Complete event listing for
Courtyard Marriott
300 East 4th Street
Friday, March 9
"You're fired." "The test results are positive." "We're out of beer." Change happens - how you handle it is up to you. Improv can help. In past SXSW workshops, we've explored how the less...
Amanda Hirsch, Jordan Hirsch

Congratulations: you've been acquired! First comes an initial high from the money and the attention. Often company acquisitions that seem like a great idea result in disappointment, a mass exodus, the technology being t...
James Home, Marcy Swenson

We all have a zillion tasks that need to be done now. Does multitasking help you work more efficiently and productively? Or does it allow you to do lots of things poorly? Is it better to focus on one task at a time and ...
Adam Gazzaley, David Meyer, Peter Bregman, Rachel Emma Silverman

There's nothing like the thrill of a new relationship, and a rising generation of star talent likes the rush a new job brings. In today’s workplace everyone is an entrepreneur and employee/employer relationships are sw...
Dan Finnigan

Applying lessons learned from running a small consulting company to working in a large corporation. We don't all work for small, sexy startups. The majority of us work for large, sometimes soulless corporations that oper...
Russell Sinclair, Ryan McMinn
Saturday, March 10
Everyone is looking for digital talent these days, from established tech firms, startups, advertising agencies to the biggest corporations. The ever-broadening makeup of the attendees of SXSW is a huge indicator of this....
Barbara Tejada, Ben Fisher, Jami Hoffman, Lionel Carreon, Winston Binch
In November of 2009 I gave away all my worldly possessions to a family that lost everything in a fire, and started the first great adventure of my life. Since that time, I've been "homefree" staying in bed &...
Erica OGrady, Julia Allison
“Why we are losing the war for talent and how technology can make a difference” Senior executives widely acknowledge they are in a war for talent, but they are focused on the wrong battlefronts. The success of Dil...
John Hagel
Working independently. It's fairly common in the tech world, but there are also many, many misconceptions and stereotypes. Josh has been working independently as a developer for the better part of the past fifteen years ...
Christin Roman, Josh Knowles
Few things frustrate designers and the business more than when we know what needs to be built, but it still takes quarters or years for features to be deployed into production. And then during deployment, massive chaos ...
Gene Kim
This new group of workers, raised with technology and praise, brings a new set of expectations and demands. From leveraging interns and volunteers, to hiring younger workers, learning how to leaded and manage this genera...
Betsy Flanagan, Jennifer Selke
As technology has increasingly created a number of self-organizing online or real communities, companies are also experimenting with cultural changes having a common thread of decentralization. For example, anonymous su...
James Taylor, Kat Steinmetz, Philip Rosedale, Thomas Malone, Zach Ware
Yes, you are an expert. Yes, you can make money doing your own thing. No, you don’t have to work for the next hot start-up or within the confines of Corporate America to do it. Michelle Ward of When I Grow Up and Molly...
Molly Mahar, Tara Gentile
The benefits of working in a distributed work environment are many. No overhead for office real estate, no employee commutes, flexible work hours, the ability to hire talent where it resides. But what are the pain points...
Lori McLeese, Nikolay Bachiyski

Sunday, March 11

Join us for a technology-free panel where we hear from industry leaders, entrepreneurs and tech titans as they share their secrets of unplugging, and how they're given more power in their day to day lives by creating sac...
Ari Wallach, Dan Rollman, Rachel Sklar

In the capital of the latest tech boom, developers work late into the night creating the next big thing. But they take office culture just as seriously, fueling behavior that is reaching a level of froth not seen in a de...
Dan Patterson, DeeAnna McPherson, Emily Peters, Jennifer Crystal

The work of the future will be atomized, with many workers doing pieces of what is today a single job. The hyperspecialization of workers may be inevitable given the quality, speed and cost advantages it offers- and the ...
Christina Hamlin, Robert Hughes
Let’s face it, if you’re not an engineer or a designer, odds are you’re a no talent assclown. However, there’s a place for no talent assclowns to be useful in every company. I’m the no talent assclown at Path ...
Matt Van Horn
Do you want a happier, more empowered team with an attitude of ownership and a focus on productivity? I thought so. We get the party started right at Cheezburger by having our new developers write and commit code to our ...
Scott Porad

How does someone who is obsessed live peacefully with someone who isn’t? That question—posed by an entrepreneur—elegantly summarizes the quandary faced by company founders and their spouses. In “Balancing Acts,...
Gary Hirshberg, Meg Hirshberg
When building a team, what should you be looking for -- those talented, amazing people that can do it all, need no supervision, and will drive faster than you can keep up… OR those easy-to-get-along-with, everyone-love...
Corey Reid, Daniel Ha, Heather Gold, Joe Stump, Patti Chan

