Complete event listing for
Community and Activism
Friday, March 8
RSVP Required - Join web and mobile experts in an all day Hackathon for Social Good, an awesome opportunity for programmers, UX practitioners and designers meet to work collaboratively to build programs and applications.…
Brad Smith, Jennifer Jones, Lisa Goddard, Maria Aloy Ciller
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Ari Stiles
In 2008, at least 6 million Americans didn't vote because they missed or didn't know their voter registration deadline. In 2012, the first-ever National Voter Registration Day set out to fix that, and in the process wou…
Dan McSwain, Jessica Reeves
Enjoy some time with other mindful health practitioners, and get the details on what other wellness panels, presentations, and resources are available during SXSW. Bring your ideas for healthy living during the conferenc…
Ari Stiles, Bea Love, Melodie Tao, Neal Pollack
Celebrate and learn about the life and ideals of Aaron Swartz at this special SXSW Town Hall. In addition to addressing some of the open source principles that shape his philosophies, the session will also cover ongoing …
, , Jennifer Lynch, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman
Saturday, March 9
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Melodie Tao
Providing wireless network connectivity at large gatherings such as SXSW is never an easy endeavor. Attend this session to learn tips for success from the SXSW technical crew. This panel will cover the interesting networ…
Chase Sadler, Clifford Skolnick, Joe Wargo
Your ISP is spying on your network traffic, Zuck pwn'd your social graph. Even darling Twitter has thrown indie developers under the bus for the sake of "consistency." You probably know all this, and you still go on usin…
Dan Phiffer, Harlo Holmes, Isaac Wilder
Vinyasa yoga helps focus the mind and awaken the body through a series of yoga postures and movements linked by the breath. It’s a slightly more active class for those looking for a quicker pace. The class is a gentle on…
Bea Love

UNESCO estimates that of the 6,000 current languages spoken today, more than half will be extinct by the start of the next century, adding that "with the disappearance of unwritten and undocumented languages, humanity wi…
Kara Andrade, Kevin Scannell, Maite Goñi, Peter Rohloff
Panera Bread visionary Ron Shaich has spent his career trying to change the way America eats by focusing on choice and an affordable, high quality experience. Since its founding, Panera has grown to over 1,600 bakery-caf…
Ron Shaich

The promise of the cloud is that our environmental impact is lighter as we move from physical to digital products and documents. However, our production of digital content is increasing exponentially. For example, Facebo…
David Bellona

Communities like Anonymous and 4chan's /b/ create Internet culture, change politics and make news. But how do they build trust, share work and intervene in the world? How can new groups and movements use anonymity and ps…
Finn Brunton, Gabriella Coleman, Quinn Norton

We have greater capacity to change the world today than kings and presidents of 50 years ago. Technologists have astonishing leverage to tackle the biggest problems and take on bold missions. And, facing severe threats t…
Justin Rosenstein
Moving hearts and minds, changing attitudes and behavior, takes more than SEO. This session’s speakers and case studies explore how to affect change by evolving the art of digital storytelling. NPR's Michele Norris crea…
David Modigliani, Joel Johnson, Michele Norris, Susan Feeney

In the last decade, news reporting on the U.S.-Mexico border has been decimated by the closing and downsizing of U.S. media organizations, censorship of Mexican media and the explosion of drug violence on the Mexican sid…
Guadalupe Correa-Cabrera, Melissa Del Bosque, Sergio Chapa
Familiar with SXSWedu? SXSW extends its support for the art of engagement beyond musicians, actors, and technologists, to include society’s true stars...educators. One of the newest components of the SXSW Family of Conf…
Ron Reed
Dr. Bassem Youssef is an Egyptian cardiothoracic surgeon turned political satirist who launched a wildly popular political talk show on YouTube from his apartment in the wake of the Egyptian revolution in 2011. Youssef,…
Bassem Youssef, Olivia Ma
Gabriella Coleman will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Coding Freedom: The Ethics and Aesthetics of Hacking” following her Book Reading session. Gabriella Coleman is the Wolfe Chair in Scientific & T…
Guadalupe Correa Cabrera will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Democracy in "Two Mexicos": Political Institutions in Oaxaca and Nuevo León” following her Book Reading session. Guadalupe Correa Cabrera…
Like any powerful tool, the human brain needs a bit of a tune-up now and then. Take a break from the bustle of SXSW and give your mind and body a chance to assimilate all the new ideas and energy at the conference. This …
Ari Stiles
Let's face it, you spend most of your day scouring the "front page of the Internet" like the rest of us. Now is your chance to hang out with your fellow redditors in a casual and fun setting. The people that make up the …
Logan Youree
Sunday, March 10
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Neal Pollack

Being able to visualize large collections of data is absolutely vital in the domain of cultural heritage—both for scholarly work and public consumption. Recent work explores novel and engaging ways to visualize and explo…
Andy van Dam, Anne Balsamo, Donald Brinkman, Ethan Watrall
The annual Allied Media Conference in Detroit, MI convenes 2,000 artists, activists, educators, and technologists, all sharing media strategies for a more justice, creative, and collaborative world. The Allied Media Conf…
Mike Medow
Are you ready to have your mind, body and soul transformed, to find transcendence, enlightenment, and inner peace? Well, good for you! This lecture, reading, and discussion, on the other hand, will be about 40 percent fa…
Neal Pollack

