Complete event listing for
AT&T Conference Hotel
1900 University Avenue
Saturday, March 10

Need to recharge? iPhone or Tablet going dead? Feet hurting? Come relax in the iTriage Power-Up Lounge. Plug in your electronics at the charge stations and grab a healthy snack to refuel! And while you're recharging on t...
What creates a successful and rewarding interactive elearning or distance education program? By exploring case studies, this panel examines several distinct approaches in answering this question based on the specific nee...
Aaron Pompei, Henry Leitner, Julie Lytle, Michael Chaney, Steve Carson

Scheduled to take place in Austin in March 2013, the SXSW Visioning Assembly will be a collective dialogue with a large sample of SXSWi participants. Based on the Agora Process, developed by the Icelandic startup and pol...
Derek Lackaff

Professionals have been offering psychotherapy online since 1995. While the earlier services focused on offering therapy through email, this has changed in recent years. With the popularity of video conferencing, it was ...
Audrey Jung, Dr John Grohol, Julie Hanks LCSW, Sarah White

Healthcare is 18% of US GDP and will be 37% by 2050, if nothing changes. We must reinvent how we deliver healthcare. In the past year, prizes and challenges have come in to vogue in the health sector. Prizes and challeng...
Aman Bhandari, Cristin Dorgelo, Eileen Bartholomew, Indu Subaiya, Jeffrey Davis

A meet up on crafting game technologies for personal and professional enrichment. Led by Khal Shariff, CEO of Project Whitecard and the developer behind Astronaut: Moon, Mars and Beyond, the NASA MMO, Project Moonwalk &...
A new addition to SXSW Interactive 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new me...
Ivo Stivoric
A new addition to SXSW Interactive 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new me...
Leslie Ziegler
A new addition to SXSW Interactive 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new me...
Sara Reistad-Long
This January, 15 million people came out and had their voice heard in opposition to the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect IP act. Major technology organizations and startups, such as Mozilla, Wordpress, and Wikipedi...
Andrew McLaughlin, Elizabeth Stark, Gary Kovacs

A standard, supposedly self-evident fact: small class size is pedagogically superior for all student learning. Poppycock! This presentation will outline our successful strategies for expanding the conventional college c...
John Boyer, Katie Pritchard

Familiar with SXSWedu? SXSW extends its support for the art of engagement beyond musicians, actors, and technologists, to include society’s true stars...educators. One of the newest components of the SXSW Family of C...
Ron Reed
Meet the team that undertook the initiative of opening up one of Harvard College’s most popular undergraduate course, “Justice” with Michael Sandel ( Find out how their focus on social integrat...
Anne Cushing, Stephen Saber
Get together with other education technology experts for an hour of brainstorming, idea-buidling, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Or, attend this Meet Up to learn more about this segment of the industry...
Steve Amos
Calling all recent graduates, students, recruiters, teachers and those looking to network… This one is for you! Life after college can be quite the adventure both scary and fun. Meet others who are going through simila...
Greg Tariff
How did print and online coverage of SOPA impact the public's understanding of this proposed legislation? What outlets were most aggressive in tacking this story? If the blackout had not occurred, would this story have g...
Brian Stelter, Jake Bialer, Kim Hart, Stacey Higginbotham

Legendary CEO Jerry Levin and Futurist and Health Investor Esther Dyson are interviewed by StartUp Health Co-founder Steven Krein in a dynamic session to discuss how to transform health and wellness entrepreneurship in A...
Esther Dyson, Jerry Levin, Steven Krein
Peer 2 Peer University is a volunteer-supported open learning community. Together with Mozilla we started the "School of Webcraft" - a place where web developers learn hackers' habits, build up portfolios, and ...
Philipp Schmidt

Higher Ed attendance at SXSW continues to grow each year, and we're excited you're here. At this meet up sponsored by The Pennsylvania State University, edutech technologists from Penn State invite you to network, share ...
In 1997, the Lance Armstrong Foundation was created by the cancer survivor and champion cyclist to serve people affected by cancer. Now known publicly by its powerful brand – LIVESTRONG – the organization is a leader...
Doug Ulman

