Complete event listing for
Content and Distribution
Friday, March 8
On August 30th, 2012 over 10,000 people gathered at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis for the first Internet Cat Video Festival (#catvidfest). What began as a social experiment testing the boundaries of online communi…
Katie Hill, Scott Stulen

On August 30th, 2012 over 10,000 people gathered at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis for the first Internet Cat Video Festival (#catvidfest). What began as a social experiment testing the boundaries of online communi…
Katie Hill, Scott Stulen

KUT-FM’s Austin Music Map (AMM) is a year-long exploration of the city's abundant and diverse musical subcultures. Blending on-line, broadcast, and street media, it’s one of 10 public media innovation projects that AIR i…
, Delaney Hall, Kara Oehler

Get together with other travel writers and bloggers for an hour of brainstorming, networking and storytelling. Coolest passport stamp smackdown is optional. Travel and tourism industry reps also welcome.……
Sheila Scarborough
Building a web site doesn't guarantee that it will automatically be loved by search engines. Having some SEO (search engine optimization) savvy can be a big help. But SEO doesn't mean terrible design or black-magic trick…
Danny Sullivan, Duane Forrester, Matt Cutts

Building a web site doesn't guarantee that it will automatically be loved by search engines. Having some SEO (search engine optimization) savvy can be a big help. But SEO doesn't mean terrible design or black-magic trick…
Danny Sullivan, Duane Forrester, Matt Cutts

Can great technology and elegant UX solve the problem of how to fully engage audiences with online video while still providing a “lean back” viewing experience? Or are these two modes of experiencing media forever incomp…
Christian Nelson, Dennis Palmieri

How can we better understand how content circulates within contemporary networked culture? The collective decisions people make about whether to pass along content are profoundly reshaping the media landscape. Many conte…
Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, Sam Ford
Henry Jenkins will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture” and other titles he has authored following his panel “Spreadable Media: Value, M…
Joshua Green will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture” following his panel “Spreadable Media: Value, Meaning & Network Culture”. Joshua…
Sam Ford will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture” following his panel “Spreadable Media: Value, Meaning & Network Culture”. Sam Ford i…
Saturday, March 9
Social media has had a dramatic impact on how we watch television, with Twitter leading the way for a social TV revolution. Social television - the term used to describe the symbiotic relationship between social media an…
Jenn Deering Davis
Social media has had a dramatic impact on how we watch television, with Twitter leading the way for a social TV revolution. Social television - the term used to describe the symbiotic relationship between social media an…
Jenn Deering Davis
As social media destroys previous conceptions of reporters, their sources and the "audience," journalism is being re-defined by the minute. It's also letting people on all sides of the equation get away with things they …
, , Greg Galant, Joe Ciarallo
Social media and the 24-hour news cycle have pushed the water cooler conversation into hyper-drive. It’s happening around the clock with instantaneous reactions from professional critics and their armchair counterparts a…
, Peter Lenkov, Tim Surette
Social media and the 24-hour news cycle have pushed the water cooler conversation into hyper-drive. It’s happening around the clock with instantaneous reactions from professional critics and their armchair counterparts a…
, Peter Lenkov, Tim Surette
With the rise of listicles, photo slideshows, and content farms, the survival of long-form writing on the web seemed bleak. But in fact, there has instead been a renaissance of long-form writing. While traditional outlet…
Andrew Womack, C. Max Magee, Kevin Nguyen
What does a major Hollywood studio look for in a technology provider? As senior digital executives at Warner Bros. Entertainment, Hiram Norman and Bob Mohler get hundreds of queries per year from B2B technology providers…
Bob Mohler, Hiram Norman

What does a major Hollywood studio look for in a technology provider?As senior digital executives at Warner Bros. Entertainment, Hiram Norman and Bob Mohler get hundreds of queries per year from technology providers. In…
Bob Mohler, Hiram Norman

