

Check out the Conference Session with Marcel van Brakel, one of the directors of the performative, multi-sensory, multi-user VR experience Symbiosis:

Symbiosis is somewhere 200 years in the future, after climate change has changed the world beyond recognition. This post-human biotope might be rich and teaming with new artificial or enhanced biochemical life: new genetically altered life forms, (chemical) robots, hybrid technologies, and/or autonomous intelligent systems. They are all sharing resources, habitats, bodies and information in inclusive way on the premise of: Symbiosis.
A performative, multi-user and multi-sensory VR installation with softrobotics and smell design in which the human body will be redesigned to research new ways of connection and kinship. Inspired by Donna Haraway Staying with the Trouble, in collab with PAM CUT.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.




Marcel van Brakel (Polymorf), Mark Meeuwenoord (Polymorf)

Executive Producer:

Marieke Nooren


Corine Meijers (Studio Biarritz)


Marcel van Brakel

Sound Designer:

Mark Meeuwenoord

Principal Cast:

Voice artist onboarding: Louise Porter, Voice artist Colorado river toad: Molly O'Blivion, Voice artist slime mold: Holly Habstritt Gaal, Voice artist Camila: Anahita Mekanik, Voice artist onboarding: Louise Porter, voice artist Multibody, the mother: Janet Peters, Voice artist Multibody, the daughter: Maya Hawke, Voice artist Multibody, the lover: Querida Lu Ahn Funck, voice artist Multibody, the anglerfish: Brian Dives

Additional Credits:

Produced by: Polymorf, Co-produced by: Studio Biarritz, Support by: POPKRAFT, IDFA Doclab, Creative Industries Fund NL, NL Film Fonds, US Collaboration and support : PAM CUT (Centre for an Untold Tomorrow), the Consulate General of the Netherlands in New York, 3D Lead designer: Roberto Digiglio, Interaction: coding and hardware integration: Luciano Pinna, Frank Bosma, Wearables: Maurice Spapens, Creative technology team : Martijn Zandvliet, Edwin Kuipers, Scott van Haastrecht, Thijs Eerens, Sales and partnerships: Marieke Nooren, Digital strategy and press: Nienke Huitinga


Public Film Contact:


Publicity Contact:

Marieke Nooren
0031 645608987

Primary Access
Music Badge
Platinum Badge
Interactive Badge
Film & TV Badge
Premiere Status:
Screening Section:
Screening Category:
45 mins