Complete event listing for
Art and Inspiration
Friday, March 8
Come meet and hang out with musicians and artists involved in making Chiptune, music made using video game systems and vintage computers. Hosted by Austin's own chiptune artist Sievert.……
Jared Blondeau

From the oogachaka baby to Nyan Cat, the graphics interchange format, better known as the GIF, has come a long way since the days of floppy discs. The modern-day GIF was introduced to the world 25 years ago by Steve Wilh…
, , Fernando Alfonso III, Lindsey Weber

Combining fresh and pithy life lessons, often just a sentence or two, with deceptively simple diagrams and graphs, HOW TO BE INTERESTING is an inspiring guide that shows you how to lead a richer life. Passionate, positi…
Jessica Hagy
Combining fresh and pithy life lessons, often just a sentence or two, with deceptively simple diagrams and graphs, HOW TO BE INTERESTING is an inspiring guide that shows you how to lead a richer life. Passionate, positi…
Jessica Hagy

As an exploration of the intersection of art and technology, the panel will present and discuss several large-scale sculptures that strongly leverage various forms of engineering. Consisting of a mix of artists and engin…
Heather Shaw, Jen Lewin, John Taylor, Maurice Conti

Today we live in a world where the exponential progression of technology is increasingly shrinking the lag time between what we can imagine and what we can create. We are rapidly converging to become a civilization of n…
Jason Silva
Hagy will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “How to Be Interesting: (In 10 Simple Steps)” following her Book Reading session.……
Saturday, March 9
Meet Up and chat about everything from running shoe technology to proper running form. We'll fill you in on some of the best local running routes, too. Hosted by Formula 4 Media and Austin's hometown running store, RunTe…
Cara Griffin, Paul Carrozza

What happens when accidents become the building blocks of the art-making process? Glitches point toward new ways of seeing the world, an echo or document of the technology, politics and humans that co-produce them. Both …
Alan Sondheim, Bishop Zareh, Jon Satrom, Jon Cates
What you will Learn: Whether you're a top-tier chef or "that guy" who couldn't boil water if he tried, Tim Ferriss's radically counterintuitive advice will help you get the most out of your meals – and your life. Design…
Tim Ferriss

What do movies like 300 or Zombieland have to do with the writing life or the creative process? According to Erin Feldman of Write Right, everything. Sometimes, a writer has to kick the muse, the angel, inspiration - wha…
Erin Feldman
Back by popular demand! Building on last year’s packed Show & Smell showcase combining inspiring emerging technologies and sensory marketing, this hands-on crowd experience of leading edge technologies, continues to defi…
David Polinchock, Kurt Karlenzig, Warren Kronberger

Over the last year, I've coached thousands of people in creating new habits. Human behavior is not as complicated as most believe. And the received wisdom about habits is often wrong. From my research and my hands-on pra…
BJ Fogg
No, it’s not college. But these days, everyone from multinational corporations to renowned medical institutions is getting into bed with unexpected partners. The results are spectacular and surprising: an IT company is h…
Lincoln Bjorkman

Story is the hot new buzz but it's more than just a word, just a hip term. It's something at the core of our being. Authentic. It's people craving connection. Story. Not just technologically.. not just physically .. aut…
Lynne Duddy

Political cartooning has been around since ancient Rome and is more popular with readers than ever before. Now that print media is being replaced with online distribution channels, however, they're being left behind—and …
Ted Rall

This talk will show you how to brainstorm new ideas, products, campaigns, and services using a technology-first approach. In the past, you might have brainstormed using a blank canvas approach. While this can lead to go…
Will Turnage
Tim Ferriss will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “The 4-Hour Chef: The Simple Path to Cooking Like a Pro, Learning Anything, and Living the Good Life” following his featured session.……
What is happening inside our craniums, amongst the cortex, hemispheres, neuroglia, and brainwaves when we feel on fire with creativity and when we don't? To find out, let’s embark upon a fantastic journey to learn in whi…
Denise Jacobs

Since the dawn of music, technology has paved the way for musicians to exercise their creative impulses. From the humble pan pipes to the EWI, the harpsichord to the Kurzweil, the taiko to V-Drums - musicians have found…
Alec Zopf

In business and in life, we pursue the good stuff and champion people who are known for their good ideas. But when we place too strong an emphasis on just the good, we may neglect to consider the bad ones. In design and …
Steve Portigal