The unspoken consensus in media is that in order to “make it,” it’s necessary to spend some time in the East. Because, of course, the financial and governing epicenters are in New York and DC, the East has long been home…
Adam Rogers, Dylan Byers, Maria Streshinsky, Nicole Allan, Scott Stossel
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Jennifer Lee
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Steven Snyder

Social media has transformed culture, communication, creativity and journalism in every nation on Earth — other than North Korea, of course. Wait — not so fast. What do we really know about social media’s role in the mys…
Eric Carvin, Jean H. Lee
Currently a self-titled "Government Legislation Analyst," Adam Curry reads legislation, watches C-SPAN, deconstructs the media and reports his findings twice weekly on his listener-supported "No Agenda" podcast. Last sum…
Adam Curry
Currently a self-titled "Government Legislation Analyst," Adam Curry reads legislation, watches C-SPAN, deconstructs the media and reports his findings twice weekly on his listener-supported "No Agenda" podcast. Last sum…
Adam Curry
We know that Comedy and the internet go hand in hand but is there more to this marriage than meets the eye? What's really behind the success of Funny or Die? , College Humor, and Cracked? Do Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook an…
, , , Peter McGraw
We know that Comedy and the internet go hand in hand but is there more to this marriage than meets the eye? What's really behind the success of Funny or Die? , College Humor, and Cracked? Do Reddit, Tumblr, Facebook an…
, , , Peter McGraw
Make no mistake, privacy is not dead. If it was, privacy snafus wouldn’t still be making headlines. Failing to build in privacy protections is the quickest way to put your company smack in the middle of a PR disaster. Gi…
Rebecca Farmer, Rebecca Jeschke
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Ki Mae Heussner
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Rachel Wilkerson

As for-profit news organizations struggle to maintain previous levels of reporting, nonprofit news organizations are proliferating to fill the gap in coverage. These new nonprofit media outlets are experiencing the same …
Cherilyn Parsons, Jonathan McNamara, Meghann Farnsworth, Tanya Erlach
You’ve created a disruptive new technology that’s going to revolutionize an industry – at least until you can figure out how to explain it to someone. Kira Wampler, VP of Marketing for Lytro, will discuss how to craft a …
Kira Wampler
In many ways, data science is a natural extension of journalism. Traditionally, reporters would conduct a number of interviews and use a qualitative approach to craft a story. Similarly, data scientists look at a set of …
Zanab Hussain

One of the greatest lessons we can teach people as experience designers is that everything is not important. It seems an easy lesson to learn, since after all, it’s our job to sort through huge amounts of information in …
Robert Stribley

The copyright laws weren’t written with the internet in mind. As an IP attorney, I often meet people who’ve had their content illegally reproduced on other websites & in print. This presentation will explain your copyrig…
Ruth Carter
I would like to talk about how to program for the convergence of the Internet and television. In 5 years both mediums will be obsolete. The box we have at home -- call it Intervision -- will service our appetite for en…
Harvey Levin

I would like to talk about how to program for the convergence of the Internet and television. In 5 years both mediums will be obsolete. The box we have at home -- call it Intervision -- will service our appetite for en…
Harvey Levin

A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Jennifer Warren
As maker culture and hardware hackers merge the physical and the digital in new ways, this panel explores the potential for Internet-enabled things to help humans to gather, distribute, and understand news Sponsored by t…
, Colleen Macklin, Dan Sinker, Jeffrey Warren
Friends are more likely to hit the Like Button if status updates include a photo; Tweets with pictures have a longer shelf life than those with text or links alone. Even news publishers report that the majority of page v…
Chas Edwards
Fair use is a complex area of copyright law. Publishers have a love/hate relationship with fair use because on one hand, it lets them legally repurpose existing copyrighted material. On the other hand, publishers want to…
Ellyn Angelotti

