Complete event listing for
Driskill Hotel
604 Brazos St
Friday, March 7
This session will bring together a diverse contingent of professional athletes, sports figures and LGBT and ally activists discussing LGBT visibility and allyship in sports. Presenters will use their personal experiences…
Brittney Griner, Hudson Taylor, LZ Granderson
Tricked-out home entertainment systems and rising ticket prices make it easier than ever for sports fans to skip the stadium and watch from home. It's increasingly difficult to compete with the creature comforts of a 70-…
Bob Morgan, Bryan Srabian, John Ourand, Jordan Maleh
"Stop your tweeting and focus!" Sports stars have incredible power through social media - often more than clubs or other organisations. It is a new frontier of fan and brand engagement - but the rough comes with the smoo…
Johny Hendricks, Richard Ayers
Sports matter. Their marquee events -- the Olympics, various world championships, most prominently the World Cup in soccer, the Super Bowl,the World Series, the UEFA Champions League Final, the NBA and NHL finals, the Am…
Andrei Markovits
SXSW provides a fascinating opportunity for higher ed technologists to network and learn about an array of new interactive technology ideas and discoveries. At this meet-up, Penn State IT tech enthusiasts invite you to j…
Cynde Fleagle, Patti Fantaske
Brands want to be loved. Consumers seek happiness. Brands make consumers happy by creating strong emotional connections to the things consumers are most passionate about. Sport is an inspirational power for good. Sp…
Simon Wardle
With millions of dollars on the line, sports teams are demanding the latest technology to maximize their players' performance. Whether it's wearable sensors with GPS capability or motion-tracking cameras capable of captu…
Adir Shiffman, Ben Alamar, Brian Kopp, Kirk Goldsberry
Award-winning investigative sports journalists Charles Robinson of Yahoo Sports and Pete Thamel of Sports Illustrated will discuss how the digital age has transformed their roles as hell-raisers, um, hard-nosed reporters…
Charles Robinson, Pete Thamel
Want to know how LeBron beats Kevin Durant off the court? Join us at the MVPindex Sports Lounge to engage with a platform that measures real-time digital brand value of athletes, teams and leagues and learn how top athle…
Many individuals at SXSW stand at the intersection of for-profit, brands, social good startups and nonprofits. This is a session for those like minded folks to come together and talk about what the future holds for the m…
David Neff
Saturday, March 8
Want to know how LeBron beats Kevin Durant off the court? Join us at the MVPindex Sports Lounge to engage with a platform that measures real-time digital brand value of athletes, teams and leagues and learn how top athle…
This week, if you find yourself saying, "That's great, but I don't work at a startup," then you'll want to join this unique meetup that brings together those of us who work at large enterprises, government organizations …
Noah Kuttler
The model of amateurism in college sports is slowly dying. It is being destroyed by the central contradiction of college sports: unpaid student labor earning greater and greater profits for coaches and administrators wit…
Andy Staples , Chris Del Conte, Emmanuel Acho, Spencer Hall
From grandpa's box score in the Sunday morning newspaper, to today's visualizations of real-time statistics, sports just don't look the same anymore. In this core conversation, John T. Meyer, Founder of Statographics and…
John Meyer
After television contracts, ticket sales represent the largest portion of a team’s revenue. However, most ticketing decisions, and pricing approaches in particular, are made using outdated practices. While data collectio…
Barry Kahn, Grey Ivry
Executives from several leading 24-hour sports networks talk about how to program in the age of bite-sized, disposable content. This session is part of the brand new SXsports programming at SXSW 2014.……
David Nathanson, Eric Weinberger, Jon Miller, Kaylee Hartung
More than a decade ago, in the summer of 2002, I broke my 7th Freediving World Record with a dive to 160m/525ft in the "No Limits" discipline. I would go on to break 3 more WRs, but this one still stands. I dearly wish i…
Paul Streeter, Tanya Streeter
Part 1 - Join DELL, XO Group, IEEE and Women Innovate Mobile (WIM) as we celebrate the innovation and contribution of women in business and technology. We’re combining two individual women’s meetups into a single, integ…
Carley Roney, Jennifer "JJ" Davis
