This is the archived SXSW 2012 schedule. Please see the current schedule here.

Prom Date


Listen to Walking Dead

Prom Date grew up scattered across Louisiana’s swampy wilderness. After meeting through various friend-rock bands and electro-musical meltdowns, the quintet came together in Baton Rouge in 2010 to make some coherent noise. One EP and several gigs across the South later, Prom Date finally found its footing as the irresistible influence of dance music emerged in its songwriting.

Prom Date looked inward as an indie pop band and discovered a collective passion for electronic sounds, funk, and 1980’s soundscapes. Experimentation with synthesizers and samplers led to an expanded percussion section and development of custom instruments using video game controllers.

New grooves led to recording sessions in New Orleans in late 2011. Time in the studio cemented the fusion of the band's newfound love of synthetic textures with the group's tight pop sensibilities. Prom Date’s self-titled EP hit the web in February 2012.

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