YouTube is increasingly a destination for entertainment but when it came to content for Latinos, one company wanted to create a more focused hub. MiTú is one of a few YouTube networks focusing on Latino lifestyle content…
Beatriz Acevedo
Social media has increased the speed with which we communicate. We’re constantly Tweeting, Posting, Liking, Pinning, Instagramming, and checking in. This fire hose of information combined with the 24/7 news cycle has lea…
Sunday, March 10
Every minute, three days worth of content is uploaded to YouTube. Every four seconds, a New York Times story is tweeted or shared. With information overload, how does your brand break through the noise? How do you earn t…
Ashley Brown, Dustee Jenkins, Gary Goldhammer, Jon Steinberg
Dharmesh Shah will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of “Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs (New Rules Social Media Series)” .…

Amit Singhal is SVP and Google Fellow overseeing Google Search. He’s currently leading Google's efforts to build more natural, conversational search that understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what …
Amit Singhal, Guy Kawasaki
The advent of the Web marked the best and worst of times for journalism: Hyper-local and citizen news, the decline of print and rise of pay walls, reporters learning new skills as well as learning how to be "brands." The…
James Grimaldi, Kevin Helliker, Laura Sturaitis, Liv Buli

Print is dead. Long live print. Tom Pain's 21st century pamphlet connects to the internet to showcase user generated content from activists in Syria and bloggers in Preston (UK). The web gets physical with Interactive Ne…
Garrett Goodman, Paul Egglestone, Tom Metcalfe
The first wave of web was text. Remember Julie Powell's famous food blog -- and how it had no pictures? Along came a more visual web soon after, and now, anyone can be a visual curator with the help of Pinterest. But the…
Camille Styles, Christian Remde, Jillian St Charles

The first wave of web was text. Remember Julie Powell's famous food blog -- and how it had no pictures? Along came a more visual web soon after, and now, anyone can be a visual curator with the help of Pinterest. But the…
Camille Styles, Christian Remde, Jillian St Charles, Tolly Moseley

Why do Cheerios generate more word of mouth than Disney World? Which emotional responses prompt a person to share a link to an article? Jonah Berger, a Wharton marketing professor and author of CONTAGIOUS: WHY THINGS CAT…
Jonah Berger
Why do Cheerios generate more word of mouth than Disney World? Which emotional responses prompt a person to share a link to an article? Jonah Berger, a Wharton marketing professor and author of CONTAGIOUS: WHY THINGS CAT…
Jonah Berger

eatPGH is a blog about Pittsburgh food started by four ladies in 2009. Delicious food and fresh, fun perspective was the name of the game for three years. The gals blogged with the burgeoning Pittsburgh food community an…
Julia Gongaware, Laura Zorch, Mandy McFadden, Sarah Sudar
Jonah Berger will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Contagious: Why Things Catch On” following his book reading session. Professor Jonah Berger, of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania,…
No matter how you do the math, there’s no ROI on a video that doesn’t get any views. So you just have to make your video go ‘viral’, right? But counting on a video to go viral effortlessly is not so different from planni…
Bettina Hein, Eduardo Tobon, Kevin Doohan, Rob Ciampa

No matter how you do the math, there’s no ROI on a video that doesn’t get any views. So you just have to make your video go ‘viral’, right? But counting on a video to go viral effortlessly is not so different from planni…
Bettina Hein, Eduardo Tobon, Kevin Doohan, Rob Ciampa
The old model of brand building and product distribution of physical goods has changed. No longer do you need to introduce via traditional media channels (commercials, trade press, long lead placements in magazines) or p…
Abe Burmeister, Colin Nagy, David Lange, Erica Cerulo

The popular perception of digital and social media is that it’s ephemeral. Disposable. Mere one-offs, designed to be consumed and forgotten. But creative people are experimenting with storytelling across digital and inte…
Guy Kawasaki will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “APE: Author, Publisher, Entrepreneur-How to Publish a Book” following his Featured session. Guy Kawasaki is the author of APE, What the Plus!, Enchan…
This panel will discuss copyright in the wake of SOPA/PIPA: how law gets made, how it impacts innovation, and how it interacts with civil liberties, particularly free speech & privacy. It consists of Andrew Bridges, Marg…
Andrew Bridges, Derek Khanna, Margot Kaminski, Wendy Seltzer