Youth sports is nearly perfect as a strategy to create a better world. Kids love to play and participation teaches them essential lifelong values - teamwork, setting and reaching goals, perseverance, managing adversity, …
Grant Garrison, Ryan Eckel
The University of Texas is a leader regionally and nationally as a collegiate "brand" - the question going forward is how to sustain that brand and mission, evolve it to reflect the emerging issues in sports generally an…
Ellis Prince
College football has evolved into a multi-billion dollar enterprise. Drones have become more than spy machines that patrol the skies. Now, in a strange twist, the two are working together to shape the future of the sport…
Ryan Baker, Ty Hildenbrandt
Part 2 - Join DELL, XO Group, IEEE and Women Innovate Mobile (WIM) as we celebrate the innovation and contribution of women in business and technology. We’re combining two individual women’s meetups into a single, integ…
Kelly Hoey, Mary Ward-Callan
Fantasy Sports long ago became "mainstream" for several reasons--technology that enabled fantasy leagues to rapidly expand online, fans never ending appetite for more information on their favorite sports, and pro sports …
Andrew Cleland, Clay Walker, Daniel Shlossman, Marquise Goodwin, Stephania Bell
Community support is an essential component to any successful event, and successful events can benefit their communities for years to come. This meet-up seeks to unite event organizers and community leaders to share idea…
Jeff Cuellar
How do you succeed and change the perception of viewers in a non traditional sport? We all play sports as kids but It's extremely difficult to not only play the games we love at the professional level never mind have it…
Anson Carter
What does it take to compete at the highest levels of college football? What if your program is out-muscled financially and reputationally? What innovative schematic, cultural and organizational advantages could you crea…
George Schroeder, Kliff Kingsbury
How did Notre Dame Athletics use Spotify playlists to sell tickets to their games, increase viewership on, and show Notre Dame fans and recruits the personalities behind their favorite teams and coaches? In this…
Christianne Harder, Jordan Gremli
With the rise of social media, sports and culture are tied together like never before. And there are no lines between where the sports world ends and where the creative world begins. Understanding how culture can influ…
Jon Wexler, Lia Vakoutis
A spirited discussion between and among some of the best creators of sports-related content in today's multi-platform, genre-hopping media landscape. This session is a part of the brand new SXsports programming at SXSW …
Connor Schell, Danny Meiseles, Jonathan Hock, Mike Tollin
Want to know how LeBron beats Kevin Durant off the court? Join us at the MVPindex Sports Lounge to engage with a platform that measures real-time digital brand value of athletes, teams and leagues and learn how top athle…
People from all facets of the sports media world get together to discuss this constantly changing industry. All the tools, tips, to-dos and best practices in one place during SXSW. This session is part of the brand new …
Andrew McNeill, Dave Abbott
Sunday, March 9
Want to know how LeBron beats Kevin Durant off the court? Join us at the MVPindex Sports Lounge to engage with a platform that measures real-time digital brand value of athletes, teams and leagues and learn how top athle…
WWE has been making TV history since ’85 when Chairman and CEO Vince McMahon took the gamble of a lifetime on an unprecedented closed-circuit make-it-or-break-it TV event dubbed “WrestleMania.” Today, WWE has not only c…
John Cena, Michael Cole, Perkins Miller, Stephanie McMahon
Digital technology can be a powerful tool for solving real problems in the communities and societies in which we live. Come network, mingle and brainstorm with people who share your interest in promoting the social good…
David Waldron
Nate Silver said that "drafting and developing talent properly still represents the greatest value-add to a sports organization." Mark Cuban agreed, saying "The top 10 guys (in the NBA) are easier to spot. How do we impr…
Avi Stopper, Kai Sato
The Dewey Winburne Community Service awards brings together people doing good work from all over the world. Come meet the honorees and network with people doing amazing things to help others through technology. Also find…
Tammy Lynn Gilmore
A multifaceted look at the NFL's current state of concussions, providing the view of former players, medical experts and those in charge of advancing the technology to improve player safety. This session is part of the b…
