Complete event listing for
Hyatt Regency Austin
208 Barton Springs Rd
Saturday, March 9

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …
Storytellers! Underestimate the power of fandom at your peril. If a storyteller has done his or her job right, they have created a rich story world complete with canons, tropes and multiple layers of mythology- a world t…
Andrew Slack, Brian Seth HURST, Michael Monello, Sabrina Caluori
Tech companies spent more than $100 billion on acquisitions in 2010, often to create a bottle-rocket effect of fast growth, yet industry leaders estimate 70-90 percent of tech acquisitions fail. A “techquisition” lives o…
Carl Shepherd, Cotter Cunningham
With high quality internet access rising, cell phones and tablets more ubiquitous than ever and heightened multitasking among “millenials,” grocery shopping is not what it used to be. Only 41% of millenials buy food at t…
Kent Novak, Marshall Capps, Paul Salvini, William Hurley
As digital devices and streaming make appointment based viewing less important, live sports appears to be one of the last categories that can consistently draw massive viewership numbers. How are media companies and righ…
, Jason Kint

Social media is a pervasive part of our lives – from how we connect with our family & friends to how we consume media. But is it for everyone? How about the macho, foul-mouthed crab fisherman who spend months in the frig…
Johnathan Hillstrand, Josh Weinberg, Keith Colburn, Sig Hansen

We have become a job-hopping culture. Company ‘lifers’ that maintain a career and knowledge in just one company for most of their working lives are essentially extinct. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, worker…
Craig Malloy

When Matt Mullenweg started blogging 10 years ago, he was looking for a permanent home on the Web. His passion for blogging led him to develop WordPress, the most popular publishing platform on the Web, and then found Au…
, Matt Mullenweg
From the Vatican Secret Archives and Nevada’s Area 51 to the Google server warehouse and the giant floating plastic garbage island in the middle of the ocean and a myriad of former insane asylums, hidden metro stations a…
Allison Busacca

Peter Sagal of NPR’s "Wait Wait... Don’t Tell Me!" and host of new PBS series, Constitution USA, leads a “Wait Wait” style conversation on reinvigorating dreaded civics lessons through gaming. More Americans can name the…
, Dan Norton, Peter Sagal

Tech and interactive design is one of the most forward thinking industries, by design, and there are tons of LGBTQ who work in this industry. Only recently have the LGBTQ in these industries begun to band together, whe…
Andrew Watterson, Keith Kurson

For as long as basketball has been played, it’s been played with five positions. But through topological data visualization, Muthu Alagappan discovered the 10 positions hidden among them, with the power to help even the …
Jeff Beckham, Muthu Alagappan
Millennials are allegedly the prototype of the new consumer. They’re hyper-connected, tech-aware, and uber-social. They blend channels constantly: Surfing on their tablets while watching TV and texting their friends – co…
Jason Dorsey, Lisa Pearson
Yeah, there's Match and OkCupid and HowAboutWe. But the real matches are happening on everyday social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook and Instagram. Set aside all the hype about Manti Te'o and "Catfishing" for…
Brian Stelter, Jamie Shupak
Americans have never been more interested in where their food is coming from, but how is this impacting the economy, our environment and public health? Industrial Agriculture has driven much of the U.S. economy for the p…
Susan Leibrock, Tom Philpott

Cloud computing is becoming the go-to delivery model for games and media. Hear how three companies are using Infrastructure-as-a-Service to speed up development, lower costs, and deliver successful applications. We will …

The storytelling tradition is strong within Native cultures, however, traditions and languages are still being lost with every generation. Over half of the Native American population is under the age of 25 and almost 80%…
Eric Martin, Missy Whiteman, Tom Fields, Tracy Rector
Sunday, March 10

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …
Hold a discussion covering the benefits of using outsourced resources and how to improve going forward • Cost savings • Increased quality of next generation titles • Immediate availability of resource ramp up for full p…
Sergio Rosas, Tom Marx

Molly Crabapple - visual artist, and Kim Boekbinder - musician, are both champions of the crowd funding age. Both have received international praise and recognition for their groundbreaking work in their respective mediu…
Kim Boekbinder, Molly Crabapple
Over the past year and a half, media (websites, TV, books) created by women has often been accused of being too girly. When women's sites and Hello Giggles launched in May of 2011, journalist Tricia Romano wro…
Anna Holmes, Deborah Schoeneman, Margaret Johnson, Rebecca Fernandez
We live in an increasingly connected world. Constant streams of tweets, status-updates and check-ins have brought humanity closer together than ever. We've entered an era with an emphasis on creating and unifying - wher…
Mordechai Lightstone, Seth Cohen

