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Mentor Session: Evo Terra

A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new media professional. Please visit this URL to sign up -


Evo Terra Co-founder ePublish Unum

Since 2002, I've made my living as a "digital business strategist". In short, I solve problems.

Along the way, I stumbled into the publishing community. First it was co-hosting an author interview show that became a nationally syndicated radio program & podcast. Then it was launching a serialized free audio books service. I was even asked to write a couple of books in the "for Dummies" series, so I have in-the-trenches experience in what it means to be an author.

Now I'm a publishing coach. I help should-be authors get their awesome ideas published. I also help established authors who've become "shipwrecked" by sweeping changes in publishing how to use digital tools like Google+ to reestablish their carrers!