Complete event listing for
Work and Career
Friday, March 8
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…

If you're planning on joining a startup, start smart. Venture financing in tech is at a fever pitch -- 3,700 companies received financing in 2011 alone, and all of them were issuers of stock options. This begs the questi…
Bill Harris
So you want to start a company--but you know it will grow so much faster if you start it out with someone else. But whom? Your college friends seem to still be in the beer-guzzling phase, and networking events haven't re…
Erica Douglass, Parnell Springmeyer
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
In the span of about 4 months, I had the opportunity to start my own local business, was offered a modeling contract, got my foot in the door on an excellent marketing team at a B2B software company, and was offered a he…
Lisa Messelt

The human brain is a funny thing: frankly, in terms of how it operates it hasn’t changed much since our Cro-Magnon days. We’re social animals designed to live 10,000 years ago in small tribes, totally dependent on the re…
Janet Crawford, Lisa Kavanaugh
Saturday, March 9
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
RSVP Required - Getting accepted to present at South by Southwest means nothing if you do a crap job of it once you get here. Cranky Talk Workshops are dedicated to eradicating mediocre conference presentations and we’re…
Adam Polansky, Dan Willis, David Panarelli, Laura Creekmore
We know that it takes hard work, talent and the occasional dose of luck for someone to make it to the top of their chosen field...but is that all? To find out we asked dozens of extraordinary people including celebrities…
Camille Sweeney
We know that it takes hard work, talent and the occasional dose of luck for someone to make it to the top of their chosen field...but is that all? To find out we asked dozens of extraordinary people including celebrities…
Camille Sweeney

Anne-Marie Slaughter will discuss her article in the Atlantic Magazine, "Why Women Still Can't Have It All", the replies to it, and the expansions on the topic that she is considering in her book on the same topic. She w…
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Jessica Coen
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
There was once a widespread fear of hackers due to their deep understanding of digital and technology, and their power to evoke chaos. In a twist of events, some of the world’s most notable brands, businesses and causes…
Casey Caplowe, Joshua Teixeira
In the next few days, you'll hear a lot about startups and startup culture, but what about the rest of us? If you're working on social media for a company of 1,000 employees or more, this is your chance to find answers …
Noah Kuttler
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Christie Dames
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Rawn Shah

In 2010, Mark Zuckerberg said: “There is going to be an opportunity over the next five years or so to pick any industry and rethink it in a social way.” His prediction has come true. New profession-based social network…
Calen Holbrooks, Jay Hallberg, Kirk Simpson, Rebecca Lieb
The Allen Curve, a theory developed by MIT Sloan School of Management Professor Tom Allen in the 1970's, asserts that the physical distance between individuals directly affects their levels of collaboration. This belief …
Bill Aulet, Sanjay Sarma
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…

Why try to replicate the success, scale or legacy of Silicon Valley in any meaningful way? Why compete with New York, London or Berlin, when talent will always be attracted to capitals of commerce and culture? Martin Bry…
Martin Bryant, Paul Smith

At your first job, you filled your shelves with obscure books to impress your colleagues. As a first-time manager, you probably tried to be a super hero to save a project but were confused when your team seemed unhappy a…
Elaine Wherry
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…

With the technology to support mobile workstyles and a remote workforce, why are any of us still caught in the quagmire of the daily commute to our deadly desks, and will we ever see the day where big business decides to…
Cali Williams Yost, Jon Froda, Kate Lister, Richard Leyland

Amazing Things Will Happen is the new book from C.C. Chapman. It is a no nonsense guide to living a happier and more successful life. This book reading will give an overview of the philosophy of the book as well as answe…
C.C. Chapman
Amazing Things Will Happen is the new book from C.C. Chapman. It is a no nonsense guide to living a happier and more successful life. This book reading will give an overview of the philosophy of the book as well as answe…
CC Chapman
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
Cali Yost will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “TWEAK IT: Make What Matters to You Happen Every Day” following her panel session. Called "one of the smartest" and "sophisticated thinkers" by The New Y…
Let's get out of the echo chamber of everyone telling each other how important social media is for a little bit and talk about the problems with social. If we're honest, it's hard to tell what actually works and what doe…
Frank Burns, Jason Ford

The industrialization of food brought upon mass obesity. The industrialization of media brings about a new kind of mass-ignorance that comes not from the lack of information but from the consumption of it. Create more ti…
Clay Johnson
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Leah McDougald