Who is worth more — one amazing employee or one hundred adequate ones? You've heard about the war for talent. If your business is looking to take over the world (or just your industry), how do you first build your tale...
Eric Hellweg, George Anders, Laurie Ruettimann, Michael Schrage, Roy Bahat
This dual format will focus on how to grow your dorm room idea into an overnight success-- and by 'overnight' we mean 10 years of ridiculously (fun and) hard work! When they launched Mental Floss magazine at Duke Univers...
Mangesh Hattikudur, Will Pearson
Monday, March 12
Please join AbelsonTaylor for a Texas style brunch at SXSW Interactive! Gain a better understanding of how to utilize the iPad for business presentations, and join in our discussion on smart digital creativity.......
Most experienced IT folks have faced the choice of freelancing versus working for an established business. Freelancing offers creative autonomy but not necessarily steady income. A job with a larger company provides a ...
Andi Shively, Drew Stephan, Jack Aponte, Poonam Whabi, Raeanne Young

Do you share your number? You know the classic assumption: they all want to be the first. They might understand if one or two didn't work out, but they're scared if you've had a lot of those. But some people know the s...
Erin Bush, Gi-Gi Downs
An editor, researcher, and program manager walk into a bar. They are looking to help talented people who have personality and technical chops. As they down a Shiner, they look for a coherent story that tells who you are,...
Carla Borsoi, Jennifer Jongsma, Kevin Lawver, Kristy Duncan

How many books on management have your read and how many parenting manuals and apps have you downloaded since your kids arrived on the scene? How much of what you’ve learned has been “on the job” of parenting — a...
Lourdes Alba, Margaret Stewart, Maria Giudice, Mike Tschudy

We’re all seeing this happen – friends in healthcare, film and finance to name few catching what can only be dubbed “the startup bug”. John Battelle even said it himself back in July 2011, “the whole world is a...
Mark Gilbreath
Being new in a rapidly changing industry is scary. Luckily, as young designers in the web industry we have access to boundless tutorials, resources and mentors willing to share their knowledge. Actually, the abundance of...
Allison Wagner, Yesenia Perez-Cruz
The research has shown that employees (and people in general) are motivated by autonomy, mastery, purpose, progress and recognition, yet most jobs are severely lacking on all counts. Games, on the other hand, provide all...
Molly Kittle

Crowdsourcing companies like CrowdFlower have access to more than two million contributors to get real work done, meanwhile companies like Kaggle can tap into the world's best data scientists to call upon their intellect...
Anthony Goldbloom, Lukas Biewald
Tuesday, March 13
Even though the U.S. workforce is comprised of 50% women, our society still finds it unusual for women to hold roles in certain fields – one of them being technology. In fact, only 25% of people that work in tech are w...
Alexa von Tobel, Courtney Myers, Donna Wells, Julia Hartz, Meredith Flynn-Ripley

How do you help your geographically dispersed and diverse melting pot organization become a more effective and cohesive team with a shared sense of purpose? How do you simulate ‘around the water cooler” type conversa...
Elizabeth Gibson, Lin Howe
How we work is changing. But where we work isn’t. Over the last ten years a new way of working has emerged, along with some people who live it every day. They’re available 24/7. They network endlessly, and then plug...
Althea Erickson, Benjamin Dyett, Josh Rubin, Richard Schatzberger, Scott Belsky

I've spent the last year working on a game and project to disrupt international development. I built an incredible team of advisors, developers, designers, nonprofits, and supporters around simply an idea, and around a ...
Erica Berger, James Elbaor
When you’re running a small company, interns are amazing in theory (free labor!), yet in practice often a big fail. But do it right, and a strategically run army of interns can mean the difference between failure and s...
Andrew Maguire, Larry Smith
The digital world is changing too fast to let the industry label its roles with yet another buzzword. Remember digital ninjas? Social media mavens? Twitterholics? One moment, you are a self-proclaimed "guru" -...
Ana Andjelic, Angeline Vuong, Natalie Rodic Marsan, Sonny Gill

Imagine building a company that lives through booms, bubbles and busts; a company that keeps innovating and creating value; a company that’s around in 100 years. It’s not as crazy as you think, but it requires a radi...
Phil Libin

Making a great product isn’t really all that different than making a World Series run. In both cases, the organization must assemble the right mix of talent, motivation, independent spirit and willingness to be coached...
David Bairstow, Doug LeMoine