Fixing Filter Failure: Engaging the Global Mind
In the era of today's socially-driven Web, being first to discover breaking trends, opinions and news is a major strategic advantage. But search engines can only show us what has happened in the past; they can not see the present. To make sense of what is happening right now, we need new approaches that can measure millions of live social conversations in real-time.
Using new techniques we can now visualize the collective consciousness as it unfolds. We can literally see what the world is thinking, feeling and doing right now, around any topic, brand, or current event. And in fact many leading organizations are already using these approaches to gain critical strategic insights and advantages.
In this presentation, we will discuss how to visualize the global mind and explore several approaches to uncover actionable insights, develop strategic advantages, and discover the true power of the Web.
CEO and co-founder of Bottlenose - next-generation live social intelligence