Creativity is often seen as a light bulb, either on or off, I have it or I don't. When it's off and your job is to apply it, panic strikes and the focuses becomes less on the problem to solve and more on how to get creat…
Sophie Freiermuth
The availability of open source libraries and frameworks has spawned rapid explorations in new expressional forms and has provided a common environment for collaboration between artists and creators. Further the wide ac…
Daitio Manabe, Kaoru Sugano

Nathan Martin is the CEO of innovation studio Deeplocal, best known for the creation of the Nike Chalkbot street painting robot seen at the Tour de France. Before working for brands, Nathan screamed in a touring metal ba…
Nathan Martin
Burning Man loves tech geeks! Meet up with Burning Man's San Francisco HQ leadership & tech teams, and chat about the future landscape of technology and civic engagement related to Burning Man. Discover where and how the…
The first time Buddy Media founder and CEO Michael Lazerow cheated death, he was 18 months old. The second time, he was 19, and was given three hours to live. An emergency heart valve replacement saved his life. This pas…
Michael Lazerow
Sunday, March 10

Enough of caped crusaders, crazed criminals and post-apocalyptic kooks! Despite talk of graphic novels as a maturing, alternative art form, most of the genre is still dedicated to elementary entertainment...but that is c…
John Boyer, Katie Pritchard

Poetry, stories, and speeches aren’t just what we read or what we hear - they're how we make meaning and celebrate history. Hundreds of thousands of spoken text audio files - including poetry readings, American Indian s…
Paul Vinelli, Tanya Clement
People spend a lot of time thinking about their ideas. It’s impossible not to. Because ideas live in the same place they are born: inside our heads. In fact, the inside of the creative mind can feel like a sort of or…
Arthur Jones, Starlee Kine

Join Nora Herting and Kelly Kingman of ImageThink, the driving force behind OgilvyNotes in SXs past, for an informal mixer of visual thinkers and sketchnoters. Grab a free sketchbook, geek out over your favorite pens and…
Kelly Kingman, Nora Herting

If technology is a pimp, our language is its favorite bitch. The tricks that our words are asked to turn on the streets of social media and online publishing are lauded in our dictionaries and style guides. Googling and …
Gail Marie, Kristina Eastham, Neal Ungerleider, Sean Carton

We are fortunate to live in a time where there is a delicious wealth of scientific information available to us online. People now "like" scientists on Facebook, along with the expected rock stars and actors. Unfortunatel…
Daniel Grushkin, Karen Ingram, Wythe Marschall
One of the latest genres in New Media art is that of Augmented Reality, or the overlay of digital content onto physical reality through the use of smart phones and computer vision. Marshall McLuhan heralded artists as e…
Jon Lebkowsky, Patrick Lichty

The Hidden Room Theatre is proud to present Robin Jones’ mind-bending interactive time-travel pulp play THE GIRL WITH TIME IN HER EYES! Become a volunteer test subject for an emerging technology that allows you to witne…

The Hidden Room Theatre is proud to present Robin Jones’ mind-bending interactive time-travel pulp play THE GIRL WITH TIME IN HER EYES! Become a volunteer test subject for an emerging technology that allows you to witne…

With over 8 million social media followers (G+, FB, Pinterest, Twitter), Trey Ratcliff has been doing something different with photography and sharing over the past six years. He publishes, which is t…
Trey Ratcliff

Meet Heather Knight, Electrical Engineer and Roboticist, and her robot, Data. Heather designs unique interfaces between people and machines that incorporate body language, personality, humor, temperament and spectacular …

Meet Heather Knight, Electrical Engineer and Roboticist, and her robot, Data. Heather designs unique interfaces between people and machines that incorporate body language, personality, humor, temperament and spectacular …

ConnectiCity aims at gaining deeper understandings about the near future scenarios of cities and citizens. A vision on human-centered smart cities. A narrative experience through experiments, prototypes and services whic…
Salvatore Iaconesi
The publishing industry is evolving as authors, indie app and game creators and musicians are empowered to self-publish and distribute real time, on demand content to millions of potential customers. There are more oppor…
Aaron Rubenson, John Densmore, Libby Johnson Mckee, Steve Carpenter

Are you a poster maker, screen printer, designer, or fan of all things print? Meet up and chat with some of Austin's current poster artists and designers. FREE screen printed poster to the first 50 attendees.…
Bobby Dixon

