
Staying Human After Sex Robots/AI Become “Perfect”

Date TBA

Sex robots populating brothels around the world?

Soon, sex robots might be capable of offering sexual pleasure that exceeds what most human partners can provide. Upcoming versions will have eyesight with facial recognition, smell, hearing, a sense of touch, conversation skills, walking, and a full range of motion. Soon they will learn to meet our individual emotional needs. Some say we will be marrying sex robots by 2050 as digisexuality goes mainstream.

How will we maintain our humanity when robots become “perfect” life partners?

Is it in our best interest to get familiar with the benefits of sex robots, as well as the risks before these advances overwhelm some of us?

What can we do about this now?

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Marianne Brandon

Marianne Brandon

Marianne Brandon, Ph.D.

photo of Julie Carpenter

Julie Carpenter

Ethics And Emerging Sciences Group / Accenture Labs, San Francisco

photo of River del Llano

River del Llano

Uncage Love

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