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You are looking at All Events sorted by Time on March 8
9:30 AM
All-day summit aimed at international registrants who want to increase their US business. Special end-of-day reception via Austin Chamber of Commerce. Limited seating, so sign up now. Additional fee required for this eve…
RSVP Required - Join web and mobile experts in an all day Hackathon for Social Good, an awesome opportunity for programmers, UX practitioners and designers meet to work collaboratively to build programs and applications.…
Brad Smith, Jennifer Jones, Lisa Goddard, Maria Aloy Ciller
We live in a constantly connected world, where people move seamlessly between multiple devices, and the definition of mobile is evolving beyond a set of devices. This always-on lifestyle provides an additional set of sig…
, , , Rich Lesperance
10:00 AM

Open Thursday, 3/7 too! A convenient meeting spot for innovative thinkers and equally innovative companies, the Digital Creative Job Market enables talented professionals to match their skills with 21st century, cutting-…
11:00 AM
Syfy offers a look into the world of 2046 at the Defiance Container Village at San Jacinto and 4th St. Recharge your tech, enjoy local food, watch a sneak peek of the show & enter to win exclusive swag!……
Take your eyes off the bright shiny CE objects for a second and you will see that mobility is about changing consumer behaviors, not the technology. At every stage, from mobile shopping to at-home use to tweeting snarky …
Mike Proulx, Rob Griffin, Thom Kennon, Tina Unterlaender
This event allows you to network with fellow SXSW attendees while sampling offerings from some of Central Texas' best BBQ establishments. Pre-registration required.……
This event allows you to network with fellow SXSW attendees while sampling offerings from some of Central Texas' best BBQ establishments. Pre-registration required.……
WB Tell-A-Vision: an immersive experience, changing daily, about the art of storytelling. How do you like to watch?……
12:00 PM

Front Lawn - NASA’s successor to Hubble, the James Webb Space Telescope, will be 100 times more powerful. The Webb Telescope will orbit far beyond Earth’s Moon where the cold vastness of space will allow it to study the …
12:30 PM
Brand marketers are currently in the midst of dealing with the implications of the most revolutionary shift in the history of communication. Social media has upended the entire landscape, shifting the balance of power fr…
Jeffrey Dachis
This special event–open to Film, Interactive, Gold and Platinum badges–allows you to network with fellow SXSW attendees as you try some of Austin's Best Tacos & sides all under one roof. Vegetarian options will be offere…
This special event–open to Film, Interactive, Gold and Platinum badges–allows you to network with fellow SXSW attendees as you try some of Austin's Best Tacos & sides all under one roof. Vegetarian options will be offere…
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
A meet-up to talk about SXSW. Discuss how to get through a day of panels and parties and still keeping your particulars. Tips on how to make the most of SXSW during one of the busiest panel sessions offered at a conferen…
Sweet John Muehlbauer

A nexus of discovery and collaborative energy, SXSW Film kicks off in high gear with their annual Beginner's Guide. Answering questions like how do I get around Austin during the fest? When should I arrive to get into my…
David Modigliani, Jette Kernion, Kimberley Jones, Yen Tan, Agnes Varnum

Interested in getting started with Angel Investing? Have you made a few investments already but still haven't formalized your strategy? Learn from the mistakes of experienced Angel Investors who will share their success…
Health 2.0's SXSW Code-a-thon is a coding competition designed around building new applications and tools to foster health and wellness. Join fellow developers, designers, health care professionals, and entrepreneurs for…
Jessica Goldband
Higher Ed attendance at SXSW continues to grow each year, and we're excited you're here. At this meet up sponsored by The Pennsylvania State University, edutech technologists from Penn State invite you to network, share …
Marcus Robinson
Makerbot co founder and CEO Bre Pettis talks about the present and the future of the ongoing 3D printing revolution. Pettis will also cover one of the lessons he has learned via many years of attendance at SXSW Interacti…
Bre Pettis
Social Health Startup Bootcamp (#SXSHbooty): Following on the success of the 2012 bootcamp, join us for another year of education, inspiration, and funding advice for (social) health tech startups. Learn "Why Health Te…
Carissa Caramanis O'Brien, Chuck Saunders, Lauren Vargas, Shwen Gwee

