Complete event listing for
Diversity and Emerging Markets
Friday, March 8
Higher Ed attendance at SXSW continues to grow each year, and we're excited you're here. At this meet up sponsored by The Pennsylvania State University, edutech technologists from Penn State invite you to network, share …
Marcus Robinson
Latin America is among the most dynamic emerging markets in the world, resulting in a tremendous amount of opportunity for startup success. Building teams in Latin America presents a unique set of challenges, from iden…
Bedy Yang, Diego Saez-Gil, Pedro Torres Picón, Sebastián Valin

Whether companies like it or not, China is the new battleground for brands that want to succeed on the global stage. Foreign brands are increasingly challenged to expand their presence in the East and create competitive…
Emily Chong, Mario Van der Meulen
From watches, bags and shoes to touchscreen tablets, fast food and electric cars -- you can find thousands of knockoff brands in China. Large, highly coordinated networks of innovative companies take the products and ser…
Kris Gale, Lyn Jeffery

As the numbers of Latinos in the US continues to grow, we have heard that mobile will solve the digital divide in empowering the Latino population but what does that mean are we making the correct assumptions? Our panel …
, Brent Wilkes, Estuardo Rodriguez, Lou Aronson

The discussion will focus on bringing to light some of the innovative ideas being put into practice on the African continent to build leadership and management capacity thus enabling African to fully take advantage of it…
Christy Pipkin, John Kidenda, Nivi Mukherjee, Rick Reeder
Saturday, March 9

Innovation in Africa is the purest form: innovation out of necessity. Not Angry Birds, the innovations emerging from Africa allow farmers to check where they can get the best price for their produce, fishermen to be warn…
Gareth Knight, Toby Shapshak
Jaime Woo will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of “Meet Grindr: How One App Changed How We Connect”. Jaime Woo is a Canadian writer, filmmaker, game designer, and community organizer. He is the co-founder and …
Meet up and chat with technology enthusiasts and digital creatives interested in universal access to technology for all people regardless of ability. Whether you work in the web or mobile field, government, or education …
Paul Adam

In May 2012 the US Census Bureau reported that for the first time in history minority newborn children outpaced whites, ushering in the new American reality known as "The Minority Majority". For many, the Bureau’s observ…
Kevin Hartman

With the next generation of warfighters taking on the face of a video gamer in the States vs. a camouflaged soldier in the battlefield, STEM skills are increasingly important to today's military in order to continue prot…
Michael Bennett
China is on track to become the world’s largest economy – and a huge driver of that growth comes from innovative new companies. Technology startups aren’t just “copying” US companies anymore, but coming up with China-spe…
Jeff Richards

A few years ago, I become a mother and an orphan, almost overnight. Sitting in my house in the woods, grieving with young children, I knew my road to happiness lay in creating and building with technology. But the indust…
Tereza Nemessanyi
Grindr, the popular location-based app for men seeking men, started four years ago and now has a user base of five million. The service continues to grow at a rapid pace—in spite of new direct competitors like Scruff and…
Jaime Woo
There have been many attempts to emulate Silicon Valley, but this year we’ll see a tech mecca spring up in an unlikely place: the Middle East. Brilliant entrepreneurs pack up their lives and move to San Francisco in purs…
Nima Adelkhani
Landing in The Middle East is the natural progression for brands as they seek to take advantage of this increasingly consumerist society. But this melting pot of cultural contradiction – that just 30 years ago was little…
Guilherme Rangel

Marketers are excited about the growing purchasing power and cultural influence of Hispanics, but still rely on traditional user experience and assumptions to inform how they design and market to this key segment. So wha…
Yashoda Sampath

The Greek economy was one of the hottest global news topics of the past year. While international media sparked constant fears of the Euro fallout, local residents faced the instability of transitioning governments and u…
Nikos Kakavoulis
Sunday, March 10

The Racism on YouTube panel will take a hard look at the various struggles that black members of the YouTube community face each day. YouTube is an expansive, diverse community, but its foremost personalities largely fal…
, Chase Hoffberger, Franchesca Ramsey, Jenny Korn

Black artists have to both find and fix the color line, no matter how ambiguous its parameters seem. Does new media provide more opportunities for Black artists than conventional modes of distribution? By examining verna…
Martine Syms
Autism is a complex neurobiological disorder typically characterized by communication, social, and behavioral delays. The market for assistive technology that posits solutions for these challenges burgeons. With current …
, , Betsy Furler, Sami Rahman
The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future. Japanese startups talk of combining “chikara” (power) and “ai,” (love), to succeed in a time when co-operation is as important as ambiti…
John Gerzema
Right under our noses a new generation of minority entrepreneurs are crafting business ideas and refining their hustles. Comprising roughly 40% of Gen Y, the next generation up-and-comers, Blacks and Latinos have a disp…
, John Butler, Laura Weidman Powers, Natalia Oberti Noguera
Martine Syms will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Implications and Distinctions: Format, Content and Context in Contemporary Race Film” following her Solo session. Martine Syms is a writer and curato…
In the words of acclaimed journalist Robert C. Maynard, the fault lines of race, class, gender, generation and geography are the most enduring forces shaping lives, experiences and social tension. For entrepreneurs, cont…
Dori Maynard, Joshunda Sanders

Here are the problems with how closing the gender gap in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) is often approached: We tell girls to simply be more ambitious. But from all of the girls and women I interact wi…
Jessica Lawrence
Monday, March 11

To many young Asian entrepreneurs, starting a company is an act of rebellion. It means defying the lessons of parents, teachers, and culture, who say: Be proper. Find a stable job. Don’t take risks. It means - in many ca…
Gwendolyn Regina T, Kira Newman, Richard Min, Richard Robinson
For almost 50 years a sizable part of the world, the eastern half of the European continent, was sealed away behind the Iron Curtain. Spies, nukes, torture and secrecy were staples of the Hollywood Cold War movies, but w…
Alec Andronikov, Bogdan Iordache, Maria Constantinescu, Mike Butcher
In the late 1980s, Public Enemy rapper and Internet aficionado Chuck D famously remarked that hip hop was like the “black CNN,” speaking on the “lower frequencies” cited in Ralph Ellison’s "Invisible Man" about issues in…
Mark Anthony Neal, Meredith Clark, Stacie Williams

A huge opportunity exists for content creators, service providers, brands, and media companies on the continent. In Africa, more people than ever have access to the internet, to the tune of 140 million, but this only rep…
Fadzai Makanda, Matthew Dawes, Nadeem Juma, Ngozi Odita
Four and a half years after the infamous banking crisis, Iceland's women entrepreneurs are thriving and creating new, globally facing companies. Many credit the crash for helping the Icelandic business community develop …
Helga Waage, Ingibjorg Greta Gisladottir, Magga Dora Ragnarsdottir, Rakel Sölvadóttir