Here comes another problem All wrapped up in solution It's ugly as it's strapped on And twice as hard to get behind Another sieve-fisted find ~ Fugazi Once companies to get to a size where you can't all have lunch togeth…
Ryan McMinn
C.C. Chapman will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Amazing Things Will Happen: A Real-World Guide on Achieving Success and Happiness” following his Book Reading session. C.C. Chapman is a leader in the…
Clay Johnson will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “The Information Diet” following his Book Reading session. Clay Johnson is best known as the co-founder of Blue State Digital, the firm that built and…
Sunday, March 10
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…

Tech innovation is a pervasive theme at SXSW, and people are key to innovation. An ongoing challenge for our industry is how to keep working parents in, instead of dropping out, as they give birth to the next generation …
Lisa Belkin, Sara DeWitt
First up on the Next Stage is the introduction to our exciting recruiting meet up series: I Met My Agency @ SXSW! A unique form of career development, this agency speed dating session lets agencies pitch themselves to y…
First up on the Next Stage is the introduction to our exciting recruiting meet up series: I Met My Agency @ SXSW! A unique form of career development, this agency speed dating session lets agencies pitch themselves to y…
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Juliana Stock

It's no secret that increased access to digital distribution has dramatically changed the book publishing industry. For years anyone could be an author. Today, anyone can be a publisher. Self-publishing was once seen as …
Erin Brown, Hugh Howey, Kirby Kim, Rachel Deahl
"The Phoenix Project" is a Socratic novel, inspired by Dr. Eliyahu Goldratt’s book “The Goal” which follows Bill Palmer, an IT manager at Parts Unlimited. The company’s new IT initiative, code named Phoenix Project, is …
Gene Kim
Following the success of our Agency Meet Up in 2012, we are excited to announce another round of SXSW Recruiter Meet Ups now expanding to our four day program! This unique networking opportunity connects top agencies wit…
Following the success of our Agency Meet Up in 2012, we are excited to announce another round of SXSW Recruiter Meet Ups now expanding to our four day program! This unique networking opportunity connects top agencies wit…

How global is creativity? We decided to swap one of Mason Zimbler’s US art directors with their UK office counterpart to find out and to answer a few other questions we had, like: Do their ideas translate? Do we approach…
James Trezona, Kevin Kerner
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…

A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
David Kaiser
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Kathi Kaiser
Hugh Howey will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Wool” following his panel session. Hugh Howey spent 8 years working as a yacht captain. When he was pulled away from the sea by the love of his life, h…
Why in an era of evolving technology, are we viewing work in the same way we always have? I’ve witnessed many transformations in technology, from working at IBM during the PC Revolution to the epicenter of e-commerce at …
Why in an era of evolving technology, are we viewing work in the same way we always have? I’ve witnessed many transformations in technology, from working at IBM during the PC Revolution to the epicenter of e-commerce at …
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
RSVP Required - Community Manager (CM) is one of the most buzzworthy job titles in the online media industry. There are countless variations of the job, and little clarity on where it falls in the organizational hierarch…
Natalie Rodic Marsan, Nick Cicero, Tim McDonald
This is a meetup for freelancers who wish to discuss business, lifestyle, and any other topics relevant to this group.…
Clay Crenshaw
Maynard Webb will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Rebooting Work: Transform How You Work in the Age of Entrepreneurship” following his book reading. With over 30 years of experience as an active lead…
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Christine Turner
RSVP Required - The c-suite has just approved your strategy to leverage networks and social media for your mission. But, if your internal culture is not a social one how can you possibly expect to be successful? This w…
Beth Kanter, Danielle Brigida, Laura Fitton, Rachel Weidinger
By 2014, Millennials (born between 1980-1995) will make up 36% of the workforce. This new group of workers, raised with technology and praise, brings a new set of expectations and demands. They were parented by overachie…
Jennifer Selke, Tim Street

The world isn’t flat yet. But as it gets flatter, distributed teams are appearing in nearly every industry from clothing to customer service & from technology to teaching. This threatening reality gets even more complex …
Dan Chuparkoff
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…

The past few years have seen the emergence of a new trend in government. Where once government IT projects were characterised by large out-sourced projects, the skunkworks philosophy has begun to infect. Where once there…
James Stewart, Matt Burton

Professional designers and developers like us are paid to create smart, badass work for our clients. All too often, however, our hard work fails to get approved simply because we didn’t present it effectively. In short, …
Megan Mead, Michael Gibson
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Eileen McDaniel, Ph.D.