The second annual SXSW Create brings together local and international members of the SXSW community to share disruptive creations, innovative tools and unique fabrication methods. This free-to-the-public event occurs in…
Join SXSW Startup Village for our second annual SXSW Ping Pong Tournament. You need not be a professional, just sign up online and prepare to have a blast. Each company may select two employees to represent them in a sin…
In an increasingly fragmented landscape, how do you navigate through all of the new technology and keep your message from getting lost in a sea of communication? This discussion focuses on ways to utilize emerging techno…
Aaron Smith, Glenn Stansbury, Maani Safa, Thomas Fellger
3:00 PM

LANFest is a nationwide, all volunteer charity gaming organization whose mission is to have fun, raise money for charity, and promote our sponsors in a series of fun family supportive, community-involved events.……
Learn to play Magic: The Gathering FREE. Our staff will teach you how to play this amazing game and give you a FREE deck. Already know how to play? Come enjoy a free Mini Master round or play in the SXSW Convention Leagu…
Mike Proulx will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Social TV: How Marketers Can Reach and Engage Audiences by Connecting Television to the Web, Social Media, and Mobile”.……
SXSW GEEK Stage - Star Wars: The Old Republic will be releasing its first major story update - “The Rise of the Hutt Cartel” - this spring. Come talk with the lead producers and lead designer of the game, to get your q…
Blaine Christine, Dallas Dickinson, Damion Schubert, Jeff Hickman
The SXSW Gaming Expo is the place to be for hands-on product demos and networking opportunities. Because Austin is a hotbed for video game talent and development studios, popular demand prompted the evolution of SXSW’s n…

GEEK Magazine will take you on a journey of discovery into every facet of geekdom including video games, comics, collectibles, technology, gadgets, movies, television, music, and much more. *See Sessions at the Gaming E…

The IGN Pro League comes to SXSW Gaming with your favorite professional gamers competing for thousands of dollars in prizes at the hottest eSports titles! Come watch the action and try out the latest games at the SXSW Ga…
3:30 PM

Here are 5 Austin startups that are immune to the "Series A Crunch". Tired of hearing about founders who raised $8 million at at $30 million valuation with no revenue? Worried about getting diluted as Silicon Valley val…
Antonio Arocha, Chris Slaughter, Joshua Baer, Magdalena Szuszkiewicz, Nate Stewart
David Jones is CEO of Havas, co-founder of One Young World—a non-profit organization described by CNN as the "young Davos"—and author of Who Cares Wins: Why Good Business is Better Business. Over the past decade he’s bee…
David Jones
Kick off SXSW Film right on day one by getting insider tips, strategies and advice you can use to maximize your time at the film fest, straight from some of today’s most influential film pundits. Offering up a “sneak pr…
Brian Salisbury, Dana Harris, Eugene Hernandez, Jen Yamato, Dave Karger

Trained as an architect and a jazz musician, Christopher Janney has been combining these two disciplines for over 30 years. Sometimes trying to make architecture more like music- more spontaneous, more "alive"- Janney ha…
Christopher Janney, Ryan Edwards
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
Latin America is among the most dynamic emerging markets in the world, resulting in a tremendous amount of opportunity for startup success. Building teams in Latin America presents a unique set of challenges, from iden…
Bedy Yang, Diego Saez-Gil, Pedro Torres Picón, Sebastián Valin
Game worlds with touch interfaces are everywhere, but is it possible to build a world you can FEEL with your fingertips? We've built a touchy-feely world out of paper. A digital papercraft adventure that you can hold in …
Rex Crowle
On August 30th, 2012 over 10,000 people gathered at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis for the first Internet Cat Video Festival (#catvidfest). What began as a social experiment testing the boundaries of online communi…
Katie Hill, Scott Stulen

On August 30th, 2012 over 10,000 people gathered at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis for the first Internet Cat Video Festival (#catvidfest). What began as a social experiment testing the boundaries of online communi…
Katie Hill, Scott Stulen
Come meet and hang out with musicians and artists involved in making Chiptune, music made using video game systems and vintage computers. Hosted by Austin's own chiptune artist Sievert.……
Jared Blondeau
Yoga was developed thousands of years ago as a way to prepare the mind and body for enlightenment. What better way to prepare yourself for all the new ideas, insights, and people you will encounter at SXSW? This is an al…
Ari Stiles
A gathering of Community Managers to discuss strategies and methods, exchange tips and ideas, and just have fun. Also open to anyone curious about CMs or businesses who need to know why they'd want one.……
Tiffany Duening
Disasters do not discriminate. In 2010 a massive earthquake ravaged the urban fabric of Port au Prince; in 2011 rural fishing villages were flattened by a tsunami in Northern Japan and in 2012 one of the greatest cities …
Cameron Sinclair
We all know there are vast amounts of data about our lives - our spending, our browsing, our activity - being collected daily. With the recent explosion in inexpensive sensors and self-tracking apps, we can capture new i…
Jeffrey Holove, Michael V Copeland, Steph Habif, Tim Chang

