Designing for Real-Time Marketing
Social media has increased the speed with which we communicate. We’re constantly Tweeting, Posting, Liking, Pinning, Instagramming, and checking in. This fire hose of information combined with the 24/7 news cycle has lead to an emerging field called “Real-Time Marketing," based on the need for marketers to increase the speed with which they engage their audiences. Where there is marketing, there are designers. How do designers thrive in the fast-pace of real-time marketing?
This session will focus on best practices for designing for real-time marketing. Attendees will learn what real-time marketing is, how it is being used, and how design plays a role.

Tyler Travitz is a Director at GolinHarris, leading the agency’s digital design and development efforts in North America. He provides strategic, creative and technical juice for GolinHarris’ award-winning campaigns across various discipline areas and business verticals. He has worked with blue-chip brands and Fortune 500 companies including McDonald’s, Dow, Boehringer Ingelheim, Unilever, and Texas Instruments. Recently, Tyler has led major re-design efforts for Mead Johnson Nutrition, Crown Imports and Constellation Brands.
Tyler’s work in interactive has been featured on Mashable, recognized by Adobe, and won a MarCom Platinum award. He was a featured speaker at the Big (D)esign Conference in June, 2012 and will be speaking at SXSW 2013. Tyler holds a Master’s Degree in Computer Graphics Design from the Rochester Institute of Technology.