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Sam Ford - Book Signing

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Sam Ford will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture” following his panel “Spreadable Media: Value, Meaning & Network Culture”.

Sam Ford is Director of Digital Strategy with Peppercom, an affiliate with both MIT Comparative Media Studies and Western Kentucky University, a Fast Company contributor, and co-author of Spreadable Media (2013, NYU Press). He also serves on WOMMA's Membership Ethics Advisory Panel and was named 2011 Social Media Innovator of the Year by Bulldog Reporter. Sam organizes the Futures of Entertainment conference each year and is a Kentucky Press Association award-winning journalist. He was also co-editor of the 2011 book The Survival of Soap Opera. He has written for BusinessWeek, The Huffington Post, Portfolio, Chief Marketer, The Public Relations Strategist, PR News, Bulldog Reporter, The Christian Science Monitor, and He has been quoted on Investor’s Business Daily, The Financial Times, Fortune, CNN, NPR, BBC Worldwide, The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Télérama, Mashable, Hollywood Reporter, and ESPN: The Magazine.