As newspapers bolt meters onto their sites and juicy narratives end up locked inside apps, will the village common become segregated into info have-and-have-nots. Will certain kinds of content become a luxury good? The …
David Carr
In the 1960's, advertising went through a creative revolution that changed how brand stories were told. Today, it's happening again. We're in the midst of a second creative revolution, this time driven by art, copy and …
Aman Govil, Ben Malbon, Kevin Mayer, Winston Binch
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Evo Terra
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Ryan Lawler
For web series professionals, this Meet Up is the opportunity to mingle and network with your peers from across the country. This can be especially helpful for web series creators who would like to establish professional…
Jenni Powell, Sandra Payne
Many comedians and fans alike consider the comedy stage a sacred place, where the dark, offensive, sacrilegious and even stupid can and should remain uncensored. But what does free speech mean in the age of iPhones, Face…
Eddie Pepitone, Janine Brito, Joe Garden, W Kamau Bell
Steve Jobs was famously quoted as saying “You watch television to turn your brain off and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.” The rapidly evolving field of Social TV is turning the belief that…
David Beck, Hermione Way, Jason Hoch, Jesse Redniss

Steve Jobs was famously quoted as saying “You watch television to turn your brain off and you work on your computer when you want to turn your brain on.” The rapidly evolving field of Social TV is turning the belief that…
David Beck, Hermione Way, Jason Hoch, Jesse Redniss
What arguably started with the Arab Spring (witnesses participating in the "news" process directly via Twitter and Facebook has only intensified--and evolved, now employing Instagram and social video). This is one step d…
Andy Carvin, Ayman Mohyeldin, Jim Frederick, Meredith Artley

Talk one-on-one with Steve Peters about any topic you choose! Second-screen applications, transmedia storytelling, monetization, ARGs, cigars, anything! Questions, suggestions, pitches, advice or just a chat.…
Steve Peters

Trust in traditional news sources is at an all-time low. Trust in new start-up newsrooms is even lower. Why is this? Craig Newmark (yes, that Craig Newmark) and Kelly McBride of The Poynter Institute last year gathered s…
Craig Newmark, Kelly McBride

Throughout its 40-year history, PBS has been a pioneer- taking television content to new heights, bringing audiences to the edge of the universe and back, and encouraging generations of children to imagine the vast vist…
Paula Kerger
Julia Gongaware will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Selling Food Lovers' Guide to Pittsburgh” following her Panel session. Julia Gongaware is an accomplished eater and holds a master’s degree in Jou…
Laura Zorch will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Selling Food Lovers' Guide to Pittsburgh” following her Panel session. Laura Zorch has never met a sugary treat she didn’t like. Fact: Her body is com…
Amanda McFadden will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Selling Food Lovers' Guide to Pittsburgh” following her Panel session. Amanda McFadden has a lifelong goal to eat her way across the continental U…
Sarah Sudar will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Selling Food Lovers' Guide to Pittsburgh” following her Panel session. Sarah Sudar is passionate about two food groups: cupcakes and french fries, and…
Monday, March 11
George W. Bush & Steven Tyler. Honey Boo Boo & Suri Cruise. What do these pairs of people have in common? Absolutely nothing. But for some reason, marketers continue to aim cookie-cutter marketing at them based on the ou…
Ann Zimmerman, Bonin Bough, Joe Magnacca, Todd Morris

RSVP Required - Organizing digital content not only makes it easier to find and use — it creates new opportunities. Our thriving media environment would not be feasible without standardized formats such as MP3, CD Audio,…
Andrew Kuklewicz, Anne Wootton, Bailey Smith, Dave Rice
Official websites are now a major player in the sporting landscape. Sports teams now see themselves as media organizations – offering news that competes with more traditional outlets such as print and television. (And th…
Richard Clarke
Official websites are now a major player in the sporting landscape. Sports teams now see themselves as media organizations – offering news that competes with more traditional outlets such as print and television. (And th…
Richard Clarke
Andy Carvin will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Distant Witness” following his Panel session.…
Director of post production at Michael Schaubach and composer Cheryl B. Engelhardt will examine the process of creating online hits like "The Fresh Prince of Downton Abbey" and "Katy Perry Puppet Sex" as…
, Cheryl Engelhardt

