Eat Shit Sleep: Enlightenment Through Unemployment
After being sold a boom-era bill of goods that promised purpose through 9-to-9 editorial employment, my years of responsible labor gradually gave way to workahol abuse and, finally, workaholism. By the time I realized I had a problem, I was being laid off amid the sparsest job market in four generations. My resultant disillusionment touched off a wholly unspiritual journey that took me across China, Australia and Southeast Asia but, most importantly, my couch. It was there where I regained my sense of self, my sense of meaning and my sense of smell. (Unemployment isn’t so conducive to routine hygiene.) I had became a consumer again, making me a daywalker between those who produce content and those who read it. Being a shiftless non-contributor had realigned my perception.
This is the triumphant story of one man’s search for enlightenment through unemployment that will culminate with this presentation.

Before embarking on a life of leisure and recreational crime fighting, World Wide Web wunderkind Jordan Burchette dazzled masses with his winsome prose and keen insight as a top editor at sites like, and for over a decade. After avoiding a life of Communist oppression by being born in the U.S. to parents whose ancestry were never actually subject to Communist rule, Jordan devoted himself to the written, spoken and, during the occasional shower, harmonized word.
Jordan has worked for,, CBS Sports Network and advertising leviathan Grey, and has written for Maxim, Sync and Stuff magazines, as well as Woman's Day, Premiere and Parade publications, the Clio Awards and the AOL Network. His television appearances include NBC's The Today Show, ESPN, Fox News, G4 TV, IMG Productions and A&E Biography.