Get together with teachers and academics who focus on technology skills and concepts for an hour of brainstorming, idea-building, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Teachers, university professors, student...
Cindy Royal

As the SOPA showdown proved, digital fair-use questions no longer amount to a molehill on Capitol Hill. But if that episode revealed that Hollywood needs to reboot its understanding of IP politics, it also exposed fright...
Jayme White, Jennifer Hoelzer, Rob Pegoraro
SOPA and PIPA were neither the first time nor the last time entrepreneurs and innovators got involved in policy matters, but it can be a watershed moment in a sustained approach to active policy interaction and developme...
Andrew Rasiej, Boonsri Dickinson, Laurent Crenshaw, Mark Stanley, Mike Mcgeary

Cancer care and support is changing dramatically as blogging, social media, facebook and mmo gaming become mass media. Trisha Creekmore, aka Tinkerhell, a mother, wife and digital denizen since 1995, has had breast cance...
David Creekmore, Trisha Creekmore
Let's deconstruct & design actionable ideas about why Libraries, Archives, and Museums (aka #sxswLAM) within the SXSWi conversation is important -- beyond rubbing shoulders with meme-enablers and tool creators. You'l...
Monica Sack is home to a growing archive of exhibition subsites, each custom-designed for special exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art. As diverse as the exhibitions they represent, they are one of the most compelling as...
Chiara Bernasconi, Dan Phiffer, Lotte Meijer, Shannon Darrough
Get together with other social media and politics experts for an hour of brainstorming, idea-buidling, networking, friend-making and career-enhancement. Or, attend this Meet Up to learn more about this segment of the ind...
David Armistead
Sunday, March 11

Need to recharge? iPhone or Tablet going dead? Feet hurting? Come relax in the iTriage Power-Up Lounge. Plug in your electronics at the charge stations and grab a healthy snack to refuel! And while you're recharging on t...

It’s no secret. Local, state and federal governments face budget shortfalls, spending cuts and reduced service—in a political climate that favors gridlock. Serious games have emerged as a viable approach to budgeting...
Luke Hohmann

As more and more patients begin using social media as an information source and a support network, it's inevitable that they'll begin to interact with representatives of pharmaceutical companies looking to use new techno...
Alicia Staley, Allison Blass, Brian Reid, Kerri Sparling, Michele Polz

…Back to school? Not necessarily appealing right? The experimental, embedded, and reflexive departments of education and training within creative industries are reinventing education. This panel gathers ...
Allison Kent-Smith, Giselle Schmitz, Glenn Cole, Lori Kent, Matthew Brimer

What are the trends in social and digital media that will help shape the 2012 presidential election? What can we learn from grassroots election efforts like Rock the Vote, now in its 20th year, contrasted with the very s...
Christina Bellantoni, Craig Newmark, Heather Smith, Maria Teresa Kumar, Mary Katharine Ham

We’ll let you in on a secret: Socially Transmitted Data (STDs) are good for your health. Updating Twitter, searching for information on Google, texting your friends, and carrying your mobile phone – these activitie...
Anmol Madan, David Hale, Deven McGraw, Emily Hackel, Mark Dredze

A year ago one could have had an honest argument about whether the Internet was increasing the power of the oppressor or the oppressed. Events in Tunis, Cairo, Daraa, Tehran, Moscow, and Beijing have shown that it can b...
Chris Bronk, Mary Joyce, Patrick Meier, Richard Boly

Gaming, mentorship, increasing connection, and design thinking converge in a world of constant change -- and invite us to imagine a future of learning that is as powerful as it is optimistic. By exploring play, innovatio...
Heather Staker, Nicole Lazzaro, Scott Stropkay

What happens when you throw open the doors of government and let the public decide what happens? Join Rohan Silva, senior policy adviser to the British Prime Minister David Cameron, as he shares his stories about the Bri...
Rohan Silva