Chris Nowinski, Craig Anderson, Domonique Foxworth, Will Brinson
Reuters estimates that sports betting is a TRILLION Dollar worldwide industry. Until recently, the massive demand for sports betting content was simply ignored by the mainstream media (due to a combination of pressure fr…
RJ Bell
Join us for this rare opportunity to meet SXSW Featured Speaker, world-renowned inventor and humanitarian, Dean Kamen, one of the most prolific inventors of our time, Founder of DEKA Research and FIRST® (For Inspiration …
Dean Kamen
In recent years, professional sports have become a testing (and proving) ground for the latest innovations in digital media, technology and social. Three of the brightest – and most influential – sports marketing minds w…
Howard Handler, Jackson Jeyanayagam, Melissa Rosenthal Brenner, Steve Phelps
Over the past two decades 3D printing has radically shifted the way that many industries design new products. The medical field uses the process for creating bespoke hearing aids and aerospace companies use it to design …
Jeff Beckham, Mike Vasquez
Have all the distractions at a game, social media, blasting ‘who let the dogs out’, mascot races, sponsorship contests and t-shirt bazookas replaced traditions. Has this been a bad thing for sporting events, fans and gam…
Mark Drosos, Mark Pannes
Best known for its broadcast graphics like the bright yellow 1st and 10 line for football and strike-zone box in baseball, Sportvision has been instrumental in changing the ways fans watch sports while creating the next …
Hank Adams
Fresh off the ice, the National Hockey League, Chicago Blackhawks and Coors Light, share an insider’s perspective of an ambitious 2014-15 NHL season, inaugural Coors Light NHL Stadium Series and Stanley Cup Championship …
Adam Dettman, Brian Jennings, Dean Matsuzaki, John McDonough
Brands want to be loved. Consumers seek happiness. Brands that make consumers happy will be more loved. Sport is an inspirational power for good. Sport enhances the lives of individuals, communities, countries and the en…
Lisa Murray
Join IEEE, Two Bit Circus and FIRST® for an electrifying night of refreshment, fun, interactive games and entertainment.……
Monday, March 10
Is your “always on” made by those who are actually always online? Or is it made by the same folks who tried to newsjack the Harlem Shake two weeks after digital natives moved on to something more interesting? Perhaps it’…
Jon Burkhart, Nadya Powell
How can you make a difference, and make it entertaining at the same time? As lines continue to blur between fiction and non-fiction, education and entertainment, gaming and movies, and the corporate and non-profit secto…
Caitlin Burns, Lina Srivastava, Liz Nord, Morra Aarons-Mele
This is a meetup for Health IT developers, investors, beginners and mere enthusiasts is hosted by Health IT rockstar Fred Trotter (heard of DocGraph?) Are you interested in meeting with other Health IT experts? Join this…
Fred Trotter
The medium is the message. Blah blah. Old news. Think again: McLuhan’s famous statement isn’t a full frontal attack on content. It’s about the change a specific medium can cause. It’s about impact. When Forrester’s Dr. J…
Jen Grogono
In a multi-platform, decentralized, fast-growing marketplace, how can traditional television networks evolve to remain relevant? Viewers are demanding more choices, more content and more convenience, which is pushing med…
Brian Stelter, John Skipper, Kevin Conroy, Paula Kerger
Viral content is content that can last for days or even years. We all have those viral videos we go back and watch from years ago and they still resonate. Viral content is highly sought after but not many companies and b…
Josh Jones-Dilworth, William Leake
It’s harder to get your work noticed now more than ever before. That’s why having a loyal audience that supports your endeavors has become crucial to success. Filmmakers Patrick Epino and Stephen Dypiangco (who work with…
Patrick Epino, Stephen Dypiangco
In today's world, we are all philanthropists. Susan will lead a lively and engaging discussion on how our new social era is enabling such a dynamic. From Razoo to Crowdrise to Global Giving to Catapult, we can all play …
Susan McPherson
Next Generation Recommendations: We live in a world where search is dead. Consumers are most responsive to personalized, content-driven and curated experiences and are no longer as willing to take the time to search and …
Hayley Barna, Katrina Lake, Ruzwana Bashir, Todd Yellin
Directors/producers, Lisanne Pajot & James Swirsky give a first-hand look into 2 years of marketing & distributing their Sundance award-winning feature doc, Indie Game: The Movie. Building on their popular online case s…
