Hacking the Citizen Experience
Citizens interact with their governments (local or national) every day, and they increasingly do this via websites, phone apps, or other types of technology. Many of these interfaces are uninformed by the design and experience practices that have become a standard part of commercial product and service development. In fact, few government agencies have the budget in these times to hire a staff of web and experience practitioners. Over the last several years, a vibrant culture of hackathons has grown up, with developers spending weekends building apps based on government data. Designers and researchers, however, haven't yet begun to participate in numbers.
This talk will discuss the challenges of public/citizen experiences and the great potential to improve Americans' lives through informal design and prototyping collaborations. We'll explain how designers and developers can build communities of public service around our talents and industries. We'll inspire the audience to use their powers for good and contribute to the growing movement known as Government 2.0
Aaron believes that software can be used to build for a better world, and he loves designing applications to make cities more livable, beautiful, and just. He is now a software developer at OpenPlans, a non-profit dedicated to making cities work better. Prior to OpenPlans, he was a fellow at Code for America where he partnered with the City of Philadelphia to build solutions to help foster civic engagement. He specializes in JavaScript and GIS development and has contributed to such applications as reroute.it, septa.mobi, changeby.us, walkshed.org, and phillystormwater.org.
Cyd directs the UX research practice for Bolt | Peters, advises Code For America on incorporating the citizen perspective into product development, and brings a UX angle to civic hacking efforts. She passionately believes that citizen designers, developers, advocates, and public servants can come together to build government we all deserve.