New Formats in Streaming for Mobile-First Generation

Mar 12, 2018

12:30pm – 1:30pm CT

Storytelling is as old as time, but a new reality is emerging: Our increasingly digital world is expanding, changing how we tell stories and giving rise to new categories of content formats. Chief among these is “premium midform content,” which includes the 10- to 22-minute sweet spot for content consumption among the mobile-first generation—a generation that spends more time watching videos on the go, all throughout their day, than any other generation.

This panel — moderated by Ivana Kirkbride, general manager of digital and original content for Verizon/Oath — will bring together content creators, programmers and distributors for a lively discussion around the implications of these new content formats, and how the emergence of the mobile-first generation is introducing new storytelling opportunities driven by both art and science, and what the future of content creation holds.

[Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.]

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Rich Antoniello

Rich Antoniello

Complex Media

photo of Kathleen Grace

Kathleen Grace

Grace Makes

photo of Ivana Kirkbride

Ivana Kirkbride


photo of Jordan Levin

Jordan Levin


Primary Access
Film Badge
Platinum Badge
Secondary Access
Interactive Badge
Music Badge
Format: Panel
Type: Session
Level: Advanced