Sport as a Catalyst for Interactivity & Innovation

Technological innovations are revolutionizing contemporary entertainment. It has become a consumer good like any other, but with a good potential of innovation offering huge opportunities, especially for the major sports teams. We may wonder what entertainment will look like in a few years, and more particularly in the field of sport. How interactive technologies and artificial intelligence will impact the fan experience but also the performance of our athletes? VR, AI & smart garments will certainly help to create the next generation of players and supporters. In this context, storytelling is now a fundamental part of sport’s experiences. So it's interesting to think about how teams script this experience and push the technology further to generate ever stronger emotions for their fan.

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photo of Anick Beaulieu
Anick Beaulieu

C2 International

photo of Pierre-Alexandre Fournier
photo of Jonathan Mailhot
Jonathan Mailhot

Montreal Canadiens (NHL)

photo of Paul Raphael
Paul Raphael

Félix & Paul Studios

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