An interactive discussion with attendees about how a disaster response works from a communication responder's standpoint. Panelists will share with attendees how to communicate effectively with Joint Information Centers…
Anastacia Visneski, Brandon Brewer, Hanson Hosein, John Visneski

From the oogachaka baby to Nyan Cat, the graphics interchange format, better known as the GIF, has come a long way since the days of floppy discs. The modern-day GIF was introduced to the world 25 years ago by Steve Wilh…
, , Fernando Alfonso III, Lindsey Weber
Long a stronghold for consumer-friendly photo apps, games, and renegade business apps, the app stores of today are in for a major renovation as enterprise-class comes into its own. Think of the opportunity – according to…
Alex Williams, Eric Lai, John Arrow, Matt Carrier

If you're planning on joining a startup, start smart. Venture financing in tech is at a fever pitch -- 3,700 companies received financing in 2011 alone, and all of them were issuers of stock options. This begs the questi…
Bill Harris
In the "old days", most people lived a more predictable, structured life. Most consumers aspired to own a home, and a car or two. There were certain days for work and days for play, clothes for work and other clothes for…
Aileen Lee, Jennifer Hyman
GPS has its limits. My students and I at the University of Texas Radionavigation Lab work to find them. For 20 years, GPS was so reliable it became navigation and timing crack for engineers. We all got addicted. We p…
Todd Humphreys

Raise your hand if you agree with any of these statements: - Gamers are primarily by young or teen boys. - Games are usually played alone in the home on game consoles. You may be surprised at how many people would have…
Bill Hopkins, David Berkowitz, Susan Borst

As our loved ones age, we find ourselves taking on caregiver responsibilities, sometimes way earlier than we expected. Last year I became the sole caregiver for my Aunt Ginny who has Alzheimer’s. Here’s what I learned: C…
Virginia Ingram
So you want to start a company--but you know it will grow so much faster if you start it out with someone else. But whom? Your college friends seem to still be in the beer-guzzling phase, and networking events haven't re…
Erica Douglass, Parnell Springmeyer
Last year privacy advocate Malte Spitz sued his cell provider to get the location data generated by his phone. This data allowed him (and his provider) to track everywhere he went during a six-month period—during that ti…
Jeff Jonas, Jennifer Lynch

Insights from the Poynter Institute's major study of news and storytelling on tablets. The study explores the way that elements of touch, gesture, interactivity and position come together to create engaging, satisfying j…
Dave Stanton, Mario Garcia, Sara Quinn
No one can predict the future; but that doesn't mean you can't prepare for the unknown. Ford Motor Company's in house futurist will share how Ford is learning to expect the unexpected using a global trends and scenario p…
Scott Lange, Scott Mills, Sheryl Connelly

KUT-FM’s Austin Music Map (AMM) is a year-long exploration of the city's abundant and diverse musical subcultures. Blending on-line, broadcast, and street media, it’s one of 10 public media innovation projects that AIR i…
, Delaney Hall, Kara Oehler
The web world is agog over game design as the next silver bullet, slapping badges and progress bars over every annoying thing they wish users to do. As users tire of everything looking like a game, "gamification" has com…
Christina Wodtke

Last year's Mobile Meet Up was a huge success and spilled out into the hallway. This year, I suspect, will be no different! The dust from the great Mobile Rush has settled. It's time to look around and see what is rela…
One of the latest innovations coming out of Facebook is its search graph, which allows users to overlay their Facebook friends with other data, such as interests and location. This union of the social graph and the inter…
, Chase McMichael, Max Kalehoff, Paul DeJarnatt

Whether companies like it or not, China is the new battleground for brands that want to succeed on the global stage. Foreign brands are increasingly challenged to expand their presence in the East and create competitive…
Emily Chong, Mario Van der Meulen