Three million girls a year in Africa alone are at risk of female genital cutting (FGC) and 140 million women worldwide live with the harmful consequences of this human rights violation. FGC is a social norm, and it is ch…
Ruthie Taylor
Citizen journalism through social media platforms helps deliver truth into mainstream reporting and ensure community safety in places with oppressive regimes. But what happens when, as in Mexico today, truth in reporting…
Shauna Dillavou
Information Literacy is the ability identify an information need and to locate and evaluate appropriate resources to satisfy this need. As more and more information and communication has moved online information literacy…
Laura Larsell
I’m an engineer. That doesn’t just describe my training or my job description, it’s who I am. I look at the world through a scientific, analytical lens, and when I identify problems, I prototype ways to solve them. Engin…
Ryan Martens
Kristin and Dannielle, founders of the advice website and youth outreach organization Everyone Is Gay, will discuss the role of cyber bullying in our online communities and share stories from several youth who have expe…
Dannielle Owens-Reid, Kristin Russo

If there's one piece of advice to keep as much personal data to yourself as possible, it's this: FAKE IT and don't become a datasexual! Separate the professional You from the private You, use pseudonyms, aliases and fict…
Pernille Tranberg, Steffan Heuer
If there's one piece of advice to keep as much personal data to yourself as possible, it's this: FAKE IT and don't become a datasexual! Separate the professional You from the private You, use pseudonyms, aliases and fict…
Pernille Tranberg, Steffan Heuer

Human beings are advanced dynamic systems. Each of us interfaces with our emotions differently. Consequently, we interface with each other in desirable and undesirable ways through various access points. My process throu…
Daniel Buckley

We are seeing a paradigm shift in the way users are spending their time online and especially in their online purchases. Consumers are buying and advocating for purposeful brands and not letting their Internet behavior g…
, , Amaryllis Fox, Ross Geisel

Like any other large-scale project, Breaking the Guinness World Record for the Longest Barrel of Monkeys chain was not easy. At various points every element broke down: the venue backed out, we didn't raise enough money,…
Parker Phinney

On December 10th, 2011, after a week of small-scale demonstrations, Russia saw some of the largest protests in Moscow since the 1990s. Participate in the insight into the role that social media played in the Russian prot…
Artem Gordin
Have we all lost our perspective with modern life? The water in our toilets is cleaner than nearly a billion have to drink and we need to do something about it. Sorry it's not about drilling more holes in the ground. It'…
Mike McCamon
Non-profits are in a constant state of fundraising to keep afloat and to fund valuable programs that benefit the community. Marketing is key to building a successful enterprise whether the enterprise is a for profit or a…
Rebecca Gonzales

OUR STORY. Two years ago at the 1st edition of the Storyworld conference&expo, the world’s first Transmedia Meetup of Meetups was quickly thrown together by members of the forming international Transmedia community. OBJ…
Karine Halpern
Anne Balsamo will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of “Designing Culture: The Technological Imagination at Work”. Anne Balsamo's work focuses on the relationship between the culture and technology. This focus i…
Should the news be more like "The Newsroom?" Join this CNN-led discussion on the intersection of news and advocacy. We'll look at ways both news orgs and non-profits are working to engage their digital audiences with sma…
Amanda Kloer, Ben Montgomery, John Sutter, Jonathan Hutson
Like any powerful tool, the human brain needs a bit of a tune-up now and then. Take a break from the bustle of SXSW and give your mind and body a chance to assimilate all the new ideas and energy at the conference. This …
Melodie Tao

Join Toby Daniels, Co-founder and CEO of Crowdcentric and Shaun Abrahamsom, author of recently published book Crowdstorm for a meetup during SXSW Interactive. This gathering will bring together innovators, thought leade…
, Toby Daniels
Monday, March 11
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Bea Love
As social media platforms evolve and multiply, so too do the instances of online bullying. The epidemic has reached a crisis point in American culture, with nearly one in three kids reporting instances of bullying. The p…
, Lee Hirsch, Priscilla Natkins, Scott Zumwalt