The nation's space agency and the world's largest museum and research complex have embraced the use of social media to reach out, engage new audiences, engage existing audiences in new ways, and give the public behind-th...
Vote for Geeks: Why and How more Technologists, Engineers, and Scientists Should Run for Office Long description: On the surface level, scientists, technologists, and engineers might not seem like the perfect politician...
Julie Germany, Lindsay Marsh

What if we put our collective technical expertise and resources to creating something more impactful than the next incremental addition to Twitter? Developing nations have an untapped potential to become regional hubs f...
Winston Damarillo

Everyone is talking about how "social media" is changing politics and elections. But hasn't politics always been social? Townhalls, rallies, knocking on doors, talking to friends and the act of asking for a...
Adam Conner, Katie Harbath

A public right to data is key to unlocking the biggest enterprise opportunity of our time: integrating social media with public services. Open government combines transparency with citizen participation. This is the futu...
Caroline Mauldin, Rakesh Rajani, Tim Kelsey
There’s no secret behind what makes for healthy living. Don’t smoke, eat right, and get some exercise to start. The problem is, being healthy feels a lot like work. So our core question: How can we make healthy beh...
Christine Robins, David Rose, Gigi Peterkin, Tom Noland

Facebook helped foment an uprising. Twitter kept the world rapt as revolution unfolded. But for all of their benefits, the use of social networks often puts activists--in Egypt, Syria, China, or even the United States--a...
Ahmed Shihab-Eldin, Danny O'Brien, Jillian York, Sam Gregory
Arts festivals are all about bringing people together, creating shared experiences and introducing them to cultural gems that they might not otherwise have found. How can festivals make best use of new technology to deve...
Andrew Coulton, Kath M Mainland

Are you embroiled in an cartographic dispute? Do you disagree with the official version of your geography? Do you need a up-to-date map of your area of interest?From the BP Oil Spill to the Gowanus Canal Super Fund site,...
Gregory Foster, Jennifer Hudon, Mathew Lippincott, Shannon Dosemagen

From smear campaigns on Twitter to owning a domain before the opposition does to constituent hangouts on Google+, social media and the web have changed the election process for good. Candidates rely on social media to ge...
Claudia Milne, Micah Sifry, Michael Scherer, Teddy Goff, Zeynep Tufekci

Startups are an important part of the American economy. Over the past three decades, companies less than five years old have accounted for nearly all net job creation in the United States. Yet, recent data on startups in...
The Honorable Jerry Moran

Sixty years before Zuckerberg, Senator J. William Fulbright had a revolutionary idea: connect people around the world to share ideas. Born out of WWII, his vision was “public diplomacy”: exchange regular citizens of ...
Doug Mitchell, Katie Day Good, Megan Neff, Vijay Renganathan

The Presidential Primary system is broken. It’s a hodgepodge of partisan elections that form a strange serpentine journey through the calendar and each state’s public opinion -- always playing to the extremes of the ...
Joshua Levine, Kahlil Byrd

Since 1980, the cost of college has risen more than 350% and the average student has more than $25,000 in debt. It used to be that each year of college correlated to an significant increase in lifetime earnings, but 44....
Dale Stephens

Should you pick your doctor the same way you pick where to eat dinner? We are all consumers of health services. Our culture is exploding with information sharing and reviewing of services, and businesses are feeling anxi...
Cindy Cohn, Jeffrey Segal, Keely Kolmes, Vince Sollitto

Can novel health applications in developing countries spark health innovation in the United States? Massive experimentation in mobile and interactive health is taking place overseas, often targeting poor populations in p...
Andre Blackman, Jaspal Sandhu
What happens next? Mobile, social and peer-to-peer tools are blowing up politics, news, and entertainment. But what about health care? Why is it that you can connect with everyone you know online except for your doctor o...
Dr Michael Golinkoff, Jamie Heywood, Wendy Sue Swanson
Citizens interact with their governments (local or national) every day, and they increasingly do this via websites, phone apps, or other types of technology. Many of these interfaces are uninformed by the design and exp...
Aaron Ogle, Cyd Harrell