Erik Martin (GM, reddit) and Alexis Ohanian (cofounder, reddit) crowdfunded a bus, the Internet 2012 Campaign Tour bus, to collect, document and share stories throughout the American heartland. I'm going to share the sto…
Alexis Ohanian
As part of the SXSH Bootcamp, Jason Calacanis hosts a special edition of This Week in Startups: Health Tech Edition live from SXSWi. Join Jason as he interviews 3 health technology startups,……
Derek Flanzraich, Jason Calacanis, Veer Gidwaney
Recent news from the CERN laboratory in Geneva has revealed the existence of a heavy unstable particle that had been predicted by the theory that unifies two of the forces of nature. This is the last missing piece of ou…
Steve Weinberg

Get together with other travel writers and bloggers for an hour of brainstorming, networking and storytelling. Coolest passport stamp smackdown is optional. Travel and tourism industry reps also welcome.……
Sheila Scarborough
Executive producer and host of Bravo Media’s “Watch What Happens Live,” Andy Cohen, along with executive producer Michael Davies discuss the evolution of the show from a web series to a five night a-week, on-air success.…
Andy Cohen, Michael Davies

Executive producer and host of Bravo Media’s “Watch What Happens Live,” Andy Cohen, along with executive producer Michael Davies discuss the evolution of the show from a web series to a five night a-week, on-air success.…
Andy Cohen, Michael Davies

Senator Moran will discuss the policy challenges startups face and how the startup community can engage with policy makers to enable innovation and help economic growth.……
Greg Ferenstein, Jerry Moran
4:00 PM
The combined impact of social technologies, the mobile Internet, and cloud computing are creating incredible new business opportunities. They are also destroying unprepared companies, transforming industries, and leaving…
Ted Shelton
Peter Moskovits will appear at the SX Bookstore with his co-author to sign copies of “The Definitive Guide to HTML5 Websocket ”.……
A special reception that shines the spotlight on emerging startups. Enjoy complimentary beer and wine while checking out demos from startup participants, all within the heart of Startup Village on the 4th floor of the Hi…
Vanessa Wang will appear at the SX Bookstore with her co-author to sign copies of “The Definitive Guide to HTML5 Websocket ”.……
SXSW GEEK Stage - Have you ever wanted to start your own gaming website? Think about all the fame, money and fans you can have! Join “Stuttering” Craig Skistimas, owner of, as he tells you why that’s no…
Craig Skistimas
4:30 PM
This is a new paradigm based on forming two-person book clubs as a way to help you become happier and more successful. This kind of club can also help you figure out what you need to do in your life and in the world. It…
Will Schwalbe
This is a new paradigm based on forming two-person book clubs as a way to help you become happier and more successful. This kind of club can also help you figure out what you need to do in your life and in the world. It…
Will Schwalbe
Ted Shelton will appear at the SX Bookstore to sign copies of “Business Models for the Social Mobile Cloud: Transform Your Business Using Social Media, Mobile Internet, and Cloud Computing”. Ted leads a strategy transfo…
Will Schwalbe will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “THE END OF YOUR LIFE BOOK CLUB” (2012) following his Book Reading session. Will Schwalbe is the founder of, which aggregates recipes fro…
5:00 PM
The Appys honor extraordinary Applications on all platforms: mobile, social and web-based. The Appy Awards are unbiased to App's format, platform or device; instead we focus on the best apps in a diverse range of categor…
Steve Smith
The Appy Awards pays tribute to the world’s best apps in every imaginable category. The cocktail party celebrates winning work of year and the growing App industry.……
For the past three years, The Art of Akira Exhibit has travelled the globe educating and entertaining fans with original cels, backgrounds and sketches from the legendary anime Akira. Exhibiting selections from the over …
Joe Peacock

Typography on the web is going from strength to strength. All web browsers proudly boast their typographic capabilities as CSS 3 continues to evolve & stabilise. We’ve seen the arrival of some fantastic fonts specificall…
Richard Rutter
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
A new addition for the 2013 SXSW Interactive Festival, BIT programming focuses on the experience of digital designers, developers, entrepreneurs, trend-setters and visionaries from the black community. For session-by-ses…
Hackers are changing the world. Civic hackers are changing our government. They use open data and civic apps to create new ways to engage our government. Come meet with civic hackers from around the country, to discuss t…
Chip Rosenthal

