With ICANN's rollout of new vanity TLD's this year, marketers, IT, and legal professionals have many questions the implications and impact on their respective areas of business. While conceivably anything past the "." can now be registered and used as a proprietary presence or open registry, the price of entry makes this a heavy consideration for even the largest enterprise businesses. This session will discuss the implications of new TLDs, discuss the birth of the "search optimized gTLD," review a history of other gTLDs such as .travel, .jobs, .asia, and .museum, and review some of the possible proprietary and registry applications of a new TLD. An overview of the registration, auction, and challenge process will also be presented., and we look forward to SeeingYou.There.

In my role at iCrossing, I work with Fortune 500 brands to develop search engine marketing strategies that drive visibility, engagement, and results. By finding synergies between natural and paid search, designing websites for visibility from the ground up, and incorporating search and social media strategies, I have helped some clients achieve as much as $1 billion in revenue from natural search alone.
I have been a regular Media Post "Search Insider" columnist for six years, producing over 150 columns, and I've been regularly-quoted in many major business and industry publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Dow Jones, Reuters, Adweek, Ad Age, Direct Marketing News, Smart Business Magazine, Search Engine Watch, Clickz, CNNMoney, and The Dallas Morning News. I currently serve on the SEMPO international board of directors, and also served as president of the Dallas-Ft. Worth Search Engine Marketing Association from 2006-2008.
I speak at many industry events, including Search Engine Strategies (SES), Search Marketing Expo (SMX), WebmasterWorld's PubCon, Search Insider Summit, OMMA, ad:tech, DFW SEM Association, VeriSign's Executive Summit, The Rackspace Customer Event, Domain Roundtable, and the Association of National Advertisers, among others. In June 2010, I also gave a guest lecture to students in NYU's graduate marketing program, discussing future search and social marketing strategy.
I am currently working on a book for Wiley/Sybex, scheduled for release in Q3 of 2012.
Other functions include the following:
- Development of high level holistic search strategies and campaign development for clients across the USA
- Reputation management strategies and campaign development
- Social media strategies and campaign development, encompassing a range that includes branding, research, direct response, reputation monitoring, and PR
- Development and presentation of core client internal corporate search strategies
- Development and presentation of internal educational strategies for clients
- Develop PR and communications strategies
Rob Garner’s Specialties:
search strategy, social media, social media strategy, keyword research, natural search optimization, seo, sem, sem strategy, paid search, analytics, trademark monitoring, enterprise sem, domain marketing, domains, link development, content strategies and development, PR strategies, SEM education strategies, transitioning search equity in a site redesign, online reputation management, blogging strategy and development, SEM planning