“Keep Austin Weird” is more than just a bumper sticker. It’s a philosophy that has become a part of the Austin technology industry mindset and has helped make Austin a center of innovation. Learn about the city pol...
Adriana Cruz, Pike Powers, Tony Schum

Want to change the world? Then get a license to RHoK! Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) is a global initiative to create practical open source solutions to humanity's toughest challenges. Organized by Google, Microsoft...
Christiaan Adams, Elizabeth Sabet, Nicholas Skytland, Patrick Svenburg, Todd Khozien

What emerging media strategies and tools will shape the 2012 campaigns? In 2008, text messages and branded social networks (MyBO, McCainSpace) changed the face of political campaigning forever. In the 2012 race, presid...
Brian Athey, Danny Allen, Liz Mair, Todd Van Etten

Join Rey for an engaging, lively, beat-box-a-licious discussion about how the college classroom can be transformed into an engaging, collaborative learning community with the help of Twitter. Last year at SxSWi, Rey pres...
Rey Junco

Monday, March 12

Need to recharge? iPhone or Tablet going dead? Feet hurting? Come relax in the iTriage Power-Up Lounge. Plug in your electronics at the charge stations and grab a healthy snack to refuel! And while you're recharging on t...

From high-tech to high-touch: are wired hospitals losing the patient connection? This panel of nationally recognized leaders in healthcare has applied technology solutions to enhance quality of patient care across discip...
Angelo Volandes MD, Joseph C Kvedar MD, Paul Griffiths

2008 was the first Election in American History where bloggers and vloggers helped shape the political narrative and carry President Obama to the presidency. 4 years later, the Administration has not nurtured these pop c...
Biko Baker, Chloe Hilliard, Erica Williams, Quentin James, Rashad Robinson

Open government and transparency activists asked for it: data available through open APIs and digital formats. Now that we have some of it, the dark spots on the sun are beginning to appear. The data are sometimes poor c...
Sarah Cohen, Tom Lee, Vivek Kundra

Ready to throw out the heavy textbooks and jump into the world of mobile learning? Yes, but how do you do it? Are you on the mobile learning train but feel the content and teachers aren't quite there yet? This panel will...
Angela Maiers, Katherine Burdick, Matt Federoff, Tom Wolf
How do you get reliable information about elections? Many voters get their information about who is running for election and what the issues are from friends and family. Increasingly, those friends and family are online,...
Dana Chisnell, Dean Logan, Jared Marcotte, Jeannie Layson, Lee Rainie

Digital health is an emerging industry at the intersection of technology and health, radically changing how we access and use personal health information. It unites smartphones/tablets (new means of 24/7 access to inform...
Halle Tecco, Jeffrey Pollard MD, Linda Avey, Rebecca Woodcock, Ryan Panchadsaram

Mexico’s Drug Trafficking Organizations (DTOs) use various types of social media to influence and manipulate public opinion. At the most basic level, DTOs regularly post videos to Youtube of interrogations, beheadings ...
Shauna Dillavou

Most things in our lives are now custom fit. If we want coffee, we can order it 50 ways. If we want to watch a movie, we can choose between Netflix, iTunes, On Demand, etc. If we need a restaurant review, we have Open...
Joe Trippi, Marci Harris, Mark McKinnon, Matt Bai, Nathan Daschle
In 2005, the State of Texas signed a contract worth close to $900 million dollars with an alliance of private firms to manage the eligibility process for applying for Food Stamps, TANF, Medicaid and Children’s Health I...
Celia Cole, Corrie MacLaggan, Erine Gray

This talk will expose the slight of hand tricks used by government agencies to make them appear more transparent than they are. "Transparency" is a common buzz word that suggests that government operates in a m...
Jeremiah Akin, Jim March

