Narrative Short Competition presented by Vimeo
One Day This Kid
"One Day This Kid" depicts a deftly-composed array of small yet pivotal moments that depict Hamed, a first-generation Afghan-Canadian man, as he takes steps toward establishing an identity of his own while always conscious of his father's shadow. The film is inspired by the late David Wojnarowicz' prolific queer text "Untitled (One Day This Kid...)", a photo-collage from 1990 that shares the tragic story of a young boy growing up in a society that rejects him at all costs.
Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.
Director: |
Alexander Farah |
Executive Producer: |
Martin Glegg, Shelby Manton, Mojean Aria, Caterina Colombo, Sara Seyed, Sepanta Mohseni, Timm Reinfarth |
Producer: |
Joaquin Cardoner |
Screenwriter: |
Alexander Farah |
Cinematographer: |
Farhad Ghaderi |
Editor: |
Alexander Farah |
Production Designer: |
Adriana Marchand |
Sound Designer: |
Mark Dolmont |
Music: |
Cyrus Reynolds |
Principal Cast: |
Elyas Rahimi, Mahan Mohammadinasab, Massey Ahmar, Aydin Malakooti, Mostafa Shaker |
Additional Credits: |
Costume Designer: Matea Pasarić, Art Director: Carolina Martinez, Intimacy Coordinator: Courtenay Mayes, Story Editor: Joseph Amenta |
Publicity Contact: |
Joaquin Cardoner