3D experiences are pushing their way into the classroom as media-savvy students move from textbooks to digital experiences and the technologies they’ve grown up with. As the ultimate time machine, 3D environments can lit…
Al Bunshaft, Rus Gant
Vinyasa yoga helps focus the mind and awaken the body through a series of yoga postures and movements linked by the breath. It’s a slightly more active class for those looking for a quicker pace. The class is a gentle on…
Bea Love
RSVP Required - This workshop will dramatically demonstrate how the practice of measurement, social media, social change, and networks have evolved over the past 5 years. In 2009, the "Social Media ROI Poetry Slam" SXS…
Carie Lewis, David Neff, Katie Paine
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Elisa Camahort Page
Let's deconstruct & design actionable ideas about why Libraries, Archives, and Museums within the SXSW conversation is important -- beyond rubbing shoulders with meme-enablers and tool creators. You'll leave with new par…
Amy Buckland
Jon’s part of London was ransacked in 2011’s riots, so what did he do on the event’s anniversary? First thought: How do we teach the rioters a lesson? Instead, he answered a less obvious question: What lessons can market…
Alexandra Goat, Jon Burkhart
Peer-to-peer marketplaces for offline services face a big UX challenge: users' experiences depend on other users, not just the company. But these platforms still live or die on the quality of the experiences they deliver…
Jeff Miller, John Zimmer

Join other movers and shakers in the Meet Up Pavilion to discuss social and digital media trends in advocacy and how these leaders use the web to mobilize their supporters.……

Join other movers and shakers in the Meet Up Pavilion to discuss social and digital media trends in advocacy and how these leaders use the web to mobilize their supporters.……

Join other movers and shakers in the Meet Up Pavilion to discuss social and digital media trends in advocacy and how these leaders use the web to mobilize their supporters.……
Shaun Abrahamsom will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of “Crowdstorm: The Future of Innovation, Ideas, and Problem Solving. ”…
Technology is changing the world and enabling people from anywhere to connect and share experiences that create wonder and inspire. Skype’s social good initiative, Skype in the classroom (SITC), is an example of how tech…
, Andrew Schmidt
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” That sentiment has always applied to the LIVESTRONG Foundation, a cancer non-profit known for its entre…
Doug Ulman
Get together with sustainability professionals and other like-minded individuals to discuss solutions to the issues facing our economy, the environment, and civil society. Network, brainstorm, and discover how SXSW Eco …
Chris Sonnier
Like any powerful tool, the human brain needs a bit of a tune-up now and then. Take a break from the bustle of SXSW and give your mind and body a chance to assimilate all the new ideas and energy at the conference. This …
Jennilyn Carson
Sexual commerce has a history of driving technological innovation: porn and early camera adoption, porn and VHS, porn and high-speed internet demand... While sexual media often fuels technological growth, the "oldest pro…
Sabrina Morgan

How are we, as media-driven consumers, inspired by a cause or motivated towards social change? In this discussion Theo Ianuly and Geoff Stanfield of Gist Lab will bring together musician Ryan Bingham, Peter Glatzer (SHF…

How are we, as media-driven consumers, inspired by a cause or motivated towards social change? In this discussion Theo Ianuly and Geoff Stanfield of Gist Lab will bring together musician Ryan Bingham, Peter Glatzer (SHF…

How are we, as media-driven consumers, inspired by a cause or motivated towards social change? In this discussion Theo Ianuly and Geoff Stanfield of Gist Lab will bring together musician Ryan Bingham, Peter Glatzer (SHF…

In 2011, Sam Fox, then 24, ran 2,650 miles from Canada to Mexico in 61 days -- the equivalent of 1.5 marathons a day for two months. Inspired by his mother Lucy, who was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease in 2000, his jo…
Tuesday, March 12
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Jennilyn Carson
We now know that technology plays an important role in activism, allowing for ease of communication and the rallying of support, among other things. In the 2009 Iran protests and the current conflicts in Syria and Sudan…
Ahmed Ghappour, Jillian York, Sahar Sabet, Trevor Timm

Artists, designers, developers, investors, entrepreneurs, and academics throw around the term “remix,” rarely considering what this indicates about changes in our epistemologies. Although originating with the rise of dig…
Group Yoga Practice gives everyone a chance to learn from each other! Jennilyn Carson, of YogaDork fame, will lead the group in a series of poses and help out the beginners in the class. This class structure assumes a ba…

Low-resolution displays. Limited input capabilities. Frustrating voice interaction. Distracted users. A neverending array of devices. The mobile environment in 2012? Or is it how users with disabilities have dealt with t…
Matt May

In conversation with Leslie Wolke, Jake Barton, founder and principal of Local Projects will walk through the case study of "Change by Us," an open source application with its first project up and running for New York Ci…
Jake Barton, Leslie Wolke
Writer and disrupter Rachel Sklar talks to assorted high-profile leaders in media, tech & entrepreneurship about the interplay between diversity, meritocracy, privilege and innovation, and how the tech industry is transf…
Rachel Sklar

The term “outcast” covers numerous demographic categories. It can represent the 54 million Americans currently living with a disability. It can refer to patients who live in isolation during long-term rehabilitation. It …
Kel Smith

To the millions of travelers with special needs getting from one place to another has been an issue due to inaccessible routes or lack of information about the routes they intend to take. Research in accessible transport…
, Bill Curtis-Davidson, James Pol, Kamiar Kordari

For decades, conflict prevention practitioners have searched for creative ways to bring about human connections that bridge opposed positions. Public information campaigns, reconciliation conferences and exchanges betwee…
Anne Kahl, Helena Puig Larrauri, Margarita Quihuis, Patrick Meier