photo of Jimmy Flannigan

Jimmy Flannigan

Council Member
City of Austin District 6

Council Member Jimmy Flannigan was sworn in to serve the people of Austin City Council District 6 on January 6, 2017. As a small business owner and community advocate, he brings over a decade of experience in service and leadership to his northwest constituents and the council dias.

Flannigan first moved to Austin to attend the University of Texas. While completing his degree, he began his small business, Site Street, building websites for student organizations. The business grew into a two-decade-strong enterprise, one of the oldest continually operating and locally owned web development firms in Austin. During his time at UT, Flannigan was active in the Longhorn Band as leader of the Tuba section and has not missed an alumni band weekend since graduating UT in 2001. He moved to Northwest Austin while still enrolled at the university as he worked toward earning his BBA in management information systems and later an MBA in e-Business.

His experiences as a small business owner led him to a lifetime of advocacy, starting first with helping small and local businesses launch, create jobs, and navigate City Hall. He expanded his civic interests to work on traffic solutions, pedestrian safety, and raising the level of civic engagement in Northwest Austin.

The Council Member’s achievements include serving as former president of the Austin Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce and regional chair of the national organization, as member of the Austin Chamber’s Transportation Committee, and as co-founder and lead organizer of the Northwest Austin Coalition which launched the successful Anderson Mill Road Corridor Study, resulting in funding to fix the highly congested road. As an elected official, he reaffirms his commitment to results over ideology and partisan politics.

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Events featuring Jimmy Flannigan
Events featuring Jimmy Flannigan