Complete event listing for
Sunday, March 10

The popular perception of digital and social media is that it’s ephemeral. Disposable. Mere one-offs, designed to be consumed and forgotten. But creative people are experimenting with storytelling across digital and inte…
Tuesday, March 12
This session presented by SXSW Interactive and is open to all badge types. How is the television industry changing to meet the changing tastes / demands of today's most wired consumers. Acclaimed businesswoman Lauren Za…
Lauren Zalaznick, Quincy Smith
Join us and enjoy a keg of beer while you discover “Avenue Live.” Avenue Live reinvents local radio by providing the sole place for artists, promoters, venues, music blogs and college radio stations to reach new audience…
Thursday, March 14
At a radio station, the programming staff meets regularly to decide which new songs they're going to add to their playlist. At these "music meetings," songs are presented that many of the participants are hearing for the…
Bruce Warren, Jessica Besack, Jim McGuinn, Liz Mozzocco, Norm Winer, Rob Reinhart, Sean Coakley
As was predicted from the earliest days of the internet, curation is becoming a bigger factor in the music marketplace both on and off line. Explore the process in which specific associations and gatekeeper on the landsc…
Daniel Seligman, Johanna Rees, Ryan Schreiber, Steve Blatter, Mark Kates
Friday, March 15

Beatles vs. Stones. Pop vs. art. Indie or mainstream. Rockist or poptimist. For decades, music culture and criticism has been built on such binaries, with artists trapped in the middle. This panel would explore why, in t…
Lindsay Zoladz, Simon Vozick-Levinson, David Greenwald
The way music is promoted to radio (both terrestrial and Satellite) has changed. No longer is it about the major labels. Hear from the folks who helped create this tide change.…
Bill McGathy, Danny Buch, David Hill, Garrett Capone, Joel Denver, Roxy Myzal, Mike Jacobs
With a growing demand for the latest music and news around the clock, Hip Hop blogs have become the go-to destination for most fans to consume information. Should that level of power and influence also come with great re…
Al Lindstrom, Ashley Outrageous, B Dot, Elliott Wilson, Steve Raze, Nick Huff
Saturday, March 16
The string of new Internet radio services appearing over the past few months is no accident. Companies are recognizing that people shouldn’t have to work to enjoy their music. On-demand music services and new entrants ar…
Eric Davich, Ezra Kucharz, Funkmaster Flex, Talib Kweli, John Donham