Who is the Set Decorator and What Do They Do?

Mar 13, 2023

2:30pm – 3:30pm CT

Recording: Who is the Set Decorator and What Do They Do?, Mar 13, 2023

Without scenery, films and TV shows would just be radio. Some people watch and accept what they see without question, which is fine. One might say that if the audience isn’t focusing on the sets, then they’re doing their job. On the other hand, some people wonder, what is all that stuff? Where did it come from? Who put it there? We are here to explain it to you. From the mundane to the fantastical, from the book on the shelf to the custom printed wallpaper to the grain silo in the field and the many, many lamps lighting the way, we will reveal the Secrets of the Set Decorator: how we make movie magic and tell the story of the story.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Carla Curry
photo of Carol Silverman
photo of Gabriella Villarreal
Primary Access
Film & TV Badge
Platinum Badge
Secondary Access
Interactive Badge
Music Badge
Format: Panel
Type: Session
Level: Beginner