Complete event listing for
Four Seasons
98 San Jacinto Blvd
Venue infoAge Policy: All
Friday, March 8
David Jones is CEO of Havas, co-founder of One Young World—a non-profit organization described by CNN as the "young Davos"—and author of Who Cares Wins: Why Good Business is Better Business. Over the past decade he’s bee…
David Jones
Long a stronghold for consumer-friendly photo apps, games, and renegade business apps, the app stores of today are in for a major renovation as enterprise-class comes into its own. Think of the opportunity – according to…
Alex Williams, Eric Lai, John Arrow, Matt Carrier

Is Gamification fulfilling its promise and where is it taking us now? The buzz of gamification is still humming along, mainly because of its tantalizing promise: there are fairly obvious ways to make the most tedious of …
Brendan Wallace, Jeremiah Owyang, Michelle Accardi, Tim Piatenko

Eastern Europe is the new digital Wild West - with amazing opportunities. Traditionally most entrepreneurs had to go to the US to make their digital dreams come true - with Phil Libin (Evernote) or Andrej Naborgoj (Talki…
Gaidar Magdanurov, Matthaus Krzykowski, Olga Steidl, Renata Akhunova
Saturday, March 9

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …
From the creation of the first computer mouse to the development of Siri, SRI International has been propelling tech innovation for over half a century. The nonprofit research institute is responsible for advancements ac…
Anthony Ha, Norman Winarsky
Forget the enterprise vs. consumer debate: The not-so-tech-savvy markets are the biggest opportunities in tech. Consider dotloop, a company on a mission to eliminate paperwork in real estate, an industry with a median ag…
Ben Kepes, Dave Yarnold, Joelle Senter, Ram Menon

The odometer on your startup is turning over 1095 days - your third year building your passion into a business. You've raised your seed and Series A, recruited the first twenty employees, snagged the first thousand cust…
Rob Spectre

At last year's SXSW, a starved crowd of B2B marketers shuffled into a standing-room-only session track to hear more about this often-neglected topic. Meanwhile, the volume of B2B transactions is 20 times higher than B2C …
Lauren Vaccarello, Maura Ginty

Fact: There is $7,000 worth of unused stuff in your home. But turning that stuff into cash isn't easy, and most consumers don't even know where to start. Despite a decade of web innovation, services that help you sell or…
Christina Chaey, Israel Ganot, James Reinhart, Ross Lohr

In a bootstrapped company, the entrepreneurial decision-making process is decidedly different because the company must balance the need to make money while growing the business. This session will examine the pros and con…
Alan Schaaf, Matt Strader

Deliberately temporary, often housed in once-blighted spaces, and enabled by social and mobile technologies, pop ups are disrupting the retail experience and revitalizing our neighborhoods. In the last year, the vacancy …
, , Annika Dubrall, Tina Santiago

Flash demand -- a catchy term synonymous with “Be careful what you wish for.” It is a new reality in an instant-gratification world, a blindside hit to retailers who have no idea a product has suddenly become the latest…
, Aarthi Ramamurthy, Cathy Choi, Mike Dauber
A global fight is currently underway to democratize access to capital for entrepreneurs. With over half of the world population engaged in self-generated work, the outcome of this is critical. With the passage of the JOB…
Jason Best, Sherwood Neiss
Sunday, March 10

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …

Since the dawn of spam and server hacks, there has been trepidation on the part of the consumer in sharing their personal data with the companies they interact with, and with good reason. But, there is a way for consumer…
Rick Orr
The velocity of change in our business world-and our culture-has reached unprecedented levels. This is a historic era that transcends industries and national borders, and it presents new challenges to all of us, as indiv…
Padmasree Warrior, Robert Safian, Troy Carter
Outsourcing allows a startup to focus on its core competency, maintain an engineering culture and add leverage to every member of its team. This session will cover how an early-stage startup can effectively outsource its…
Jim Moran
Are marketers wasting time and money with today’s influence measurement tools? This all-star panel of social media thought leaders exposes the pitfalls of finding social media influencers, and reveals why many marketers …
Debra Kaye, Ekaterina Walter, Jure Klepic, Matt Hixson
Without question, emerging technologies such as Twitter and Foursquare provide new modes of utility to users…but can these technology-focused platforms be leveraged as the perfect canvas for creativity? Can these enginee…
, Adam Bain, Debra Sandler, Gregg Heard