I'll bet you're sitting in a chair while reading this. In fact, the time spent sitting in chairs (office desks, cars, trains, planes, movie theaters, eating) has increased substantially over the past 30 years. And relat…
Clayton Aynesworth, Jason Levitt

You’re powering a revolution, but you don’t even know it. Because while you’re heads-down in Angry Birds (Mighty Eagle FTW), entire industries are falling down under the weight of your casual needs. Indeed, the world ha…
Seth Priebatsch

Come watch the best videos uploaded by Dailymotion’s creative community while enjoying free beer and wine. This cinematic soiree packs a visual punch like no other. Stick around after to meet Dailymotion’s curators and f…

Is Gamification fulfilling its promise and where is it taking us now? The buzz of gamification is still humming along, mainly because of its tantalizing promise: there are fairly obvious ways to make the most tedious of …
Brendan Wallace, Jeremiah Owyang, Michelle Accardi, Tim Piatenko
Party on 77 Rainey Street with Dutch performances.……

Female orgasm is vital for every woman and man on the planet. In a world where technology and social networks have increasingly replaced in-person interaction, female orgasm nourishes our fundamental need for visceral, …
Nicole Daedone
Linear narratives and static written words no longer dominate communication. New forms of communication are fundamentally changing the way interactive media producers, including game developers, engage audiences. Success…
, , Amy Barbee, Warren Spector
Come “meet” up with fellow SXSW-goers and enjoy food, drinks and tunes courtesy of Austin’s own DJ Mel…hosted by your friends from GoToMeeting.……

Eastern Europe is the new digital Wild West - with amazing opportunities. Traditionally most entrepreneurs had to go to the US to make their digital dreams come true - with Phil Libin (Evernote) or Andrej Naborgoj (Talki…
Gaidar Magdanurov, Matthaus Krzykowski, Olga Steidl, Renata Akhunova
Join T3 at HackATX, an all-night hackathon. Bragging rights are on the line – and cold, hard cash. Register here:……
In the span of about 4 months, I had the opportunity to start my own local business, was offered a modeling contract, got my foot in the door on an excellent marketing team at a B2B software company, and was offered a he…
Lisa Messelt

Combining fresh and pithy life lessons, often just a sentence or two, with deceptively simple diagrams and graphs, HOW TO BE INTERESTING is an inspiring guide that shows you how to lead a richer life. Passionate, positi…
Jessica Hagy
Combining fresh and pithy life lessons, often just a sentence or two, with deceptively simple diagrams and graphs, HOW TO BE INTERESTING is an inspiring guide that shows you how to lead a richer life. Passionate, positi…
Jessica Hagy
Building a web site doesn't guarantee that it will automatically be loved by search engines. Having some SEO (search engine optimization) savvy can be a big help. But SEO doesn't mean terrible design or black-magic trick…
Danny Sullivan, Duane Forrester, Matt Cutts

Building a web site doesn't guarantee that it will automatically be loved by search engines. Having some SEO (search engine optimization) savvy can be a big help. But SEO doesn't mean terrible design or black-magic trick…
Danny Sullivan, Duane Forrester, Matt Cutts
From watches, bags and shoes to touchscreen tablets, fast food and electric cars -- you can find thousands of knockoff brands in China. Large, highly coordinated networks of innovative companies take the products and ser…
Kris Gale, Lyn Jeffery

For many years, Reddit -- a site that allows people to post, vote on, and comment on links from around the Web -- was an also-ran news aggregator, a place stuck in Digg's shadow. But suddenly Reddit has become the most e…
Adrian Chen, Farhad Manjoo, Rebecca Watson

As the numbers of Latinos in the US continues to grow, we have heard that mobile will solve the digital divide in empowering the Latino population but what does that mean are we making the correct assumptions? Our panel …
, Brent Wilkes, Estuardo Rodriguez, Lou Aronson

Can great technology and elegant UX solve the problem of how to fully engage audiences with online video while still providing a “lean back” viewing experience? Or are these two modes of experiencing media forever incomp…
Christian Nelson, Dennis Palmieri
As the number of companies utilizing the cloud, smartphones and API's grow, the demand for skilled programmers is increasing but there is a problem. There aren't enough developers to go around. By 2018, there will be m…
, Noah Kagan, Sasha Laundy
SXSW GEEK Stage - So you want to create awesome YouTube video content, build out a massive channel with a huge following, and live happily ever after? Well, we can’t really make those kinds of promises, but we sure as he…
Burnie Burns, Jeremy Azevedo, Khail Anonymous, Tony Valenzuela
As the nature of diplomacy has changed since the Cold War, the Department of State has embraced new tools and is reaching out to those behind these new tools. Rose Gottemoeller, Acting Under Secretary of State for Arms …
Daniel Terdiman, Rose Gottemoeller

