If You Are in Advertising, You May Be a Racist

"The target audience is a 35–45 year-old white male" or "the target is a 28-year-old Hispanic woman." You know this brief, or something like it. You know how to use creative to speak to that exact person, and media tools to pinpoint that person's every move. What you don't know is that you may be contributing to the racial divide in America. From Ferguson to Baltimore to Charleston, the list goes on and on this year of instances when race has caused us to break down as a society. And while advertising cannot heal all, we pose the question: Can advertising start a conversation, and then start a movement that breaks down the race barriers instead of propagating them through hypertargeting?
Arwa Mahdawi
Chief Strategy & Innovation Officer

Erin Swenson Gorrall
Group Planning Dir
MullenLowe U.S
As a Group Strategy Director at MullenLowe, Erin leverages primary research to truly understand what motivates the consumer. With a background in comms planning, she is always keeping the consumer’...
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Louie Moses
Pres/Creative Dir
Moses Inc
Louie Moses is the Creative Director and President of Moses Inc. in Phoenix AZ. Fast Company magazine called Louie, "The poster child for creativity..." and Communication Arts called the agency, "T...
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Thomas Allen Harris
Dir, Producer, Writer
Chimpanzee Productions
Thomas Allen Harris is the founder and President of Chimpanzee Productions, a company dedicated to producing unique audio-visual experiences that illuminate the Human Condition and the search for i...
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