James Swirsky, Lisanne Pajot
Come meet front-end engineers, designers and other UI enthusiasts from the Chicago HTML5 Meet Up for networking and discussion of the growing ubiquity of the open web. Tablets, smart phones and desktops are just the beg…
Mattie Langenberg
All of a sudden, the distinction between publishers and platforms on the web is hazy. Twitter is a publisher now? Gawker, a platform? Figuring out the difference reveals a lot about how content is made and consumed on th…
Zach Seward
Lincoln Lopez, VP of social for Turner Entertainment, and Fred Graver, Head of Entertainment for Twitter, share how Frank Darabont’s Mob City and Steven Spielberg’s Falling Skies were adapted for Twitter to let fans part…
Fred Graver, Lincoln Lopez
Today's companies are faced with the task of producing videos and new media. The question is, should you make a video or buy it? Many are making the shift to in-house video teams made up of not only of producers and vi…
Andy Garibay, Rene Lego
Viewers are finding a whole new world of drama on TV that was once only found in theatricals. With producers like Michael Bay, Howard Gordon, and Dreamworks now creating projects for TV, a panel of the entertainment ind…
Alex Cary, David Eick, Hank Steinberg, Rob Moynihan, Steven Kane
The Ruby on Rails Meet Up is an opportunity for Rails developers and businesses who use Rails to come together to compare notes on Rails development, how the Rails market is, and what people are developing in Rails.……
David Bluestein II
The best night of television in the summer 2013 wasn't TV at all. Rather, it was a livestream of the ultimate reality TV – an old-school, 11-hour filibuster in the Texas Senate. Nearly 200,000 concurrent viewers from 187…
Rodney Gibbs
Tuesday, March 11
Have you noticed not much has changed in digital communications standards (e.g., email and IM) in the past decade? Email and other standard digital communication methods haven't kept to meet the needs of 2014 technologie…
Trevor Linton
A viewing revolution is afoot and video has hit the ground running. Nearly everyone is streaming and now a shift in public sentiment towards on-demand gratification is making traditional viewing habits a thing of the pas…
Ran Harnevo, Scott Rosenberg
Over the last few years, YouTube has seen a radical transformation, becoming a legitimate platform for professional content creators to engage with viewers. A new breed of companies are thriving on YouTube and gathering …
Peter Kafka, Ynon Kreiz
Driving Facebook engagement for a premium TV show entering its final season can be an epic battle. This past year, the Starz digital marketing team faced this very dilemma: how to inspire its Spartacus Facebook community…
Erin Dwyer, Mike Rooney
The SoFlo Brunch Series presents INFLUENCE :: The New Currency What does “influence” really mean when it comes to digital interactions? Are you an influencer or tribe leader? How can you grab the attentions of like-mi…
Donnet Bruce, Jason Francis
A veteran with PTSD may watch the hands of strangers for weapons and attempt suicide six times. She may also be the best brand ambassador for the biggest veteran’s nonprofit in the country. Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) …
Abby Reiner, Angela Peacock, David Modigliani, Shane Santiago
The process of designing a great experience and physically building a great experience have begun to merge. This shift radically changes the fundamental roles of designers and technologists. Today, we iteratively build t…
Jai Dandekar, Randall Elliott
"Copyright" laws are complicated, and they're often the reason why your videos, mobile apps, and other content may get taken down. "Fair use" is complicated, but it's often the reason you can get your content back up. Le…
Art Neill, Jonathan McIntosh, Shaun Spalding, Teri Karobonik
Here's the problem: You create great digital content (maybe an app, or video) that goes viral. Then someone rips it off. On the flip side, maybe someone else created great digital content that you want to "borrow". (…
Bradley Gross
'Latitudes' is the first Brazilian film project to be released simultaneously online (through an original partnership with Google/YouTube), on TV (on TNT Latin America) and in movie theaters. Starred by two major Brazili…
Eduardo Fraga, Felipe Braga
Ownership of user-generated online content remains a hot topic. "User" can denote anyone from an author or photographer to a teenager who creates a meme that ends up on t-shirts. How can intellectual property law cover s…
George Eid, Greg Kidd, Kevin Burton, Paul Cloutier