There is a lot of talk at the government, industry, and producer level about the promise of games in education, but has anyone really proven true educational outcomes from informal gaming? In this presentation, Sara and ...
Drew Davidson, Sara DeWitt

Gas prices are up, suburban areas are adopting near-transit, mixed-use philosophies of development, and everyone wants to get to work on time. It's no surprise that use of public transportation is rising. With the ubiqui...
Amy Snyder, Brian Ferris, Eugenia Chien, Laura Oppenheimer, Ravi Pina

What do pirates, terrorists, computer hackers, and inner city gangs have in common with Silicon Valley? Innovation. In this talk, you’ll be exposed to emerging forms of underground innovation happening in the informa...
Alexa Clay

In this presentation I will tell the story of the Scratch Online Community, a website where kids from around the world learn to program, share, and remix their own video games and animations. Today, the community has mor...
Andrés Monroy-Hernández

Nowadays, everyone seems to be focused on China as the worlds 'next' market. However, the European Union has a larger combined economy than the US, with the largest markets within it being Germany, France, the UK and Ita...
Bastian Scherbeck

This panel and interactive discussion will look at how cities around the world are approaching innovation that serves the public. From hackathons to apps competitions, open data to social media, practitioners will discus...
Abhi Nemani, Chris Vein, John Tolva, Nigel Jacob, Rachel Sterne

During "Sex, Lies, and Cookies: Web Privacy EXPOSED!", panelists look into the world of data collection and privacy on the internet, asking tough questions about what “tracking” really entails. The discussi...
Andy Kahl, Berin Szoka, Christopher Soghoian, Lorrie Cranor, Lydia Parnes

More than 500,000 babies are born prematurely and an estimated 28,000 children die before their first birthday each year in the U.S. Text4baby, the first free health text messaging service in the U.S., addresses this iss...
Jennifer Benz, Kimberly Bassett, Paul Meyer, Sarah Ingersoll, Susan Can
In the United States, only 50% of people vote in presidential elections. That drops to 40% for midterm elections, and 10% for primary, local and special elections. Worldwide, we rank 138th in voter turnout. The Internet ...
Paul Schreiber, Seth Flaxman
In his 1999 The Age of Spiritual Machines, renowned futurist Ray Kurzweil envisioned education in 2020 to consist of students learning through intelligent software delivered on hand-held computers and interacting with te...
Betsy Corcoran, Mitch Kapor, Philip Bronner, Robert Hutter
As one of the largest employers in the country and with a workforce charged with national security, one would think the military wouldn’t take any risks when it comes to communication. However, the U.S. Army is leading...
Benjamin Grimes, Greg Swan, Kayley Nammari, Levi Peffer

The future of cybersecurity is indeterminable. While the threat at times remains ambiguous, its effects are real, affecting government agencies around the globe. At a time when we are met with seemingly innocuous hacking...
Christina Gagnier, Lovisa Williams, Sarah Granger, Stephanie Margossian

A recent article in Health Affairs titled: “Games for Health: the Latest Tool in the Medical Care Arsenal” stated that “computer-based simulations and interactive programs are introducing a powerful new force in he...
Ben Sawyer, Erin Edgerton, Jim Bower, Nina Fefferman
Comcast swallowed up NBC. Microsoft scooped up Skype. AT&T tried to take over T-Mobile. What's next? This panel will explore the new face of media consolidation, what it means for the future of the Internet and free ...
Andrea Quijada, Craig Aaron, Michael Copps, Sam Gustin's recent redesign delivers a fully immersive, search-centric, data-driven, and user sourced experience. Find out how the team in Utah has redefined online government using emerging technology, a cutting-edge lay...
David Fletcher, Hillary Hartley, Jonathan Higley

We love the latest technology. Computers, phones, and cameras can enhance our lives. But are we aware of the true cost? In the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a war for access to mineral-rich land is being waged on t...
Sarah Fretwell