Open source has been an incredibly successful way to create and share software that has become ubiquitous, from Android to Firefox to the many unseen places we use Linux in daily life. For many companies, open source has…
Ruth Suehle
Every day people conduct billions of searches on Google, and in the process they create what John Battelle famously called a ‘database of intentions:’ A massive record of the world’s desires that helps the company genera…
Nate Elliott
API as a term is moving beyond technical insiders. That's because APIs themselves are more than just the nice-to-have feature they once were. It stands for Application Programmer Interface, but that tends to get an eyes-…
Adam DuVander
Monday, March 11

Social networks have phenomenal growth characteristics. Though the barrier to entry is high (convincing a group of people to simultaneously believe it’s a good idea), once you’ve on-boarded enough adopters (e.g."tipped" …
Chenli Wang, Thomas Carriero
For whatever reason, you've decided that the time is right for your startup company to exit. You're looking to be acquired, but you have no idea where to start. After all, there's hardly any material online for how to su…
Geoff Lewis
As the market for open source products expands beyond enthusiasts, it’s increasingly being adopted by companies and organizations unfamiliar or even uncomfortable with the GPL and other free and open source (FOSS) licens…
Tiffany Farriss
As if building a successful company from scratch wasn't hard enough, tech startups in certain industries are facing an additional hurdle: government regulation. From product design to launch strategy, pricing to fundrais…
Dana Rosenberg, Joshua Reich, Ryan Graves, Stephanie Tilenius

Everyone talks about software, so this panel will look at how to launch a HARDWARE company. Conventional wisdom is that hardware is hard, but there's a growing community of makers turning their ideas into businesses, an…
David Lang, Nick Pinkston, Rachel Kalmar, Renee DiResta

Come hear from the intrapreneurs with a web-startup mindset who opened the LEGO Group to solicit and deliver crowdsourced products. In 2011, LEGO opened its factory doors with LEGO CUUSOO, allowing fans to propose design…
Paal Smith-Meyer, Peter Espersen, Tim Courtney

Dropped vowels. Extra Zs. Domains du jour. These common namehacks may seem unique to digital startups. But the challenge their owners face is one that’s been around since the days of Scotch-guzzling ad execs: Naming is h…
Gary Backaus, Justin Dobbs
At a time when funding from local, state, and federal governments is spread thin and credit is increasingly harder to come by, crowdfunding has demonstrated that collective and collaborative efforts of individuals can fu…
Jase Wilson, Jonny Price

A “DEO, or the “Design Executive Officer”, is a hybrid of a strategic business executive and a creative, problem solver who places design and creativity at the center of their organization. They are the catalysts for tra…
Christopher Ireland, Maria Giudice
Tuesday, March 12

A new addition to the 2013 lineup, SXSW Home Rooms are where you get the most current information about all the presentations, panels, and networking opportunities for the day ahead. SXSW Home Room also provides a great …
We all love sharing photos online, but isn't there more we can do with technology? Hopefully yes, given our nation's problems like health care costs outstripping growth of GDP, reliance on fossil fuels & climate change …
Ariel Schwartz, Halle Tecco, John Lilly, Rachel Barge
Entrepreneurs want to focus on their business, not spend time worrying about legal issues. However, taking a little time early on to think about intellectual property strategy can save money and potentially much heartach…
Andrew Liddell, Ruben Rodrigues
Brands are now under the gun to deliver blow-away customer service in social media, and they're failing. Big time. Constrained by limited internal resources, inadequate tools, political infighting, and a lack of expertis…
Bryan Person, Chris Abraham, Michelle Kostya, Rohit Kapoor, the prototypical mashup, shows that awesome things can happen when data is freely used to create something bigger than the sum of its parts. Many business have tried bootstrapping by "borrowing" other co…
Carter Rabasa, Chris Treadaway, Hung Truong, Sunil Kanderi
It’s no secret that mobile is revolutionizing how people shop and pay, becoming the digital nexus of consumers’ lives. They want what they want … when they want it – anytime, anywhere. It’s a new world for retailers of a…
Steve Yankovich
Drawing on the leadership he learned on the front lines, decorated military officer and Fortune 500 executive Donovan Campbell moderates a panel on how the training model of the United States military can serve as a foun…
, Brad Hunstable, Chris Guillebeau

Every business claims to be disruptive. Most startup founders want to innovate the next app or feature to attract more dollars or clicks than the industry standard. Now there’s a new class of rising entrepreneurs inventi…
Hayley Barna, Lynn Jurich, Narges Bani Asadi, Tara-Nicholle Nelson