Are you where you want to be professionally? Whether your goal is to advance faster at your company, change jobs, or even careers, one thing is clear: to succeed in today’s competitive job market and build the career you…
Dorie Clark
Are you where you want to be professionally? Whether your goal is to advance faster at your company, change jobs, or even careers, one thing is clear: to succeed in today’s competitive job market and build the career you…
Dorie Clark

We all know the sad truth: the majority of working Americans are chained to their desks – namely, their computer screens – for eight hours per day and the “massive” obesity epidemic persists. Recent research suggests tha…
Fran Melmed, Jane Sarasohn-Kahn, Peter Katzmarzyk, Sharon Mandler
Monday, March 11

The power of social technology can be nothing short of revolutionary. In 2008 for example, the Red Cross raised more than $30 million for Haiti through SMS donations. Technologies that enable us to poke our friends or re…
The power of social technology can be nothing short of revolutionary. In 2008 for example, the Red Cross raised more than $30 million for Haiti through SMS donations. Technologies that enable us to poke our friends or re…
Andy Smith will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “The Dragonfly Effect: Quick, Effective, and Powerful Ways To Use Social Media to Drive Social Change” following his Book Reading session.…

Empathic. Collaborative. Constructive. Fast. These are just some of the words that today’s hiring managers use to describe the new New Hire. As our mediums change, so do our expectations for interactive designers. As scr…
Jared Spool, Leslie Jensen-Inman

After last year's SXSW I decided to quit my job. It was the first thing I did after coming back from Austin. Even though it was my second SXSW I couldn't find anything resembling the vibes, content, and people at my job …
Jeroen van Eck
The media is flooded with stories of this new generation of workers, their need for constant praise, and perceived sense of entitlement. Millennials are described as arrogant, needy, and lacking in the work ethic found i…
Amy Mixa, Betsy Flanagan, Jay Adelson, Luke Davids
Positive blind spots are the unintended consequence of our culture of self-improvement. Growing up, we’re taught that we can do anything. It feels good to hear, and we’re likely all guilty of actually believing it. Unfo…
Cameron Lord
From school sports to the workplace, we’ve been conditioned to believe there is no “I” in Team. But that’s a big, fat lie. For years, the preferences of individuals, or “I’s”, have largely been ignored in favor of the T…
Blaine Mathieu
When we're born, we start learning how the world works by playing. The Tarahumara running tribe in Mexico play a game as a kids that teaches them how to run as a pack, an essential part of their survival. Often the most…
Brian Hawkins

An economic downturn, fewer jobs, new expectations for workers — whatever the reason, times are changing. People are realizing the financial burden of student loans and the struggle to find a job after graduation. Meanwh…
Nicola Smith
Kicking off the Meet Up Pavilion on March 11th is the second recruiting round of “I Met My Agency @ SXSW” focusing on professional technical designers and innovators. Current agency participants for SXSW 2013 include D…
Kicking off the Meet Up Pavilion on March 11th is the second recruiting round of “I Met My Agency @ SXSW” focusing on professional technical designers and innovators. Current agency participants for SXSW 2013 include D…
Kicking off the Meet Up Pavilion on March 11th is the second recruiting round of “I Met My Agency @ SXSW” focusing on professional technical designers and innovators. Current agency participants for SXSW 2013 include D…
Much of how we “do work,” has changed in recent years, yet little has changed in how we design organizations. Our antiquated organizational and management models are ill-equipped to marshal the intangible assets so integ…
Joe Gerstandt

The new economy has changed everything, allowing – or forcing – workers to leave their (un)comfortable 9-to-5 day jobs in order to pursue their passion in a freelance career that provides freedom, fulfillment, and locati…
Jim Hopkinson
Anne-Marie Slaughter writes an open letter stating she never felt she could manage her job and have a healthy family life. Marissa Mayer becomes CEO of Yahoo! and announces she's pregnant and working through maternity l…
Caroline Howard, Jesse Draper, Kate Brodock, Nicole Glaros
Companies continually unleash new products & services, looking to move into new markets & evolve their brand w/existing & new audiences. For large corporations this can be overwhelming & complex, how do you become agile …
Dan Schulman

As information workers, we are asked to absorb even more information than ever before. More blogs, more documentation, more patterns, more layers of abstraction. Now Twitter and Facebook compete with Email and Texts for …
Scott Hanselman

While some companies harness the power of their employees to create brand advocates and evangelists, most do not. Apple, for example, shows how to make employees into your biggest promoters and supporters. It hands out t…
Jim Larrison

