
Sex Education [re]Designed

Date TBA

Sex colors all aspects of our lives and makes us who we are, but, we treat it as a disease. Words like birth control, STIs, testing, and prevention drives the rhetoric. Not everybody can debrief their sexual experiences with an expert, or ask a porn star for advice on pleasure, or share their fantasies in a safe environment. But what if we could? What if we don’t rely on a sex-ed class for the masses but instead strategically design micro-opportunities where sexual health is promoted, with no shame, and no stigma? What if we use VR, AI, and robotics to facilitate sex ed? What if the porn industry becomes a vehicle to teach sex and pleasure in all stages of life? We invite you to imagine a world where new norms and technology blend to support how we express and experience sex.

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Genevieve Martinez-Garcia
Genevieve Martinez-Garcia

Healthy Teen Network

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