister, Matt Parker, Syed Salahuddin
After months of discussion and debate, ICANN, the governing body that oversees the use of domain names, has finally approved the creation of suffixes based on brands, hobbies, political causes, and just about anything el...
Jeremiah Johnston

All we read about these days is the promise of “Big Data.” Companies like Google, Facebook, and Amazon are just beginning to tap into the mass information they possess, and one shudders to imagine just how much these...
Eric Wheeler
How do Chanel, Louis Vuitton, BMW and Rolex stack up across digital platforms. NYU Stern Professor of Marketing Scott Galloway, has developed the L2 Digital IQ Index® to evaluate the digital competence of brands across...
Scott Galloway

Every marketer dreams of their video going "viral" and getting passed along by millions. Sure, it happens. But how and why? The reality is, "viral video" is a myth. The biggest and most successful onl...
Mitchell Reichgut
Unlocking innovation within an organization is a mystery for most, especially those within advertising and marketing agencies. For agencies there are limitations to our business model putting business practicality and un...
Marty Boyer