Presented by: Come & Take It Productions - FREE SHOW!!!
Listen to John Doe #2
Standing apart not only in musical brutality, ferocious live shows and a refreshingly non typical metal/hardcore sound, DSGNS has been storming the underground metal scene for the past 4 years, featuring members of Thumbscrew (ImagineIt Records), Spitfire (Solid State/Goodfellow Records), Fjord (Eulogy Records) and To the Grave (Stillborn Records). More recently DSGNS just finished a self-produced chaotic 13 song LP, which will be released later this year and is a sonic juggernaut with guitar and bass ingenuity reminiscent of early metalcore, blisteringly angry cult praise chaotic vocals and natural unprogrammed pummeling percussion unmatched by the overproduced and blandly mass generated Disney metal churned out by suburban angst ridden 20 year olds we have come to accept as the generalized norm. DSGNS is what hardcore and metal have failed to provide in a very long time, sincere unabashed anger that does not blur the lin...
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