Thanks to our sponsors

Las Cafeteras


Listen to Luna Lovers

Las Cafeteras sprouted in 2005 as students who enjoyed free Son Jarocho classes at the Eastside Cafe in El Sereno, Los Angeles and were inspired to utilize teachings of Son Jarocho as a tool to build autonomy, community and solidarity while sharing the magic of this folk music from Southern Veracruz with the public. They’ve since performed at community centers, churches, schools, museums, parties, protests, youth conferences, theaters, festivals, weddings, & art exhibits.

Sharing Son Jarocho inspired music through singing, spoken word (in English/Spanish/ and Spanglish), dancing (‘zapateado’, Las Cafeteras seek to gather the teachings of Son Jarocho and infuse the music with their own stories. Their mission is to learn, share, and practice the beauty, culture and energy of Son Jarocho music for the purpose of building autonomous communities. By telling our stories of life in the concrete jungle, Las Cafeteras strives to make this ancient music relevant to everyday people in everyday places.

Las Cafeteras continue to support the Son Jarocho lessons at the Eastside Café in El Sereno, Los Angeles. The Eastside Café is committed to the belief that all people and all communities have the right to self governance and self-determination and that we possess within our own communities all the knowledge and power to make this a reality.

Music Video