Constantly referred to as unapolegetic, honest, and wild, the band has been playing since 2005 and has since infiltrated the ears and concert halls of the entire country, and gradually the world. In 2011 they released their first album, “Nada más lejos de la realidad” and almost immediately began touring the contry, playing large festivals such as Dcode, Arenal Sound, and many others. The country went crazy fot hem, to say the least, Livenation Spain picked the band up, and NIKE and KIA Motors signed on to sponsor them.
Inspired by the whirlwind, the band formed their own record label, Vagabundos Records, on wich they released their second album “Volvamos a la Selva” (wich was mixed and mastered in London by Mike Mash- Oasis, Kasabian, Prodigy, The XX). The album propelled the band onto the international stage. They headed to Mexico where they played festivals alongside Beck, Placebo, Daniel Jonhston and many mor...
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Constantly referred to as unapolegetic, honest, and wild, the band has been playing since 2005 and has since infiltrated the ears and concert halls of the entire country, and gradually the world. In 2011 they released their first album, “Nada más lejos de la realidad” and almost immediately began touring the contry, playing large festivals such as Dcode, Arenal Sound, and many others. The country went crazy fot hem, to say the least, Livenation Spain picked the band up, and NIKE and KIA Motors signed on to sponsor them.
Inspired by the whirlwind, the band formed their own record label, Vagabundos Records, on wich they released their second album “Volvamos a la Selva” (wich was mixed and mastered in London by Mike Mash- Oasis, Kasabian, Prodigy, The XX). The album propelled the band onto the international stage. They headed to Mexico where they played festivals alongside Beck, Placebo, Daniel Jonhston and many more. They were nominated for “Best Spanish Artist” in the MTV EMAs 2015. Many were saying that their rawness and fearlessness onstage was unlike anything Spain had ever seen.
In the Spring of 2015, the band decided to formally introduce themselves to the world (now that they had their attention) with their third album, “Hola, Somos los putos Sexy Zebras”. The album is another monument of growth in the band´s trajectory, showcasing their wildness and political awareness, their dire and honest need for change in the world and their understand of being young within it. The release of the album was followed by the announcement that the band would be heading to the USA for the first time to officially showcase at SXSW 2016. Just before they land, they´ll be making a pitstop in Mexico to record with the likes of emblematic Latin rockers Molotov and AJ Davila.
“They play with wage and without shirts, they sing thunderously about youth and revolution” ROLLING STONE
“Finally-rock that isn´t sugar coated, that´s uncompromising and forthright. An explosive cocktail of attitude and, above all, songs that go straight to the gut. From Madrid to the world, SEXY ZEBRAS are the slap in the face that the Spanish tock scene needed. Their moment, their year, their album, has arrived” SPANISH NATIONAL RADIO
“If they keep doing what they´re doing, they´ll become one of the most iconic bands in Spain, and possibly many other parts of the world” WARP
A finales del pasado 2014, tras cerrar su "Volvamos a la Selva Tour" por todo lo alto después de su gira por México y un verano cargado de festivales (incluyendo el sonado cierre de la emblemática Plaza del Trigo en el festival Sonorama), Sexy Zebras entró a estudio a grabar su nuevo álbum, esta vez en Madrid y de la mano de Isaac Rico en el sonido y en las mezclas (Audiomatic y Mixroom).
Producido por ellos mismos, la banda ha trabajado duro junto a Isaac por encontrar un sonido más real y fiel a su directo, todo analógico y sin ningún tipo de edición ni complejos, sólo una batería, un bajo y una guitarra, estamos ante un disco de ROCK con todas las de la ley, que huele a 70´s y 90´s y si nos tiene que recordar a algo nos recuerda más a nombres como The White Stripes, QOTSA o Rage Against the Machine que a cualquier otra referencia en castellano.
"Hola, somos los putos Sexy Zebras" es el título que dará nombre al álbum que verá la luz el 31 de Marzo. Restando prepotencia al título y entendiéndolo como un mensaje de auto-afirmación como banda, siendo algo que además empezaba a sonar coloquial entre sus seguidores, lo cierto es que coincide con el momento por el que tanto ha trabajado la banda durante los últimos años, desde su isla de rock al margen de cualquier escena, es ahora el momento de demostrar que el rock está de vuelta y que efectivamente son "Los putos Sexy Zebras".
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