Complete event listing for
WTF and Beyond
Friday, March 8
Last year privacy advocate Malte Spitz sued his cell provider to get the location data generated by his phone. This data allowed him (and his provider) to track everywhere he went during a six-month period—during that ti…
Jeff Jonas, Jennifer Lynch
A baby born in the US today will live an algorithmed life. Her education, healthcare, career, who she dates, the ads she sees, what she reads, eats, buys, will be shaped by a feedback loop of data collected, processed, f…
Jen Lowe, Molly Steenson
Saturday, March 9

Google Glasses, Apple iPods on our wrist, the smartphone as your fitness coach – wearable technology is on the verge of becoming mainstream. It also has the potential to change our relationship to technology altogether b…
Jennifer Darmour

We have spent the last two decades capturing the real world, turning it into ones and zeros. Bits replacing atoms, where digital was cool and physical was the forgotten relative. This will reverse in the next decade – ph…
Ping Fu

Technologies enrich and amplify the cognitive characteristics of our human skin and stimuli of our senses. The skin manages temperature fluctuations, transforms into shapes, interfaces with the environment, changes color…
Sabine Seymour
Ping Fu will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Bend, Not Break: A Life in Two Worlds” following her featured session. Honored in 2005 by Inc. Magazine as “The Entrepreneur of the Year”, Ping Fu describ…
Dr. Sabine Seymour will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Fashionable Technology: The Intersection of Design, Fashion, Science, and Technology” following her solo session. Dr. Sabine Seymour is describ…

You’re invited to join the IEEE and W3C Open Future Series speakers along with special guest, Tim Berners-Lee. Enjoy the ambience at the Driskill Hotel as you learn more about ways to get involved on the bleeding edge o…
Tim Berners-Lee

There has to be another way to run a social network. Instead of trapping users inside a walled-garden, could you let users choose how to interact with the network and with each other? This is the experiment. App.…
Dalton Caldwell

Our leading scientific institutions are failing to address sexuality with candor or rigor due to pressure from funding sources, journals, and cultural stigma. The resulting gaps in our collective understanding of human s…
Maggie Mayhem, Ned Mayhem
A new addition to SXSW Interactive in 2012, Mentor Sessions enable less-established new media professionals to gain seven minutes of direct one-on-one career-related council from a more established / more experienced new…
Anna Beatrice Scott

The relationship between death and technology is as old as human civilisation; from cenotaph to facebook memorial, industries have been built on our desire to remember and be remembered. Technology now enables us to crea…
David Kirk, John Troyer, Lucy Heywood, Tim Cole
Sunday, March 10

This is a meetup for people interested how the analog and digital words collide. The idea of "Digital Teleportation" is being used to describe digital experiences that allow users to affect something physical somewhere o…
Ben Thoma

The web is over, it was a cute lab experiment, the sort of toy that Nature watches her children play with and laughs. Six billion mobile devices. Eight? Ten? Cute as a button. What will happen when we climb the next moun…
Mickey McManus
Mickey McManus will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Trillions: Thriving in the Emerging Information Ecology” following his solo session. Mickey McManus is president and CEO of MAYA Design, a technolo…
IT advances have created a mass transformation comparable to the Renaissance and the Industrial Revolution. As we use digital tools to create new connections and experiences, what is the impact on our analog realities? C…
Brian Kralyevich, Evan Smith, Josh Williams, Paul Pugh
Monday, March 11

The stereotypical product image for seniors entails bigger buttons, bigger text, and bigger screens. When it comes to designing for the elderly, it is not necessary to dumb down technologies. In this talk, we’ll take a d…
Carina Ngai

Think social marketing is worth it? Prove it. If your CEO hasn't demanded that yet, they will. Then what? Hand them some jive about "return on conversation" or "follower growth"? Think that'll fly? You'll be gone so fast…
Nichole Kelly
Think social marketing is worth it? Prove it. If your CEO hasn't demanded that yet, they will. Then what? Hand them some jive about "return on conversation" or "follower growth"? Think that'll fly? You'll be gone so fast…
Nichole Kelly
Wouldn't you want to know how to adjust your (online) presence in a way that you increase the chance of conversion for each user individually? Persuasion profiles are collections of estimates of the effect of persuasion …
Jay De Groot
Nichole Kelly will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “How to Measure Social Media: A Step-By-Step Guide to Developing and Assessing Social Media ROI” following his Book Reading session. Nichole Kelly is…
Sensor-laden wearable devices, with their unique ability to capture data generated by the body, will fuel the next wave of growth and innovation in personal computing—part of a larger phenomenon we call Smart Body, Smart…
Sarah Rotman Epps

Kids today have data-points uploaded about them before they are born. Then they create, save and share even more data. They will be able to trace their entire life in data. The more data collected about them the more hol…
Charlene Zvolanek

Today's media-savvy consumers routinely access media from many sources and are growing increasingly impatient with the constraints that plague device-oriented entertainment. The Internet has also changed consumer expecta…
Dan Simpkins

Just six years ago, most of us had never encountered an “iPhone app”. Today, we spend the majority of our online time interacting with them. What will mobile apps mean to us in another six years? The advent of futuristic…
Prerna Gupta

Explore how the widespread proliferation of cheap sensors of all kinds will create a vast collective memory for the planet which will serve as a record of every cause and effect. This data will be scoured for association…
Byron Reese

James McQuivey, Ph.D., author of the new book Digital Disruption, promotes that accelerated disruption made possible by ubiquitous digital platforms and tools. In his work with companies in nearly every industry, he has …
James McQuivey
Byron Reese will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Infinite Progress: How the Internet and Technology Will End Ignorance, Hunger, Poverty, Disease and War” following his speaking session. Byron Reese b…
James will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Digital Disruption: Unleashing the Next Wave of Innovation Digital Disruption” following his speaking session. James serves Consumer Product Strategy Profes…
Tuesday, March 12
What will privacy and anonymity mean in the coming age of augmented reality – a future where online and offline data will seamlessly blend? I will present the results, and discuss the social and economic implications, of…
Alessandro Acquisti

Good ideas are the limiting factor for tomorrow's digital devices, since designers now have an abundance of low-cost components. The problem: many ideas fail to resonate with fundamental human desires. So then how do you…
Dave Merrill, David Rose
"I think Victorian fantasies are going to be the next big thing, as long as we can come up with a fitting collective term for Powers, Blaylock and myself. Something based on the appropriate technology of the era; like "s…
Marsha Lebkowsky

The 21st century has introduced an array of technologies that strive to enable the seamless mix of virtual content and real-world environments. The ability to augment the human senses holds great potential, but could the…
Alex Olwal, Jamie Zigelbaum
How is the television industry changing to meet the changing tastes / demands of today's most wired consumers. Acclaimed businesswoman Lauren Zalaznick shares her insights about the future with industry insider Quincy Sm…
Lauren Zalaznick, Quincy Smith

This panel will explore how our actual lives and everyday stuff are becoming the most interesting platform for gaming. We'll discuss, from different perspectives, the ways games are shaping our experience of a new blend…
Adam Wilson, Dave Bisceglia, Phu Nguyen, Tish Shute

When the “virtual overlay” meets everyday life, everything changes, from the way we shop to the way we interact with the world around us. Today, augmented reality is moving beyond the virtual dimension to enhance real wo…
BC Biermann, Blair MacIntyre, Christine Perey, Jay Iorio

Acclaimed science-fiction writer Bruce Sterling will again deliver the Closing Remarks at SXSW Interactive. Sterling's state-of-the-industry, state-of-the-world rants are one of the true highlights of the event, so don't…