This panel provides a rare glimpse into the multitude of ways African women are applying technology to advance Africa’s development. The panel aims to dispel the myths about African women as breeders and victims -- in...
Deborah Ensor, Ebele Okobi, Isis Nyong'o, Liz Ngonzi, TMS Ruge
Digital and social learning has changed dynamics in the classroom and new opportunities for engagement and collaboration arise daily. Keeping up with change and innovation requires continuous hands-on experimentation. Ye...
Dr William J Ward

In the developing world today, the average person consumes 25% more calories than in 1960. This tremendous progress has come from many sources: improved irrigation, new fertilizers, and the breeding of hybrid species, to...
Dan Stanzione, Matt Vaughn

Crimes against humanity no longer occur in total isolation; digital platforms are a stage on which global citizens can watch and respond to world events. This panel is comprised of experts in the digital field and pionee...
Chris Carver, Daniel Khabie, Matt James
What comes after Gov 2.0? In this fast-paced and highly immersive session, best-selling author William Eggers takes you on a worldwide tour of the future of public services. You’ll hear how some technology-enabled, dis...
William Eggers

Whether integrating hospital ratings in your web search results, serving up Farmers Market open data, texting health tips to expecting mothers, or striving for no official website at all (what?!), your government is maki...
Amanda Eamich, Daniel McSwain, Dominic Campbell, Julia Eisman
What are the advantages (and disadvantages) of virtual / online support systems for cancer patients? What kinds of lessons do these support systems for cancer patients offer for other kinds of patients? What kinds of les...
Heidi Adams

Tuesday, March 13

Need to recharge? iPhone or Tablet going dead? Feet hurting? Come relax in the iTriage Power-Up Lounge. Plug in your electronics at the charge stations and grab a healthy snack to refuel! And while you're recharging on t...
China is considered home to the world's factories, manufacturing everything from zippers to photovoltaic cells and with its population of over 1.3 billion and booming economy, consumerism is on the rise, too. But lets pe...
Brandon Berry Edwards, Kaj Vatsa

Limited choices exist when kids seek to author, not just play, their own video games. If video games are on track to topple film as the last big media mammoth, how can we build a video game workforce that we need? Instea...
Alexander Repenning, David Gerding, Tamara Hudgins, Virginia Mcarthur, Ward Tisdale

Initiated by the US Air Force Medical Services, the Federal Health Futures Group has brought together the Surgeons General of the Army, Navy and Air Force, the Deputy Surgeon General of the United States, the Veteran’s...
Ahmed Calvo, Brian McCarty, Lisa Lott, Mei Lin Fung
The recent campaign film on Uganda by Invisible Children - 'Kony 2012' calling for the arrest of war criminal Joseph Kony has had a dramatic reach unseen for any previous human rights video online. Within one week it has...
Cheryl Contee, Christie George, Gilad Lotan, Sam Gregory, TMS Ruge

Want to make some money? Federal agencies have recently been given the authority by Congress to sponsor competitions for individuals, groups, and companies to develop new ideas and technology innovations for a chance to ...
Chris Gerty, James Pol, Jenn Gustetic, Mari Kuraishi, Michael O'Neill

Humans learn by doing. We master how to ride a bike not by watching a PowerPoint presentation but by trying it out and falling down. Yet, in school, most of our time is spent listening and memorizing facts. But the world...
Bjorn Billhardt

From his first day in office, President Obama put a priority on an open and engaging government. From Hangouts to hashtags, the White House is utilizing social media to interact with Americans everyday on the issues tha...
Kori Schulman
For millennia, we wore footwear to protect our feet and get us from point A to B. Somewhere along the line they became status symbols. Then sports apparel. Now they’re quickly becoming the next device on our bodies tha...
Jeff Lyman, Matt Halfhill, Steve Caputo, Trevor Eld
As our networks expand, our profiles get more public, and our work requires a human face, where do we draw the line between personal and professional identities online? How do we maintain those boundaries for our communi...
Amy Sample Ward, Debra Askanase, Jess Main, Vanessa Rhinesmith