Director of post production at Michael Schaubach and composer Cheryl B. Engelhardt will examine the process of creating online hits like "The Fresh Prince of Downton Abbey" and "Katy Perry Puppet Sex" as…
, Cheryl Engelhardt
Systems of knowledge such as libraries, universities, publishers, and newspapers are centuries old. And the affordances of a print world have embedded specific practices within these systems. But digital technologies hav…
David Weinberger, Jason Priem, Lissa Harris, Marguerite Avery
A quick summary of (1) the current Internet standards for identity from the IETF and other relevant organizations, including OAuth2 and OpenID Connect; and (2) adoption trends and market predictions for both consumer and…
Michael Schwartz
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Amy McGee

A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Through advances in artificial intelligence and data science, Web sites and apps are evolving. There is a new breed of “robot” applications focused entirely on working on our behalf. Search robots like Siri turn mobile d…
Amit Kapur, Jeff Bonforte
Through advances in artificial intelligence and data science, Web sites and apps are evolving. There is a new breed of “robot” applications focused entirely on working on our behalf. Search robots like Siri turn mobile d…
Amit Kapur, Jeff Bonforte

Podcasting allows creators to directly connect with a global audience while avoiding the gatekeepers and bureaucracy of traditional broadcast media. But since iTunes’ native support for podcasting arrived back in 2005, i…
Colin Anderson, Helen Zaltzman, Jesse Thorn, Roman Mars
You produce data that can help influence positive social change, but you don’t necessarily have personal stories that can illustrate those data in an easy-to-understand way. So how do you get people to care about your da…
Lauren Carmin
Kim Dotcom, the Megaupload founder busted by New Zealand police under FBI and US DOJ supervision and awaiting extradition to the United States and a potential 55 years in jail for copyright violation, piracy, conspiracy …
Charles Graeber
Kim Dotcom, the Megaupload founder busted by New Zealand police under FBI and US DOJ supervision and awaiting extradition to the United States and a potential 55 years in jail for copyright violation, piracy, conspiracy …
Charles Graeber
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Dana Such

Have you ever thought about how that double play gets blasted to MLB headquarters in NYC, edited and buzzed back for instant replay on your TV and mobile device? MLB has worked for years to perfect the art of getting cli…
Isaac Garcia, Rob Boysko

RSVP Required - Social Media is evolving and storytelling is going to be next great tool to engage customers. Not sure you know what we mean? Most of today’s content strategies involve publishing hundred of bits of cont…
Carri Bugbee, Mark Williams
In the age of constantly evolving news, newsrooms are confronted by the dilemma of how to archive their content for posterity. This is especially true in the case of breaking news as the stories change rapidly — both whe…
Eric Price, Margaret Sullivan
In the age of constantly evolving news, newsrooms are confronted by the dilemma of how to archive their content for posterity. This is especially true in the case of breaking news as the stories change rapidly — both whe…
Eric Price, Margaret Sullivan
After the Tampa Bay Times won a Pulitzer Prize for PolitiFact, its groundbreaking fact-checking operation, other newspapers wanted to get in the game and start their own PolitiFact sites. Editor Bill Adair had to figure …
Bill Adair, Steve Myers

