In Defense of Mashups: Bootstrapping or Stealing?, the prototypical mashup, shows that awesome things can happen when data is freely used to create something bigger than the sum of its parts. Many business have tried bootstrapping by "borrowing" other companies' data, most notably craigslist. When does borrowing become stealing? Should larger companies be allowed to hold their users' data hostage? Or do startups need to get over themselves and stop using incumbents' hard-earned data against them? A panel of mashup veterans will discuss their thoughts on the matter.

Chris Treadaway is Founder & CEO of Polygraph Media, which has built a data mining platform for Facebook. He previously worked as Group Product Manager for Web Strategy at Microsoft, and received an MBA from the University of Texas.

Sunil Kanderi is a technologist and entrepreneur with an accomplished record of excellence in Technical and leadership roles. Under Sunil’s leadership, Mokriya has worked with some of the most popular consumer mobile companies in the market today, including, Threadflip, SideCar, Alohar Mobile, Kicksend, Path, Enthuse, SeaWorld etc. Their new product, a design innovation on Craigslist for Mobile platforms has been widely covered on WSJ, Time, Mashable, Pandodaily etc.