Meet 5 tech startups that have a clear path to being profitable on less than $1 million in funding. That doesn’t mean they aren’t big ideas, it just means they are capital efficient and the entrepreneurs are scrappy. The…
, Michael Olaya, Neeraj Mehta, Swetansu Mohapatra

The nation's space agency has embraced the use of social media to reach out, engaging new audiences in new ways and giving people behind-the-scenes access to areas rarely seen by the public. By using tweets, blog posts a…
John Yembrick, Ron Garan
A baby born in the US today will live an algorithmed life. Her education, healthcare, career, who she dates, the ads she sees, what she reads, eats, buys, will be shaped by a feedback loop of data collected, processed, f…
Jen Lowe, Molly Steenson

As an exploration of the intersection of art and technology, the panel will present and discuss several large-scale sculptures that strongly leverage various forms of engineering. Consisting of a mix of artists and engin…
Heather Shaw, Jen Lewin, John Taylor, Maurice Conti
Dave Morin and Path have always maintained that privacy controls should be simple and that your data always belongs to you. Discover why building privacy and control directly into a product from the start is essential; …
Dave Morin
Catching consumers when they have time for us is becoming more complex. Now have to chase them around on their laptops, tablets and increasingly, their smart phones. As the screens have evolved, so has the message itsel…
Douglas Stovall, Jim McArthur, Michele Silvestri, Stuart O'Neil
365 days. Dozens of digital health devices, apps, blood draws and genetic testing. So why would anyone voluntarily commit to such a high-maintenance, tedious and occasionally painful lifestyle? To understand more about m…
Leslie Ziegler
A panel discussion comprised of representatives from various non-traditional (i.e. not just angels and VC's) funding bodies, such as: Pharma/Healthcare Investment Arms, Health Tech Incubators, Health Innovation Challenge…
Margaret Laws, Rafael Torres, Unity Stoakes

How can we better understand how content circulates within contemporary networked culture? The collective decisions people make about whether to pass along content are profoundly reshaping the media landscape. Many conte…
Henry Jenkins, Joshua Green, Sam Ford

This year, SXSW Film is excited to be having nightly happy hours at the beautiful Intercontinental Stephen F. Austin Hotel Terrace Bar. Conveniently located directly next door to the Paramount Theatre, this is the perfec…

The discussion will focus on bringing to light some of the innovative ideas being put into practice on the African continent to build leadership and management capacity thus enabling African to fully take advantage of it…
Christy Pipkin, John Kidenda, Nivi Mukherjee, Rick Reeder

Today we live in a world where the exponential progression of technology is increasingly shrinking the lag time between what we can imagine and what we can create. We are rapidly converging to become a civilization of n…
Jason Silva
Smart people need smart toys, and SXSW is full of tech experts who know how to have fun! Toys for Techies is a meet up for folks that share a fondness for all things plastic and interactive. Mixing work and play is w…
Lizzy Newsome
Not to be hyperbolic, but this screening is an absolutely-must-seize opportunity to watch some of the planet’s best videos back to back to back to back, with barely a few seconds in between to catch your breath, soothe y…
In 2008, at least 6 million Americans didn't vote because they missed or didn't know their voter registration deadline. In 2012, the first-ever National Voter Registration Day set out to fix that, and in the process wou…
Dan McSwain, Jessica Reeves
Enjoy some time with other mindful health practitioners, and get the details on what other wellness panels, presentations, and resources are available during SXSW. Bring your ideas for healthy living during the conferenc…
Ari Stiles, Bea Love, Melodie Tao, Neal Pollack

The human brain is a funny thing: frankly, in terms of how it operates it hasn’t changed much since our Cro-Magnon days. We’re social animals designed to live 10,000 years ago in small tribes, totally dependent on the re…
Janet Crawford, Lisa Kavanaugh
5:10 PM

Lobby - Take a break from the show floor madness. Stop by our lounge to recharge, snap a pic at our photobooth, and enter to win a Kindle Fire HD or gaming headset. Then from 5:10-7:10pm daily, kick back at our happy hou…
5:30 PM
Hagy will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “How to Be Interesting: (In 10 Simple Steps)” following her Book Reading session.……