The dreaded résumé. How can one love something meant to condense and cram a person’s life and career into a handful of pages? We as job hunters hate them because they never seem to sufficiently convey what we do or how w…
Mike Dunn

People can earn a living doing what they love. We’ve all heard this before. But most people don’t realize they don’t need to earn as much money as they think to live contently. And with the fear-of-money obstacle out of …
Courtney Carver, Joshua Becker, Joshua Fields Millburn, Ryan Nicodemus

We’ve all digitally stalked hiring managers before: followed them on Twitter, sent a Facebook friend request, liked their Instagram photos, Highlighted them, sent an InMail. But, does it actually work, and how do hiring …
Jocelyn Lai, Justin Gignac
Beth Kanter will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of “Measuring the Networked Nonprofit: Using Data to Change the World” Beth Kanter is the author of Beth’s Blog: How Nonprofits Can Use Social Media, one of the…

A recent post, “Modest Proposal for Stopping Hackers: Get Them Girlfriends,” had more than 500 comments within days. One issue that struck home with the audience was not that hackers need better social lives…
Izzy Johnston, Jennifer Bensko Ha, Peter Vesterbacka
Professional designers and developers like us are paid to create smart, badass work for our clients. All too often, however, our hard work fails to get approved simply because we didn’t present it effectively. In short, …
Megan Mead, Michael Gibson
It’s downright insane how people communicate in the business world. We’re told to “ease users into the monetization channel” and to “create social-local campaigns to increase the optimization levels of our consumer-centr…
Carla Borsoi, Grant Shellen
Tuesday, March 12
Kevin Grossman will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of “Tech Job Hunt Handbook ”.…

Survey after survey shows that strong organizational culture and philanthropic focus hold an increasing amount of weight for prospective employees when choosing a job. Yet, too often, employees are asked to check the oth…
Dan Graham
“The place we choose to live affects every aspect of our being. It can determine the income we earn, the people we meet, the friends we make, the partners we choose, and the options available to our children”. Given the…
Erica Swallow, Florent Peyre, Jeremy Fisher, Sean Ogle
On March 12th, the third installment of our four day recruiting series, “I Met My Agency @ SXSW” focuses on bringing together agencies and professionals in the fields of advertising, PR and social media. Current agency …
On March 12th, the third installment of our four day recruiting series, “I Met My Agency @ SXSW” focuses on bringing together agencies and professionals in the fields of advertising, PR and social media. Current agency …
On March 12th, the third installment of our four day recruiting series, “I Met My Agency @ SXSW” focuses on bringing together agencies and professionals in the fields of advertising, PR and social media. Current agency …
I am an Executive Coach with over 15 years of corporate experience having worked with large firms like Microsoft, Mercedes Benz and the Gates Foundation. I will mentor early career professionals and offer them some sim…
Kumar Anbalagan

The sad part about happiness: it doesn’t always come easy. In fact it’s often quite a challenge. We want to fix that. Delivering Happiness is a company dedicated to finding what makes you happy—and they aren’t messing ar…
James Key Lim, Jenn Lim, Karen Zuckerman, Kevin Kubasik

Have you thought about what happens to your online life after you die? Should we tweet after death because we can? So much of our lives are now online, our art, accounts, social networks and photos, how do we manage this…
Chanel Reynolds
Hang out with your people. Join public relations and communication pros here for SXSW Interactive, Film and Music. No agendas, just a friendly way to meet more of your kind.…
Owen Sexton

If we're all working so hard in the pursuit of happiness why are so many of us unhappy at work. As work and play blend together in our mobile lives, happiness in the workplace has never been more important. Collaborati…
Brian Welle, Chris Schultz, Jenn Lim
Luke Iseman quit his day job in 2008, tired of a cubicle and without a plan. He liked to make things, but can you really turn your hobby into a full-fledged business? And where do you even begin? Luke Iseman, founder of …
Luke Iseman
Wednesday, March 13
The fourth and final round of “I Met My Agency @ SXSW”, held in the Meet Up Pavilion, brings together our participating agencies and innovative creative designers. Current agency participants for SXSW 2013 include Duar…
The fourth and final round of “I Met My Agency @ SXSW”, held in the Meet Up Pavilion, brings together our participating agencies and innovative creative designers. Current agency participants for SXSW 2013 include Duar…
The fourth and final round of “I Met My Agency @ SXSW”, held in the Meet Up Pavilion, brings together our participating agencies and innovative creative designers. Current agency participants for SXSW 2013 include Duar…