After the Tampa Bay Times won a Pulitzer Prize for PolitiFact, its groundbreaking fact-checking operation, other newspapers wanted to get in the game and start their own PolitiFact sites. Editor Bill Adair had to figure …
Bill Adair, Steve Myers
Can a spoonful of sugar really help the medicine go down? How successful is issue-based “product placement” at motivating consumers to think differently about a social issue or inspire change? In this panel, senior level…
, Anastasia Goodstein, Lindsay Guetschow, Rick Rey
Tuesday, March 12
Today, more than 80 percent of time spent with mobile media happens via apps. How do you design a best in class mobile experience when the primary use case is for the ears? This interactive session will put top app deve…
Tom Conrad
Pandora’s CTO, Tom Conrad, will sit down with MG Siegler from TechCrunch for a no-holds-barred Q&A session focusing on all things music and tech. Nothing will be off limits, and hot topics will include what Pandora is re…
MG Siegler, Tom Conrad
Get together with other Big Data professionals for an hour of brainstorming, idea-buidling, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Or, attend this Meet Up to learn more about this segment of the industry -- or…
Silona Bonewald
CLE. As technology companies develop new products and services that enable consumers to access and consume music and movies in new ways and places, at the time and choosing of the user, are copyright owners being cheated…
Gary Greenstein
When Louis C.K. released his comedy special "Live at the Beacon Theater" by himself on his website for $5, it was little more than a cautiously optimistic experiment. In just 12 days, it reaped more than $1 million. Alre…
Nick Nuciforo, Scot Richardson
When Louis C.K. released his comedy special "Live at the Beacon Theater" by himself on his website for $5, it was little more than a cautiously optimistic experiment. In just 12 days, it reaped more than $1 million. Alre…
Nick Nuciforo, Scot Richardson
Digitas, a digitally led, integrated brand agency, is collaborating with SXSWi to present the real story of SXSWi 2013. By analyzing a variety of data collected before, during and at the end of this year's Festival, Di…
Beth McCabe, Itai Asseo

A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Bob Stolzberg

With the rapid rise of photo-hungry social networks Pinterest and Instagram (and their subsequent effect on the more-established Facebook and Twitter,) branded content is compelled to become less verbal and more visual. …

When SXSW Interactive began, blogging was new, people still sent email forwards, and print media stocks were at record highs. The South By crowd knew a big change was coming but the rest of the world didn't. Now the cha…
Jonah Peretti
CLE. This presentation will focus on cutting edge developments in the digital music licensing arena, including a deep dive into trends related to licenses with record companies for digital services, recent changes in U.S…
Christian Castle
Now more than ever the power of independent publishing through e-books is advancing! Austin author/musician Jesse Sublett and digital/publishing advisor Nettie Reynolds host this networking session with eBook authors, pu…
Jesse Sublett, Nettie Reynolds
Eric Cheng has been exploring the limits of photography as a world-renowned underwater photographer and founder of, traveling hundreds of feet underwater to capture rare and beautiful creatures. As the Dire…
Eric Cheng
Eric Cheng has been exploring the limits of photography as a world-renowned underwater photographer and founder of, traveling hundreds of feet underwater to capture rare and beautiful creatures. As the Dire…
Eric Cheng
Join us and enjoy a keg of beer while you discover “Avenue Live.” Avenue Live reinvents local radio by providing the sole place for artists, promoters, venues, music blogs and college radio stations to reach new audience…
Historically, innovation in sex-related technology has spurred innovation in mainstream technology. In 2013, is this still the case? If so, what are the trends, memes, patterns and shifts in the adult world that we will …
Jay Kopita, Sarah Garcia
A year ago, Forbes introduced Daniel Ek to the world by putting him on the cover of its inaugural "30 Under 30" issue. Now the story's author interviews Ek, perhaps the most disruptive force in music right now, about the…
, Daniel Ek
A year ago, Forbes introduced Daniel Ek to the world by putting on the cover of its inaugural "30 Under 30" issue. Now the story's author interviews Ek, perhaps the most disruptive force in music right now, about the fut…
, Daniel Ek
Get together with other folks in the SEO industry for an hour of brainstorming, idea-building, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Or, attend this Meet Up to learn more about this segment of the industry.…
Bill Leake
IFC creates and champions authentic, original comedies that are “Always On. Slightly Off” including the hit series Portlandia, the fan favorite Comedy Bang! Bang! and the upcoming new original Maron. The network is also…
Chris Gethard, Fred Armisen, Marc Maron, Scott Aukerman

“Anonymity” is a much-ballyhooed buzzword. But the complex issues of anonymity and authorship are far from unique to the Internet age. We’ve been here before. Turn back to 17th century Europe, when publishing was a less-…