Today's Internet startup founder is yesterday's rockstar, and with so much media coverage and movies being made about overnight tech billionaires, it should come as no surprise. But while legions of aspiring entrepreneu…
Neal Cabage
Today's Internet startup founder is yesterday's rockstar, and with so much media coverage and movies being made about overnight tech billionaires, it should come as no surprise. But while legions of aspiring entrepreneu…
Neal Cabage
6:00 PM
Celebrate diversity at SXSW with the annual BIT Opening Reception. Refreshments, awards, music, and great networking. This is a FREE event, no SXSW badge is required……
HERadventure is an interactive movie that stars a reluctant superhero who accidentally falls to earth looking for her sister. The audience suddenly has the option of becoming the main character and has to play a series o…
Neal Cabage will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “A Smarter Startup: A Better Approach to Online Business for Entrepreneurs (Voices That Matter)” following his Book Reading session. Neal Cabage is a t…
Join Rackspace for the Open Cloud Experience kick-off. Food & Drinks will be provided.……

Kick off SXSW Interactive with KIXEYE, the leader in competitive online strategy games, at the official Opening Day Happy Hour. Enjoy free drinks, snacks, and get a sneak preview of our upcoming games.……
SXSW GEEK Stage - We’ll chat with Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus, Paul Bettner, CEO of Verse HQ, Chris Roberts, creator of Wing Commander and Star Citizen, and Cliff Bleszinski, video game industry veteran, about how v…
Chris Roberts, Cliff Bleszinski, Nate Mitchell, Palmer Luckey, Paul Bettner
WB Tell-A-Vision: an immersive experience, changing daily, about the art of storytelling. How do you like to watch?……
6:10 PM
Henry Jenkins will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture” and other titles he has authored following his panel “Spreadable Media: Value, M…
Joshua Green will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture” following his panel “Spreadable Media: Value, Meaning & Network Culture”. Joshua…
Sam Ford will appear at the South by Bookstore to sign copies of “Spreadable Media: Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture” following his panel “Spreadable Media: Value, Meaning & Network Culture”. Sam Ford i…
6:15 PM
The Safe Harbor Room is a place for people in recovery to meet during SXSW. The sessions are informal and supportive. SXSW is a challenging atmosphere for those who choose sobriety. All are welcome to come to the Safe Ha…
The Safe Harbor Room is a place for people in recovery to meet during SXSW. The sessions are informal and supportive. SXSW is a challenging atmosphere for those who choose sobriety. All are welcome to come to the Safe Ha…
6:30 PM
Celebrate and learn about the life and ideals of Aaron Swartz at this special SXSW Town Hall. In addition to addressing some of the open source principles that shape his philosophies, the session will also cover ongoing …
, , Jennifer Lynch, Taren Stinebrickner-Kauffman

In a country where killers are celebrated as heroes, the filmmakers challenge unrepentant death squad leaders to dramatise their role in genocide. The hallucinatory result is a cinematic fever dream, an unsettling journe…

With wry humor and affection, Simon Ennis’ "Lunarcy!" follows a disparate group of dreamers and schemers who share one thing in common: they’ve all devoted their lives to the Moon. From the former ventriloquist who’s mad…

A young woman is abducted and seemingly brainwashed via an organic material harvested from a specific orchid. She later meets a man and after the two fall for each other, they come to realize he may also have been subjec…

6:45 PM

"Three Voices" weaves the intimate love stories of three women from different generations: a teenager, a middle-aged divorcée, and a ninety-year-old great grandmother. Through a careful exploration of space and color, in…

Filmed over the course of five years, "First Cousin Once Removed" is Alan Berliner’s compassionate, yet unsettling portrait of Edwin Honig -- distinguished poet, translator, critic, and teacher who died of complications …

Young students huddle together on a bench in the glaring sun, clutching their white canes, listening for the signs that can let them put together the puzzle of their existence – they are the blind children and young adul…

7:00 PM
Details to be revealed closer to date, check and follow @BBCAmerica for the latest!……
Details to be revealed closer to date, check and follow @BBCAmerica for the latest!……
Write it down and tell the world the most important thing for you to do before your lifetime is over.……

