Date TBA

Human behavior is the soul of every big data algorithm. This typically includes observable behaviors (tweets, posts, reviews) and anticipated behaviors (intentions, product recommendations, suggested friends and articles). What is the value of the data hidden in our dreams? This panel explores the differential merit of two sources of data - conscious and non-conscious, unified by the same data currency: language. What can we tell about people based on the language they use- their interests and influences in each context? Are dreams a marketer’s next frontier?

Programming descriptions are generated by participants and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of SXSW.

photo of Ken Cho

Ken Cho


photo of Kate Donaho

Kate Donaho

The Honor Roll

photo of Jean Marc Emden

Jean Marc Emden


photo of James Pennebaker

James Pennebaker

Center for Integrated Design at the University of Texas Austin

Primary Access
Platinum Badge
Interactive Badge
Secondary Access
Music Badge
Film Badge
Format: Panel
Type: Session
Track: Tech Industry
Level: Intermediate