Launching a business in mainland China can be daunting. American Michael LoJudice, Co-founder and General Manager of Chinese music community site Caoker, provides insights into the ins-and-outs of structuring, launching,...
Michael LoJudice
Social media has earned a prominent seat at the table with the large media companies of the world and has birthed an entirely new way to cover the world of politics. As we approach the electoral year, political chatter w...
Ben Parr, Khris Loux, Mark Blumenthal, Vishal Sankhla

Jimmy Schulz attended SXSW in 2011 and announced during the panel session „Make Citizens Social: Digital Participation in Public Services“ that next year he would report the results of the implementation of “Adhocr...
Jimmy Schulz

PowerPoint is boring. Today, professors are letting students pass virtual notes in class on Twitter. They're trying "clickers" that turn classrooms into game shows. They're videotaping classes to let students w...
Jeffrey Young

Electronic health records have the potential for enormous good, but in order for them to live up to their full potential, information about patients -- their symptoms, diagnoses, allergic reactions, medical backgrounds, ...
Philip Resnik

There are more than 120 million Chinese gamers, and nearly every one of them plays online games. Online games are a primary source of entertainment in China, and Chinese online game operators are the companies that enabl...
Lisa Cosmas Hanson

Over the past year Worldchanging has undergone a transformation. Now partnered with Architecture for Humanity, Worldchanging is moving beyond the abstract advocacy that Bruce Sterling criticized during last year's closin...
Dan Shine

During the week of SXSW in 2011, the White House’s Intellectual Property Coordinator, Victoria Espinel, released a whitepaper calling for increased government crack-down on copyright infringement. Espinel’s paper ca...
David Snead, Jonathan Bailey, Katherine Sunstrom, Mark Petrolis, Patrick O'Keefe

Not only is China on course to having the #1 economy in the world, but it's also establishing itself as the most influential country in the world. Its 500 million strong internet user population makes up the single large...
Freddie Laker

Will we someday look to the government technologist as a Web superstar? An innovation idol? A technology trailblazer? In this session we will explore how government technologists deal with the demands of meeting custome...
Aurelio Tinio, Emily Wright-Moore, Julio Gonzalez, Kevin Curry, Matthew Esquibel

When it comes to health and wellness programs, patient engagement is often the coveted yet elusive brass ring. Despite all the clinical expertise that goes into developing systems for patient care and education, non-comp...
Adam Penenberg, Leslie Saxon, Lora Kolodny, Michael Fergusson, Noreen Kamal

Education is stuck in the past. Yet, after decades of incubation, technology is revolutionizing teaching, learning, and assessment. Around the world, people are increasingly using mobile devices to connect with each othe...
David Conover, Michael Mayrath Ph D, Paul Resta, Priya Nihalani

The use of technology by women in the Global South is growing fast! From Africa to South America to Southeast Asia, women in the Global South are using technology tools in new and creative ways with astounding results. ...
Catherine Harrington, Emily Jacobi, Jenn Sramek, Kara Andrade, Zawadi Nyong'o

Terra Networks CEO and co-founder Fernando Madeira will discuss behavior and trends of consumption of news and entertainment, particularly music and video, in Latin America. Just as sports has become entertainment, ente...
Fernando Madeira

School budget cuts, high unemployment (over 20% for youth), and a global economy – No wonder parents are concerned about their child’s success and 70% of teens say they want more guidance. What can you do? In this ex...
Gary Natriello, Jared Carney, Jennifer Openshaw
Hollywood and the international news media delight in presenting us with depictions of hackers and hacktivists as subterranean Ohmian "Super Users," capable of hacking *all* the ISPs with a few keystrokes in be...
Molly Sauter

The bulk of social media and Web 2.0 use in Congress and state legislatures has until now largely been composed of personal tweets and posts by legislators and staff, pushing communications out without engaging in true c...
Conor Kenny, Steven Polunsky