Hailing from the deep live music culture of Austin, TX, Rattletree has taken Electronic music-what has historically been the domain of lonely producers isolated in DJ booths-and exploded it onto the live stage.
Banging on giant wooden marimbas (xylophones), triggering etherial synth sounds, and filling the stage with interactive video projection, lights, and costumes, Rattletree has created a dance music experience that has never been seen before. They’ve been called “Blue Man Group meets Electronica”.
But their music goes much deeper than the typical EDM show.
Rattletree has dedicated their lives to learning the ancient rhythms that have been handed down for generations to invoke ecstatic awakening through the trance inducing music of Zimbabwe.
Living with their teachers in hills of Zimbabwe, they have been granted permission to transmit these rhythms to the world. By infusing these ancient forces with the inte...
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Hailing from the deep live music culture of Austin, TX, Rattletree has taken Electronic music-what has historically been the domain of lonely producers isolated in DJ booths-and exploded it onto the live stage.
Banging on giant wooden marimbas (xylophones), triggering etherial synth sounds, and filling the stage with interactive video projection, lights, and costumes, Rattletree has created a dance music experience that has never been seen before. They’ve been called “Blue Man Group meets Electronica”.
But their music goes much deeper than the typical EDM show.
Rattletree has dedicated their lives to learning the ancient rhythms that have been handed down for generations to invoke ecstatic awakening through the trance inducing music of Zimbabwe.
Living with their teachers in hills of Zimbabwe, they have been granted permission to transmit these rhythms to the world. By infusing these ancient forces with the intensity of modern electronic dance music, they have created an experience that has never been witnessed before. Those with a willingness to go deep have experienced places of ecstatic dance and trance that have left the most jaded electronic music fans speechless. There is no audience and performer. This is an event that we are all collectively creating every night.
All are welcome.
Since their inception in 2001, Rattletree has performed over 700 live shows. Highlights have been SxSW showcases, Blissfest, Art Outside, Jimmy Kimmel (SxSW featured band), Luminaria Festival, and many, many more. Their music and performances have been featured on NPR, ProSoundWeb, Percussive Notes, and many regional publications. Their 2013 album release, “Joy” has received enthusiastic response, and they are currently touring regionally and beginning to expand their national presence. 2016 is already shaping up to be an amazing year for Rattletree with lots of new music and shows being announced.
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