Why the Neanderthals Were Lousy Entrepreneurs
The human brain is a funny thing: frankly, in terms of how it operates it hasn’t changed much since our Cro-Magnon days. We’re social animals designed to live 10,000 years ago in small tribes, totally dependent on the relationships around us. With biological programming that equates social approval with survival, it’s obvious why so many companies fall into collective groupthink, struggling to surface new and innovative ideas. Simply put: no one wants to look stupid. But there are (unexpected) ways to trick your brain into chilling out enough to coax innovative thinking out from the shadows. With Janet Crawford, an expert in neuroscience, on hand to provide the biological perspective, Ask.com’s CTO Lisa Kavanaugh can explain how applying improv exercises and techniques to the product development cycle helped her team relax, have fun and unlock their best ideas yet.