To bring about a more social experience in the workplace, we created Arnie - the world's first talking beer vending machine. Arnie is fully automated, intelligent and works on the seventeenth floor at Arnold Worldwide. …
Anthony Stellato

From early on in the careers, three-star Michelin chefs - a rarified 106 in the world at present - have a nearly tyrannical hold on their kitchens. They insist on perfection in every ingredient, in temperature, in presen…
Brenda Brathwaite Romero

"Give a man a gun and he can rob a bank. Give him a bank and he can rob the world." Cronyism and dishonesty are rampant, from phonying up the Libor rate to profiting from insider trading. New and complicated regulations…
Don Peppers, Martha Rogers

This core conversation will address the ways in which those who have sexual interests outside the mainstream form and find community as well as a safe place to gather on the internet. How groups are formed, where and ho…
, Herb Coleman

Today's retail space has an expiration date, and it's up to digital marketing experts as well as retail space planners to help brands prepare for the future. We call it retail rewired. Time-tested concepts such as cash w…
Barry Bourbon, Dan Shust

As today’s children are practically born digital, it comes as no surprise that this generation is the most tech-savvy yet. Now, with more than half of all US children having access to a mobile device- such as a smartphon…
Lori Leibovich, Maryam Scoble, Sarah Evans, Tony Favorito

Every day, sensors around the world record more data. Increasingly, citizens are becoming sensors, carrying mobile devices that enable them to collect and share observations from their environments. From governments to u…
, Javaun Moradi

What happens when you combine the visions of advertising agency, W+K and game designer, Graeme Devine. Advertisers have discovered games: they can be cheaper than TV spots, produce lots of engagement and people play the…
Dan Hon, Graeme Devine, Michelle Childs, Mike Giepert
With the rise of mobile devices, especially tablets, the opportunity in mobile gaming is taking center stage. As mobile continues to heat up in the gaming industry, many believe that mobile will soon bypass the success o…
Sean Uberoi Kelly
This session will focus on the evolution of the online adult entertainment industry, but the lessons it imparts will serve to guide digital media publishers through today’s changing marketplace. The confluence of events …
Alec Helmy, Stephen Yagielowicz

Digital maps dot the landscape of the Internet and our mobile devices. And for the most part, these maps live in a perpetual NOW. But one thing often overlooked in the rush for geo-currency is the amazing ability of maps…
Butch Lazorchak, David McClure, Deborah Boyer, Matthew Knutzen
Monday, March 11

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …
As we spend ever more time in the digital world, what's becoming increasingly valued is the time we do NOT spend online or in front of a screen—the time we spend with real people and real things. As JWT observed in its T…
Ann Mack, Frank Rose, Paul Woolmington
Fashion and beauty bloggers have garnered much attention in the media. They have the ability to influence consumer perception and purchasing, like celebrities and models before them. How long will they hold onto this man…
Caroline Waxler
When was the last time you got to sit down and discuss some really big ideas? And not scale big, like Facebook and Twitter. And not even industry-shifting big, like Kickstarter and Simple. No, let's talk even bigger. Ast…
Jesse Chan-Norris

Do you have thousands of rich media files that you can’t make sense of? Do you find yourself breaking into a sweat when you try to find a file? Are you frequently unsure which file is the latest version? Are you secretly…
Edward Smith, Jim Kidwell
Five years. A dozen social media platforms. Hundreds of producers and artists. Thousands of songs and videos. Millions of fans and billions of views. This is the ecosystem that gave rise to Hatsune Miku, the global singi…
, Alex Leavitt, Hiroyuki Itoh, Kanae Muraki
Eddie Huang is one of the food world's brightest young stars, boldly redefining American identity for the 21st century as a writer, chef, entrepreneur and TV personality. Huang was born in the American South to FOB ("fre…
Eddie Huang

The Crazy Nastyass Honey Badger is pretty badass, as evidenced by 50 million YouTube views, a book, a commercial for nuts and a merchandise line exploding in popularity. During this panel, Tony Mennuto, Creative Director…
, Randall