Superstar magicians Burt Wonderstone (Steve Carell) and Anton Marvelton (Steve Buscemi) have ruled the Las Vegas strip for years, raking in millions with illusions as big as Burt’s growing ego. But lately the duo’s great…

SXSW GEEK Stage - Go behind the scenes of Gearbox Software’s critically-acclaimed Borderlands series with Matt Armstrong, Borderlands Franchise Director, and Jonathan Hemingway, Lead Character Designer, as they explore t…
Jonathan Hemingway, Matthew Armstrong

Sofia, Bulgaria. In a city where only 13 ambulances struggle to serve several million people, three paramedics face Kafkaesque situations. Struggling against an avalanche of absurdities in a crumbling medical system, the…

When Patrick Moote's girlfriend rejects his marriage proposal at a UCLA basketball game on the jumbotron, it unfortunately goes viral and hits TV networks worldwide. Days after the heartbreaking debacle, she privately re…

Since their humble beginnings in New York City in 2001, Improv Everywhere has grown from a small gang of restless jokesters into an internationally recognized prank collective and a viral video-making machine. From the N…

8:00 PM
SXSW GEEK Stage - Descendants of Erdrick is a rock band dedicated to re-imagining the soundtracks of classic video games, specializing in covers of the "epic" role-playing/adventure genre of games. The band’s repertoire …
Richard Garriott de Cayeux

Kick off the Interactive Festival with a bang at this unforgettable truly interactive party experience brought to you by the creative geniuses at frog design.……
8:45 PM

"Sake-Bomb" is a cocktail created by dropping a shot of sake into a pint of beer. It's also a comedic road movie about a sarcastic Asian American and his Japanese cousin. Sebastian is a bitter, self-deprecating wannabe I…

9:00 PM

In a village, a mysterious calamity strikes: spring doesn't come. The cycle of nature seems to be interrupted. When the annual bonfire celebrating the end of winter fails to burn, the seeds don't grow and the cows refuse…

Berlin’s "Fuck For Forest" is one of the world’s most bizarre charities. Based on the idea that sex can save the world, the NGO raises money for their environmental cause by selling home-made erotic films on the internet…
@NIGHT Hosted by Learned Evolution featuring XXYYXX, Groundislava & MOD. Complimentary Tequila Cocktails……
9:15 PM

Lensed in colour and b/w by Seamus McGarvey, the film explores Harry Dean Stanton’s enigmatic outlook on his life and his unexploited talents as a musician. “Putting the focus on the music rather than his person helped t…

The parallel stories of two gay men in a small Texas town. There’s Gabe: a contractor who’s getting over an ill-fated affair with a married man and finds solace in the relationship he still harbors with his ex-wife, Shan…
9:30 PM

"Reality Show" is a darkly comedic satire that follows the exploits of reality TV producer Mickey Wagner and his amoral attempt to re-invent the reality genre. Mickey's revolutionary idea is to pick an average family and…

Mitchell (Josh Duhamel) and Carter (Dan Fogler), life-long friends who have drifted apart, are on a road trip when their old pickup breaks down, leaving them stranded on an isolated desert road. Nobody can pick apart a m…

"Sound City" focuses both on the history of the legendary Van Nuys, CA studio for which it is named--where such artists as Neil Young, Fleetwood Mac, Tom Petty, Fear, Johnny Cash, Rick Springfield, DIO, Nirvana, Rage Aga…

It’s the day before the trial starts. Fredrik packs a computer into a rusty old Volvo. Along with his Pirate Bay co-founders, he faces $13 million in damage claims to Hollywood in a copyright infringement case. Fredrik i…
9:45 PM

In the much anticipated remake of the 1981 cult-hit horror film, five twenty-something friends become holed up in a remote cabin. When they discover a Book of the Dead, they unwittingly summon up dormant demons living in…

10:00 PM

You're invited to the opening night celebration that kicks off the 2013 SXSW Film Festival. Enjoy drinks with old friends and have fun making new ones!……
11:59 PM

Recently fired and facing eviction, a new dad has his life turned upside down when he meets a wealthy couple who offer a path to financial security... but at a price.……

Searching for a missing student, two private investigators break into his abandoned house and find another collection of mysterious VHS tapes. In viewing the horrific contents of each cassette, they realize there may be …
12:00 AM
New for 2013: Wanting to unwind after hitting the nightly parties or spending the day in the theaters? Swing back by the InterContinental Bar to check in on the action.……