Events matching tag "interaction"
Sunday, March 9
Digital screens are now as thin as paper, as we often wished for and ultimately expected. These paper-thin displays are referred to as AMOLED and are currently used in some mobile devices and televisions. In this present…
Brandon Schmittling
It’s an uncomfortable and often avoided subject, but at some point in our lives we will all have to deal with one thing: death. The emotionally complex experience of End of Life (EoL) planning can be confusing and legal …
Navit Keren
This panel looks at a wide range of intersections between interaction design and the performing arts, from narrative to puppetry to dramatic theory. The performing arts may be characterized by the expression of emotion a…
Allucquere Stone, Brenda Laurel, Emma Westecott, Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Tuesday, March 11
35 years after the first Sony Walkman shipped, today's music player still has essentially the same set of controls as that original portable music player. Even though today's music player might have a million times more…
Paul Lamere