Sarah Reinertsen was the first woman on a prosthetic leg to complete the grueling Hawaii Ironman Triathlon. Since losing her leg because of a bone-growth disorder, she has gone on to set world records in track and compet…
Sarah Reinertsen
Creative media work can be done anywhere, particularly in our internet age. But it is clear that some areas of the world have higher concentrations of talented creative people, which are labeled Creative Clusters. This…
Gordon Walton, Richard Vogel
From Instagram to LOL Cats to Tumblr, few things on the Internet are more tempting than a picture with a sense of humor or a vintage filter. With more content sharing platforms available than ever before, the ability to …
, Diana Walker, Kira Pollack, Stacy Lambe
Puzzle Clubhouse is Schell Games' grand experiment in crowdsourced game development. In this talk, Jesse Schell will explain what his team has learned about voting, community management, and how to produce episodic video…
Jesse Schell

In many ways, mobile is the new cigarette. Like a pack of Marlboro Reds, this powerful machine of cool fits in our pocket so it can always be activated. Just as smokers have no compunction about going up to someone with …
Doug Grinspan, Jeremiah Zinn
In this session, attendees will learn how brand marketers must adapt their techniques to a tech-savvy, rewards-oriented youth audience, otherwise known as “Generation Play.” The youth market craves entertainment experien…
Cindy Kang, Jeff Roach

Fashion and lifestyle brands have quickly assimilated social media's online culture by listening to and leveraging audience behavior to create environments that feel quintessentially branded yet personable and fresh. Mod…
Aliza Licht, Cannon Hodge, John Jannuzzi
10 years ago, voice talent waited by the phone for auditions, drove to cattle calls at recording studios, to be recorded by an engineer, directed by a producer, followed by more waiting for a booking. Today, casting site…
David H. Lawrence XVII
Tuesday, March 12

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …

"What are you, crazy?" We've heard this often over the last 18 months in our execution of a strategy that we call "blog to brick." This strategy is leading us from building one of the most popular LGBT media sites in No…
Kevin Farrell, Nick Vivion
Today consumers have an unprecedented number of options when it comes to playing games. In addition to home and handheld consoles, people are now always connected to games through common mobile devices like smartphones o…
Chris Harvey, Jack Buser

Graduates into the rapidly changing media environment have to learn current concepts, but must also be prepared to grasp new ideas and quickly apply them to their careers. Like the ironic, hipster T-shirt that declares "…
Aron Pilhofer, Cindy Royal
In the past decade professional sports have made quantum leaps integrating digital media into their product offering. From fantasy leagues to on-line viewing, mobile updates, and direct communication with athletes, today…
Jayne Bussman-Wise, Marc Jenkins, Michael Cole, Michael Allen
The gaming console has done more to evolve TV than any other technological innovation in a generation, with Xbox Live, PS3 and Nintendo Wii U providing gateways into the home and a yet unrivalled interactive TV experienc…
Bing Gordon, Julia Boorstin
General partner at KPCB and former COO of EA Bing Gordon will discuss the evolution of entertainment, the future of TV and lessons learned from the gaming industry. Bing will discuss the development of community, downloa…
Bing Gordon

Ever since the pioneering Origin Systems germinated in Austin during the mid-1980's, this city has grown to become a recognized global hub of creative, technical and business talent in the games industry. Over the years,…
Fred Schmidt

Mobile is revolutionizing food culture, from soup to Korean Tacos. And we’re not just talking about tweeted photos of pork flavored ice cream. Mobile is the social location-based foundation of the “food truck economy;…
Nicholas Patrizi, Russ Parsons, Todd Dipaola
Football can be traced back to the English public schools in the 18th century. The British Empire enabled its spread worldwide and by the 19th century, Americans were playing their own distinct regional version. Today we…
Chris Heydt, Mark Ward

Our business model is adapting to change. We thrive on disruption. We don't play by the rules. Our clients love us. Our competition doesn't truly understand us. This is a group discussion for entrepreneurs who have built…
Brad Carleton, Nathan Toups
From more games being televised on sports cable networks to in-depth analysis by Internet recruiting services and on social media platforms, high school athletes have never been more visible or scrutinized. This exposure…
Andy Beal
The largest demographic of online game players are women over 35. And, this demographic is more social than ever; they’re willing to purchase virtual goods and boosters, while spending more time playing across multiple d…
AJ Glasser, Allison Rynak, Cara Ely, Rachel Bernstein
No amount of process can fix culture. Decisions core to a startup affects how it executes moving forward: Principles, Team, Culture, Strategy, Customer, Product, Pricing, Funding, Process, Tactics, Marketing. Learn to ge…
Dustin Clingman, Margaret Wallace, Michael Agustin
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Wednesday, March 13
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Thursday, March 14
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Friday, March 15
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Saturday, March 16
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……
Hotel Second Play Stage performance. Free and open to registrants and public.……