And I Am Not Lying is cock-rocking the NPR crowd at SXSW for the second year in a row with a raucous variety show featuring storytelling, standup, burlesque, and sideshow from America's greatest and strangest artists. Fo…
Monday, March 11
Cameras are getting better and better. Auto exposure and auto focus systems are so sophisticated that you can be a photographer without knowing about either as long as you know about composition. A poorly-composed shot o…
Josh Anon

Margarita Benitez and Markus Vogl work within a collaborative art praxis called //benitez_vogl. //benitez_vogl concentrates on open source projects such as the development of the open source loom, interactive installatio…
Margarita Benitez, Markus Vogl

For 2013, we're excited to join forces with Lytro to present PhotoCamp at SXSW Create. With unique sessions on the evolution of photography, digital asset management and a Photographer Meet Up, you won't want to miss thi…
Last year, only 45 African American students took the Computer Science AP exam in California, a state known for being a hub of innovation. Hear from the White House and Level Playing Field Institute about innovative ways…
Brian Forde, Nicole Sanchez
Photography is the bread and butter of content. Connecting photographers with a community of other photographers has become one of the most valuable and interesting communities on the web over the past 7 years. Sharing m…
Alexandra Klasinski, Christopher Berry

The emergence of incredibly strong and meaningful social relationships being formed by a community through a collective elaboration of meaning, especially when it's related to the pop culture arts and creative collaborat…
Angelo Sotira, Ron Martino

Join Media Lab research scientist Henry Holtzman, and master’s students Dan Novy and Janice Wang, who will discuss examples of Media Lab work on immersive experiences. Henry Holtzman’s Information Ecology group is crea…

Join Media Lab research scientist Henry Holtzman, and master’s students Dan Novy and Janice Wang, who will discuss examples of Media Lab work on immersive experiences. Henry Holtzman’s Information Ecology group is crea…
The way you store, tag and preserve your media is key to the long-term viability of your creative work. And while this is a technical process, it's also intrinsic to the creative process. If it's done well, good media ma…
Peter Krogh
Complex stories and information can often be difficult to explain. Presented poorly, they can come across as too dense or intimidating to understand. And that can leave you and your audience frustrated. Join our panelist…
Tristen George, Vanessa Ruiz
In the era of today's socially-driven Web, being first to discover breaking trends, opinions and news is a major strategic advantage. But search engines can only show us what has happened in the past; they can not see th…
Nova Spivack
In 2005, Etsy made a splash, allowing anyone with knitting needles to reach an audience, and MySpace helped musicians like Adele get their big breaks. While the internet has long aided creators trying to get the word out…
Claire Mazur, Danielle Strle, Jamie Beck, Jen Bekman

The Sketchbook Project is a constantly evolving library of handmade artists’ books, contributed by more than 22,000 people from 130+ countries. The Project encourages creative people from diverse backgrounds — working ar…
Shane Zucker, Steven Peterman
Tuesday, March 12

The online and offline worlds are now melting together, thanks to smartphones and social media. But as our life shifts into the cloud, we’re starting to realize that 0s and 1s lack the tangibility and permanence of paper…
Ryan Bigge

A geek’s breakdown of the history of comic books and the parallels and principles to modern experience design. From their shared roots in the 1930s and 40s, with Siegel and Shuster’s Superman ushering in a Golden Age an…
Timothy Parcell
Inspiration comes to us free of charge. But that’s just the start of the creative process. Making a work of art, launching a business or even starting a career requires a holistic mental and emotional skill set. Josh Go…
Josh Gosfield
Chris Ruppel demonstrates some bleeding-edge creative concepts you can achieve using CSS3. Examples aren't as practical as they are inspiring, showing off the possibilities of CSS3 and touching on components like animati…
Chris Ruppel

All design requires some speculation—after all, a designer must predict an individual’s uncertain reaction to her work. What of design that teaches by speculating on what our future might look like? Orwell and Huxley hav…
Gabriel Schaffzin
One of the core missions of the SXSW Interactive Festival is to showcase those who use their creativity and artistic talent to make the world a better place. With this ideal in mind, we are excited to have Matthew Inman …
Matthew Inman
Matthew Inman will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You” and “5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth (And Other Useful Guides)” following his Ke…

The Smile Epidemic session will teach us how to shift our limited attention, using an innovative, science-based social sharing tool that increases levels of happiness in individuals and organizations. Pro-athlete and Fou…
, Jim Moss

The last few decades of the American theater have seen a rapid growth in the number of ‘devising ensembles’—playwrights, actors, directors, and designers working together in collaborative groups to develop plays. It's ag…
Gwydion Suilebhan