Reflections of a Zen Digital Nomad
In November of 2009 I gave away all my worldly possessions to a family that lost everything in a fire, and started the first great adventure of my life. Since that time, I've been "homefree" staying in bed & breakfasts, hotels, and the countless couches and spare rooms of friends I've met through social media. Ten years ago, this life wouldn't have been possible. But today, in the world of fast connections and even faster friendships - where non-traditional is in and thinking outside the box is the norm - becoming a digital nomad is a viable alternative to conventional living. Along the way, I found a teacher, embraced minimalism, and discovered the incredible power of the social graph. Fellow Digital Nomad Julia Allison will be joining me to talk about her adventures in geo-agnostic living. If you're curious about the digital nomad lifestyle and wonder if you could live for a year or more "homefree", this is a presentation you don't want to miss.