
Building Safe Spaces: Telling Our Stories

Mar 13, 2023

4:00pm – 5:00pm CT

Recording: Building Safe Spaces: Telling Our Stories, Mar 13, 2023

Luis Gramajo, founder at Wunderkeks and CEO of Sunday Afternoon Foundation, brought together the VP of Communications at Virgin Atlantic Laura Brander, lead singer of Neon Trees Tyler Glenn and the first openly gay statewide officer in Pennsylvania Brian Sims, to discuss how brands, pop-culture and policy intent help creating Safe Spaces to enable us to tell our stories, spaces where you get to come as you are.

How do they come to be? What role do purpose, design and policy play?

One thing we know: they don’t casually show up, even when it seems like they do.

We lack a common language to refer to them and their purposeful creation, they have been traditionally associated with specific minorities in specific contexts, but they must be understood (and pursued) as universal.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Laura Brander

Laura Brander

Virgin Atlantic

photo of Tyler Glenn

Tyler Glenn

LOVELOUD Foundation

photo of Luis Gramajo

Luis Gramajo

Sunday Afternoon Project

photo of Brian Sims

Brian Sims

Out Leadership

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